Soooo we good w/DJ Ivey starting against Bama?

I’m not a huge Ivey fan because I don’t think he has the ball skills, attention to detail, or tenacity to be good. He is regularly lost in his steps and motions. He looks great off the bus, but I’ve seen enough to last me a lifetime. I hope TRob really is that good and turn him around.

Also - OP still sucks and we are beating FSU by 50
Will you be back if Ivey plays well or will you disappear again until you can find a new troll topic?
How is this a troll topic….? I’m here every season every week good or bad..if you thought Ivey would be starting this year your freaking lying…
Lol haven't seen that guy in months @blackvern then suddenly shows up and makes a troll thread go back to your homebase "Warchant" no need for negativity here 2 weeks out from GameDay you simp!
Don’t be like that Spence …. The off season threads are so full of fake insiders and green tree all stars it’s unbearable… I’m here right when I need to be…I’ll be in ATL and buy you a drink bro
I mean shoot, it’s not like we have much on a choice on this. Personally, I’ve grown tired of giving 3+ year players a chance to finally “breakout” when we have talent behind them and the only thing they lack IS the experience. I’d rather someone else start but it is what it is at this point.
cm punk wwe GIF
We rarely pressed it was majority bail. That’s what we do. He rarely put his hands on wr’s

I think the question is if he’s truly in press, can he keep his hands on the WR or will he easily
Be juked. Because if he’s juked, his makeup speed is not very good and we all know how well he finds the ball. My hope is that he is as physical and dominant at the LOS as advertised and can be an effective presser
I think the question is if he’s truly in press, can he keep his hands on the WR or will he easily
Be juked. Because if he’s juked, his makeup speed is not very good and we all know how well he finds the ball. My hope is that he is as physical and dominant at the LOS as advertised and can be an effective presser
If you’re a physical cb a Juke is the least of your fears , because your hands are instantly on them. A good pop that throws the route and timing off, then a little tug of the jersey. If a wr can get off of jams well that could bite you , but that would have to be a pretty physical cat. I’d much rather my cb jam than lay off , ask most wr’s and they‘ll say they love cushions or off coverage , the route tree is all there to use. At least press makes hitches /curls , outs and slants tougher. You also need time to get off the jam.
If you’re a physical cb a Juke is the least of your fears , because your hands are instantly on them. A good pop that throws the route and timing off, then a little tug of the jersey. If a wr can get off of jams well that could bite you , but that would have to be a pretty physical cat. I’d much rather my cb jam than lay off , ask most wr’s and they‘ll say they love cushions or off coverage , the route tree is all there to use. At least press makes hitches /curls , outs and slants tougher. You also need time to get off the jam.

I agree about preference - just a matter of seeing how effective we are at true press. Would love to see it
Ivey is a low confidence guy. he's been maligned since day 1. if he establishes some confidence, which comes with putting him in scheme where he can succeed, i suspect he'll do better. T Rob will squeeze all of the juice out of him. all of it, whatever it is.
I agree about preference - just a matter of seeing how effective we are at true press. Would love to see it
Hes in far worse shape bailing or playing off, that’s how you expose his weakness. He’s not slow but he’s more vulnerable running even with a guy with a clean release.
Cribby we played Ivey press against teams multiple times last year especially North Carolina and Ivey got torched multiple times.. they were even picking on him..don’t have revisionist history man
Thats true BUT I believe it has been pointed out here that we played a wierd version of that where the CB was in press but wouldn't touch the WR. Basically given them a free release.
Hopefully that changes