Off-Topic Stock Market & Crypto Discussion

What’s everyone’s favorite protocols to stake Luna/UST on? I feel like Kuji has the most upside with their APY.

I stake my LUNA on Terra Station. The mother ship. With a small amount on Stader as a way to learn more about it. Both give me all the airdrops.

What I keep unstaked, and liquid, I have pledged as collateral in ANC EARN, and I borrow against it (25%-30% LTV-ish) and with that, I bought more LUNA and put the rest in ANC EARN for a stable 19.5% return.
Any idea when it does hit binance?

edit: sorry misread. No, they keep that pretty tight. But there have been clues that its coming. I mean, its inevitable, regardless of when. I feel like that or something else big is coming these next 2 weeks.
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let’s lose money together.

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I’m deep red now

I feel VERY STRONGLY that Galaxy, ADAP, AGEN, VFF and probably LPTX will have very strong Q1's. There are logical reasons (see my posts) why these very strong companies with volatile stock prices are beaten down right now, and why they should go up a lot. It only means opportunity IMO. We are big game hunting. Hold the line.

I have also started buying NLY this week again, for the more conservative sides of my portfolios because the yield is looking very attractive. Also looking for more TPL in the $1100s.

I have a major liquidity event in the first half of Jan. Hoping all of these stay down, but not counting on it.
My 2 cents
talking heads are saying buy the dips,
we almost always get a X-mas rally.
Inflation is a concern and we won't see 2% again, but when it stabilizes, we should be good.
Covid is now the big fear. Hopefully we don't close down and the economy stays strong.

P.S. buy toilet paper..
My 2 cents
talking heads are saying buy the dips,
we almost always get a X-mas rally.
Inflation is a concern and we won't see 2% again, but when it stabilizes, we should be good.
Covid is now the big fear. Hopefully we don't close down and the economy stays strong.

P.S. buy toilet paper..

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