Off-Topic The Car Thread


May need to resort to my childhood mode of transportation.
@Angry Ibis @UMFarArcher

This is why the push to EV is a bad idea. Let the market determine development, not a group of politicians. Instead, theylldrive up costs through policy and create shortages and inconveniences that will impact us Hoi polloi and never them.
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May need to resort to my childhood mode of transportation.

Good new is - you can get a bicycle with electric motor and battery pack that will do 60mph, and will go up around 150 miles in range.

Electric cars are fine for piddling around town - but crap for covering country. And even worse - or worser when the weather is bad/cold.

You short out lithium - those things burn like phosphorus. You be a Roman Candle without shooting quite as far.

Same thing with teleportation. It's not fully developed yet. You saw in Spaceballs his *** reassembled backwards.
Looking at almost all legacy car companies, the make billions and billions on ICE, and lose billions and billions on EV's. What Tesla appears to be doing is to make it so painful for say a GM or Ford that they have to pull back from the EV market. That would be a politically explosive decision, but the right one for their shareholders and employees.

This is why the push to EV is a bad idea. Let the market determine development, not a group of politicians. Instead, theylldrive up costs through policy and create shortages and inconveniences that will impact us Hoi polloi and never them.

Leasing is a loophole for getting the $7,500 EV tax credit, so glad that we are subsidizing jobs in South Korea and Indonesia.

Awesome! This one is a 1989, got myself into more than what I can chew so it took a while, but she came out great (to me at least)
It did come out great. From time to time I still get the bug to get another old car and take on a project, but then I sober up.