Spring Football is here!!

THE major red flag was the blown hire of Gattis ... nothing else was egregious in any manner. Gattis is gone ... just like Enos was gone after one season and just like the Clemson OC was let go after his first season. Get on with life ... hating can become toxic.

Just Gattis… a 5-7 record with that multi million dollar high profile staff???
Ain’t it funny how coaching hire after coaching hire, dudes like us are always called “mopes”, and then when the dust clears everyone that was calling us mopes act like they were calling out the stuff that we were from the get go?

I salute you and the rest of my Cane brothers that are not scared to call out all of the major red flags that we have seen in the first year plus of Mario’s regime.
Dude we are supposed to live in fantasy land and just be happy with **** results!

Show me results and ill give you props.

First year of mario gave more red flags than the first year of golden.
How do you know anything about his decision making timelines? Seriously. He could very well have made up his mind on the OC and DC early on, continued interviews while they were going through HR protocols (takes time at UM). Same with the RB and WR hires. Hank interviewed just 7-10 days ago. Reportedly UM loved the interview ... so that takes them to the negotiating table ... then ... before any announcements the HR protocols which at UM can take a week. Lighten up ... you are showing "female traits" in your lack of patience to see who he announces.

I know it doesn't take a season and a month to fire a zero-net sum Offensive Coordinator - who couldn't coach/organize/lead a breakout from a two-hole s**t house.

If you look at last season - our offensive production sucked more than a black hole. QB was screwed - the whole thing regressed.

By mid season - Mario should have known Gattis was way in over his head. And after our last game - he should have been terminated right then - no need for delay - no need for analysis - no need for admitting he'd hired the wrong man.

If you can't fire a man who needs firing - and drag it out for months - what makes anyone think his hiring/firing process will work any better?

Clappy had it handed to him - and he recruited off of stars - which tanked the program. No intuition for the best players who had the dog in them - just went by what he read.

In fighting, coaching, tracking, you better have good intuition. Weeks on a supercomputer will not help you make a prudent decision. For the first time, we had MONEY, and we had lots of football support.

Money talks. You don't hire has-beens, once-were's, or award winners UNLESS you feel it. And hours long interviews won't help you feel ****. You either feel it, or you don't.

Dragging your feet shows you doubt yourself, and leaves only slim pickings when others have busted a move before you.

Hesitation in business, love, war, or running to the bathroom is to invite disaster in any of those endeavors.

That's how I know.
I know it doesn't take a season and a month to fire a zero-net sum Offensive Coordinator - who couldn't coach/organize/lead a breakout from a two-hole s**t house.

If you look at last season - our offensive production sucked more than a black hole. QB was screwed - the whole thing regressed.

By mid season - Mario should have known Gattis was way in over his head. And after our last game - he should have been terminated right then - no need for delay - no need for analysis - no need for admitting he'd hired the wrong man.

If you can't fire a man who needs firing - and drag it out for months - what makes anyone think his hiring/firing process will work any better?

Clappy had it handed to him - and he recruited off of stars - which tanked the program. No intuition for the best players who had the dog in them - just went by what he read.

In fighting, coaching, tracking, you better have good intuition. Weeks on a supercomputer will not help you make a prudent decision. For the first time, we had MONEY, and we had lots of football support.

Money talks. You don't hire has-beens, once-were's, or award winners UNLESS you feel it. And hours long interviews won't help you feel ****. You either feel it, or you don't.

Dragging your feet shows you doubt yourself, and leaves only slim pickings when others have busted a move before you.

Hesitation in business, love, war, or running to the bathroom is to invite disaster in any of those endeavors.

That's how I know.
You might have missed the part of the Gattis saga where it ended up being a very sensitive issue ... taken 100% out of the hands of the football staff and put into Human Resources due to certain allegations that surfaced. AT THAT POINT ... in December ... the HC couldn't do anything regarding the POTENTIALLY VACANT OC job due to (as I understand it from a couple of individuals close to the situation) strict instructions to just tread water until the internal investigation was completed, findings recorded, and that issue completely handled according to in house and outside counsel recommendations.

Mario couldn't actively interview potential replacements until he received the go ahead. Gattis was finally terminated 'for cause' on January 26th, Mario THEN commenced the actual interview process. So the actual timeline isn't anywhere near as exaggerated as you portray. If it had all been done simply for football related issues he would have been fired in December rather than the end of January, and the entire process would have been over a month earlier.
You might have missed the part of the Gattis saga where it ended up being a very sensitive issue ... taken 100% out of the hands of the football staff and put into Human Resources due to certain allegations that surfaced. AT THAT POINT ... in December ... the HC couldn't do anything regarding the POTENTIALLY VACANT OC job due to (as I understand it from a couple of individuals close to the situation) strict instructions to just tread water until the internal investigation was completed, findings recorded, and that issue completely handled according to in house and outside counsel recommendations.

Mario couldn't actively interview potential replacements until he received the go ahead. Gattis was finally terminated 'for cause' on January 26th, Mario THEN commenced the actual interview process. So the actual timeline isn't anywhere near as exaggerated as you portray. If it had all been done simply for football related issues he would have been fired in December rather than the end of January, and the entire process would have been over a month earlier.

Yeah, we went out frequently on ambushes. And we were told to call in for permission prior to smoking them.

Well, that didn't work, as by the time it went to battalion, past the RTO, to the OD, and up the chain of command - then back down the chain to us - the moment had passed and they were gone.

So we compromised and did what it took to get the job done. We'd smoke 'em. Then we'd call in for permission, and take that time to search for papers, money, watches - whatever - and let the up and down process operate.

If permission was granted - we'd take another short break - and report back our success. If permission was denied, we'd just walk off and it never happened.

