Texas A&M Recruiting

They have had the 6th and 4th ranked Recruiting class after going 8-5 and 9-4. How the **** are they doing this? Is Jimbo just a really good Recruiter?
1) Jimbo is an excellent recruiter;
2) aTm has unlimited resources;
3) aTm has historically recruited very well, long before Jimbo

This is what they do. Given their financial, numerical, and geographic resources, it is actually insane how unproductive Texas and aTm are most seasons.
He is in the 2nd best talent pool in the country. (arguably. Cali might have something to say about that) He doesn't even need to leave the state to get a top 10 class yearly. We will be the same way once we start winning more games.

UT when they were the **** in the Mack Brown era had a top 5 class every year for like 10 straight years.
They lost 5 games last season.. At the time they played, they lost to:

#1 Clemson, #8 Auburn, #1 Alabama, #4 Georgia, #1 LSU

I think they get a pass for that record.

This. They probably had the toughest schedule in the country. Love him or hate him, jimbo is a good coach and a good recruiter. And with Texas a&m boosters behind him he’s gonna continue to land top 10 classes.