Soooo we good w/DJ Ivey starting against Bama?

Thats true BUT I believe it has been pointed out here that we played a wierd version of that where the CB was in press but wouldn't touch the WR. Basically given them a free release.
Hopefully that changes
Bail coverage , which is fine occasionally especially if you run press just as much. But everyone knows we’re either bailing or playing with a cushion most times.
If we're going to play some of those same fronts and blitz packages, we ******* better match coverage accordingly. We've been weirdly disconnected between the front and back for a bit now. I get why it was done. It was a choice. I just don't agree with hedging your bets between fronts and coverages to the extent you create disconnection and outs for QBs.

You want to go balls to the wall? Go balls to the wall. Can't do NFL split coverage concepts as well because, well, we're not an NFL program nor have some of the talent/resources, obviously. Teach tackling better and get everyone focused. Instead, we let QBs go off because they read blitz and have our coverage units bailing the f out. Rant over. My bad.
Music to my ears. I get diaz loves his cover 3 shell to blitz from but expecting a quick throw and stepping up rather than giving what feels like 10 yards cushion would transform this D into something special
Another self hating FSU fan
Vern already has his Bleak Visions post ready to go post Bama. This is premarketing to build up the "I told you so" thread he's licking his lips over porsting.

He should worry about whats happening in Tally
Im good with players who have played before playing v Bama. I dont get how people act like all these players have maxed out. I am convinced the position coaching before this season has been garbage at DB and LB. There is a reason we produce good DL. We have and had proper coaches, Kool and Simpson, Stroud was ok too. I expect many players who have underperformed so far to step up. Ivey had a decent season 2 seasons ago and i expect another step up from him. When u get coached by good coaches, u have no chance than to get better. And the players who are just bad will standout even more.
you know what, we are not good with it, t-rob just decides to play ivey just that he can collect his check and go somewhere else after the season is done because he obviously doesnt believe in him
I'm good with Ivey if he's been coached up and schemed properly, why not? He has a lot of the traits we want.

You guys act like we haven't had a parade of dudes come through this program, underperform, then get to the next level and all of a sudden can play because they have better coaching. Coaching means something
He’s just not good. We’ve seen it. Slow, soft, no instincts. Not sure what would change in 6 months doing drills. Great biceps. Looks great in warmups. Bet he’s great in drills.

wish coaches would give up on guys sooner. Idk if it’s arrogance that they can magically fix things or the more you look at something, the less you see. But he’s played a lot, has never looked good, and has never got better. To expect more is just because anything is technically possible.
I think it’s fair to be skeptical of Ivey based on performance to date while still being hopeful that TRob can turn him around? There’s 3 years of tape that is hard to ignore, but a new coach, and hopefully technique utilization, that can bring some optimism. I just don’t think it’s a physical thing with him. He plays timid and unsure
Hes in far worse shape bailing or playing off, that’s how you expose his weakness. He’s not slow but he’s more vulnerable running even with a guy with a clean release.
The real importance is just making sure our Safeties are erasers who bail out our CBs when they inevitably do get beat. I'll take a lot of press man that gives no easy yardage with Diazs scheme/philosophy of creating negative plays all day if we have the Jaquan Johnson type in the back cleaning everything up. Do that and Ivey will succeed imo.