South Florida quarterbacking

I think ideally, Golden and Coley want a guy that is a pocket passer first and foremost. I think they want that guy to have legs and athletic ability to make teams pay a bit with the run a bit. Not a RGIII, Kaepernick type. I see them wanting a Luck, Rodgers, Tajh Boyd type. The kind of guy who is not looking to run but can pick up a cheap 10-15 yards here and there when the play breaks down. These guys can do that unlike a Brady or Manning type. Think Troy Smith at OSU his senior year. A passer with 3-5 back breaking runs a game that demoralizes a defense when they think all is covered and next thing you know it's 1st and 10 again. We've been on the end of those runs more than I care to remember. Here is Troy Smith's senior year stats. He didn't really run much but look at the long runs in each game. 10, 17, 21,29 yards thrown in for maximum effectiveness.

I feel that this is the type our staff is looking for. Is Kaaya that guy athletically? Olsen probably isn't. Where do you guys feel we are going with the QB position? Any thoughts? Agree? Disagree?
The funny thing is that, aside from Shoelace, most of the quarterbacks to come out of here are pass-first quarterbacks. They are spread QBs, but not spread-option QBs.