Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

If those guys are playing winning 5 games will look like a good season.

While I agree with you we should aspire for better, Pre-Mario/NIL the only one I personally didn't think could be ACC level at the time we took him was Mammarelli. So I'm hoping at least one steps up. If not, we're even thinner than we think.

Lichtenstein is the most obvious, since he's already played Top P5 and DT depth is pretty thin. Dennis followed Mario from Oregon, so I figured he'd already been vetted. I liked Balom a lot coming out of HS, I thought he could play (didn't like Harrell or K Washington, and not surprised they're gone). Loved Big Baby's heart of a winner, even if he's not so big as his nickname suggests, felt he could be our Kancey on the OL. Curtis and Washington were projects, only 1 in 3 or 4 usually pans out. But they have the athletic traits.

Point is, each one has a backstory that explains why they are still on the team. I'm not asking if they'll be AAs, just if they have a shot to start and be respectable.
You’re right.
Idk if I am right. Many disagree with me and think I’m blowing things out of proportion. However, common sense tells me if 40% of the team is staying and working then they are a minority and that’s not enough players who are all in and committed to play and win. I do agree with Dee and believe the culture will take time to change. I hope in 2-3 years the commitment for greatness is at another level.
Idk if I am right. Many disagree with me and think I’m blowing things out of proportion. However, common sense tells me if 40% of the team is staying and working then they are a minority and that’s not enough players who are all in and committed to play and win. I do agree with Dee and believe the culture will take time to change. I hope in 2-3 years the commitment for greatness is at another level.
Well you changed my mind. I won’t go so far as to argue that an 18-22 year old must skip Spring Break to be great, but you wrote something that made me think of myself. During law school I was lucky enough to have a summer internship with one of, if not the best criminal defense attorney in Georgia. I learned a lot that summer but one of the most important things he told me was that “to beat your opponent you must work when your opponent is not”. That was the summer of 1994 and it still sticks with me. And you made the same argument.

So can a young man be great and still take time off for Spring Break, yes. But does that same young man improve his chances if he dedicates himself wholly and works when his opponent is not? I would argue yes.
Well you changed my mind. I won’t go so far as to argue that an 18-22 year old must skip Spring Break to be great, but you wrote something that made me think of myself. During law school I was lucky enough to have a summer internship with one of, if not the best criminal defense attorney in Georgia. I learned a lot that summer but one of the most important things he told me was that “to beat your opponent you must work when your opponent is not”. That was the summer of 1994 and it still sticks with me. And you made the same argument.

So can a young man be great and still take time off for Spring Break, yes. But does that same young reps improve his chances if he dedicates himself wholly and works when his opponent is not? I would argue yes.
I would have zero issues with working during the day and partying at night. I think that’s fair.

Personally, if I was on the team even at that age, I wouldn’t even party when I have my goals (starting and winning). I’m insanely competitive and you’re not going to outwork me. Those are core values of mine that have helped me reach the level of success I have established. I recognize that I am a weirdo with things, though. Even at 40, shamefully, I’ll shoot baskets in the dark (at night) for hours after a long day just for those Saturday morning games with my boys.
One of the rarest times I disagree with you, respectfully. If you are obsessed about winning then you’re not thinking about vacation in spring. No one would outwork me and if I’m working you better believe my peers are, too.
We used to stay about 90-95% of the team... Main difference now is It's a staff decision if you can leave campus or not. There's circumstances that keep you here like rehab or geographical location, well allow you to make your own choice beyond that.
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I mean the team is already in south Florida, if they can’t find 3 hours a day to be at the facility even if it’s for recovery and a quick lift then I don’t know man…it should just be part of their normal routine to get a sweat in.

If the team was based in say Boston then I wouldn’t blame the kids for leaving campus for a week and getting somewhere warm. Ideally the team would go somewhere together if possible especially with NIL money now.
One of the rarest times I disagree with you, respectfully. If you are obsessed about winning then you’re not thinking about vacation in spring. No one would outwork me and if I’m working you better believe my peers are, too.
Going home to visit family doesn't mean that they aren't still working out while at home. Most I would believe are still running, lifting, and for the QB's / WR's throwing and catching ... just not with team mates. Guys show up at the local gym etc.
I'm less worried about the players commitment to excellence during Spring Break than I am the rest of the year.

We want to attract kids from CA, TX LA, and GA, but then want to ***** if they go home on break to visit their families?

Breaking it up makes no sense, imo. I don’t get why they do it this way.
Complete conjecture here as I definitely don't know what the guidelines are, but it could potentially be a schedule thing with the NCAA. Does spring ball have to be complete by a certain date? Would pushing it another week be past that date? Also, anyone have a clue if other schools experience the same?