Official Spring PractiSe #9: Saturday, April 1

I think that take is a depth/sub-package take.

In 3v3, Gore got some reps against the 1st team OL (Mauigoa and Cooper) and the poor guy got folded pretty bad by Cooper.

Next time around it was Cohen and Lee. Same result. Overmatched big time.

I can understand the second one, it’s two future NFL guys, but he should be able to at least battle Cooper who’s a pup.
Gore being a Tommy Kennedy type pickup really ****es me off when we desperately needed interior DLs. Better pray we can land a couple in the portal. One is not enough.
I’m sure there are some guys on this board who vehemently disagree with me. But between last year and this spring….he’s got a very long way to go.
You’re seeing it up close and personal and you know what your seeing. I’ll take your insight any day and twice on Sunday.
You’re seeing it up close and personal and you know what your seeing. I’ll take your insight any day and twice on Sunday.

I’ve only seen one practice this spring. The Spring game will make it two.

There’s guys on here who have seen Seymore play since he was in peewee, so they’ll have a better assessment on him than me.

That being said, he’s struggling against guys like Gore in practice, who he himself is being dominated by guys (1st team OL) closer to what we see on the upper half of the ACC.

Based on the limited action I saw; if Gore and/or Seymore (or guys like that) are getting extended snaps….keep Koolaid close and spiked because you’ll need it.
He reminds me of a kid who we wouldn’t recruit the past 12 plus year who has gone to Louisville or Pitt or some other mid power 5 program and developed into an all conference player.

Don’t forget the “come back and stick it to Miami” part of that.

Was it HB Blades that tortured Miami while at Pitt? Who can forget Yasir Abdullah going sideline to sideline and almost pulling one off for Louisville.

You can go on for days with this ****.
Gore being a Tommy Kennedy type pickup really ****es me off when we desperately needed interior DLs. Better pray we can land a couple in the portal. One is not enough.
All those guys won’t play. LT, jhh, Deen, Moten, portal guy. Then you have messidor and Bain who can kick inside on passing downs
Taking both Gore and Deen was a mistake. We all knew it at the time. Deen for Moultrie, not championship but do what you gotta do in the moment. But Gore? Who replaces the 330 pounders Jackson, Miller and Haye? Mario is 100% right to be personally involved here. Can't just be HS 5 stars, we need high level guys right now for 2023.

Is anyone surprised about second string OL? I really liked the Big Baby take at the time because we were DESPARATE, he was from a feeder school and I thought he was going to be our center, where we had some success with smaller guys in the past. But he was always a low ceiling kid given his measurables. It's not Seymore, per se, it's Seymore + Traore + Sagapolu + Clark + Denis. That's crazy small.

Then add in the fact we struck out on virtually every OT we recruited over the past 10 years. Again, I was for McLaghlin and Washington takes GIVEN THE ALTERNATIVES (thank you very much Kehoe v2, Searels and Justice). But we all knew they were projects. Mauigoa and Samson are the first two plug and play tackles we've had since Flowers. The fact that our OL 1s are looking good so good after 1 year is actually the surprise. Kinsler and Tinilau can't get here fast enough.

Work that portal Mario, our defense and TVD's very life depend on it.
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Dam our D must really be bad if our RB in the rehab center is running all over them.

Rolling Eyes Eye Roll GIF
The Defense is not that bad. DL has depth issues. I do agree that is concerning.
Taking both Gore and Deen was a mistake. We all knew it at the time. Deen for Moultrie, not championship but do what you gotta do in the moment. But Gore? Who replaces the 330 pounders Jackson, Miller and Haye? Mario is 100% right to be personally involved here. Can't just be HS 5 stars, we need high level guys right now for 2023.

Is anyone surprised about second string OL? I really liked the Big Baby take at the time because we were DESPARATE, he was from a feeder school and I thought he was going to be our center, where we had some success with smaller guys in the past. But he was always a low ceiling kid given his measurables. It's not Seymore, per se, it's Seymore + Traore + Sagapolu + Clark + Denis. That's crazy small.

Then add in the fact we struck out on virtually every OT we recruited over the past 10 years. Again, I was for McLaghlin and Washington takes GIVEN THE ALTERNATIVES (thank you very much Kehoe v2, Searels and Justice). But we all knew they were projects. Mauigoa and Samson are the first two plug and play tackles we've had since Flowers. The fact that our OL 1s are looking good so good after 1 year is actually the surprise. Kinsler and Tinilau can't get here fast enough.

Work that portal Mario, our defense and TVD's very life depend on it.
Deen was a good pickup. It’s just we need more, way more and Gore is just a JAG according to early returns. We land the Kentucky kid and all of a sudden everything changes.
The Defense is not that bad. DL has depth issues. I do agree that is concerning.

Depends on your benchmark. Right now, the only kid that would start on a Butch team is Kinchens. So how do you define "not that bad"?

Messidor is Roche level, Harvey and Chatz are not even Trent Harris level. Taylor is a decent DT but has yet to live up to Willis or McIntosh levels much less the expectations we have of him. JHH flashed but completely disappears.

We'll be ecstatic if Cisco in Shaq level. Our second LB is probably Wes, maybe he takes a big step but it's still TBD, no idea who to compare him to. Keontra has done nothing to date and Flagg is Romeo Davis.

Our two best CBs are transfers, and we'll be super happy if Brown + Robert deliver a Michael Jackson + Trajan Bandy type season. Kinchens is an Alpha. Maybe Markeith can be that guy or Guidry figures out how to use JW well. But those are question marks right now.

My comparisons were all of players on defenses that produced 8 to 10 wins, and collectively they're unfavorable. Now, could they get better between now and September? Sure. But let's not get too excited by unrealized potential.
To be able to successfully move the ball 70-80 yards getting 5 yards at a time, you have to be meticulous with execution. You can’t commit penalties or take any kind of negative play because your offense is just not built to pick up big gains on a single play. There’s a reason why so many college teams play a “bend but don’t break” style of defense. If they don’t give up a big play, most offenses will eventually shoot them selves in the foot on a long drive.
Those style of defenses are boring to watch and with our new dc it won’t be that style of play thank god
I’ve only seen one practice this spring. The Spring game will make it two.

There’s guys on here who have seen Seymore play since he was in peewee, so they’ll have a better assessment on him than me.

That being said, he’s struggling against guys like Gore in practice, who he himself is being dominated by guys (1st team OL) closer to what we see on the upper half of the ACC.

Based on the limited action I saw; if Gore and/or Seymore (or guys like that) are getting extended snaps….keep Koolaid close and spiked because you’ll need it.
Mahatma off the top ring rope!