Mario didn't have to "Actively Interview Potential Replacements."

He could use third parties to put out feelers - unofficially - and find out "how much?" He could "run in" to possible candidates - Miami is a vacation destination - and that could occur completely innocently.

There's the right way, the wrong way, and the effective, efficient, ain't-waiting-on-**** way - to get things done. So while he couldn't actively interview potential candidates or replacements - he could run into folks. And speak of hypothetical possibilities. And hypothetical dollars.

It's done all the time - in coaching, in business, and in industry.

After all, we didn't sit down with the Germans before they bombed Pearl Harbor - but we did put out some feelers.
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Yeah, we went out frequently on ambushes. And we were told to call in for permission prior to smoking them.

Well, that didn't work, as by the time it went to battalion, past the RTO, to the OD, and up the chain of command - then back down the chain to us - the moment had passed and they were gone.

So we compromised and did what it took to get the job done. We'd smoke 'em. Then we'd call in for permission, and take that time to search for papers, money, watches - whatever - and let the up and down process operate.

If permission was granted - we'd take another short break - and report back our success. If permission was denied, we'd just walk off and it never happened.

Mario didn't have to "Actively Interview Potential Replacements."

He could use third parties to put out feelers - unofficially - and find out "how much?" He could "run in" to possible candidates - Miami is a vacation destination - and that could occur completely innocently.

There's the right way, the wrong way, and the effective, efficient, ain't-waiting-on-**** way - to get things done. So while he couldn't actively interview potential candidates or replacements - he could run into folks. And speak of hypothetical possibilities. And hypothetical dollars.

It's done all the time - in coaching, in business, and in industry.

After all, we didn't sit down with the Germans before they bombed Pearl Harbor - but we did put out some feelers.
Rah, Rah, Rah. There were serious potential legal $$$$ ramifications. Everybody is a tough guy with someone else situation.
It would be nice if Dawson actually managed to get enough of the offense in for the spring game to build excitement for the season. I don't want to see a see vanilla offense. Last year's spring game, the excuse was they were keeping everything under wraps, wait for the season, but that WAS the offense. Letting loose during the spring game will help WR recruiting. They're just waiting for a system with a pulse. Last year's was trash.
I can’t wait for the Practise threads next week @Hoyacane1620

Do we know who is out for spring?

I can’t wait for @Hoyacane1620 ’s updates. Those are great..

I can wait for the hyperbole and Kool Aid that flows from them…

In before the first DJ Ivey Porter Jr has our WRs on lock down and TVD is back to Kosar/Marino projections…
Rah, Rah, Rah. There were serious potential legal $$$$ ramifications. Everybody is a tough guy with someone else situation.

Naw, too many puzzies who can't figure out simple work arounds - and if they CAN figure them out - don't have the balls to initiate.

It's a frikkin' coaching position - not a quantum warp drive critical to national security.

"Serious potential legal $$$$ ramifications" my ***.

Overdramatize much?
Naw, too many puzzies who can't figure out simple work arounds - and if they CAN figure them out - don't have the balls to initiate.
Just show
It's a frikkin' coaching position - not a quantum warp drive critical to national security.

"Serious potential legal $$$$ ramifications" my ***.

Overdramatize much?
Just shows you are totally ignorant of the situation that took place in December and January. Let it go. Every time you respond you are making it worse.
Just shows you are totally ignorant of the situation that took place in December and January. Let it go. Every time you respond you are making it worse.

Oh - this top secret classification YOU just happen to have so much information on. "The SITUATION." Sounds deep. End times stuff!

Can't be that much of a secret - he either unzipped for some kids, was banging a fellow employee, stole some detergent intended for washing out UM jocks, was working a street corner, engaged in things with farm animals, had a side job as a male stripper in a traveling bumper show for the old ladies in retirement homes - OR any of the other variations of the traditional "Dirty Dozen" reasons coaches normally are terminated for. Nothing shocking compared to other crap that occurs every day and is reported in media.

Not impressed. He was getting fired - they were just trying to refine a justifiable reason - AND - if there was truly a solid, justifiable reason for termination - REALLY - what difference would it make if Mario started a fishing expedition? Keep in mind - you and others are suggesting Gattis was terminated FOR CAUSE. Not even counting failure to perform on the field.

They either had CAUSE, or they didn't. We now know they DID.

1. Gattis didn't perform on the field.
2. Gattis was to be terminated as they discovered they had CAUSE, and chose this approach over just being one sorry-a**ed OC.
3. And Mario couldn't be working the problem he KNEW of - that his OC was being terminated?
4. Just because they couldn't discuss the CAUSE? Publicly? Was UM complicit in Gattis wrongdoing? And had legal exposure?
5. So Mario was required to sit around with his finger up his fourth point of contact?
6. When TIME was of the essence? Everyone else was picking off OC's around the country?
7. What about the DC? Gattis top secret crap had nothing to do with other terminations - and we're STILL not finished.
8. What's the justification for hesitation on the rest of the crew?
9. No one at UM - the AD, the other coaches, or coaches who were friends across the nation - couldn't be asked about potential OC candidates - and maybe some DC candidates?

This makes very little sense. It should have been known we had to make changes halfway through our first season.

And if you can't see that - then I must conclude you are not looking at this problem with sane, prudent, rational logic - and rely on falling back on a top secret element you cling to dearly to enhance your status.
Just shows you are totally ignorant of the situation that took place in December and January. Let it go. Every time you respond you are making it worse.

The "SITUATION" occurred before December and January.

The "SITUATION" was determined - or should have been determined before November.

And moves should have been made before December and January.

You can't get around this.

You're saying YOU didn't know our coaching staff sucked butt until December and January?

I'd say I'm not the ignorant one here . . .