Someone explain this defensive formation to me please

Its all about matchups. Are you ******s seriously saying its ok that a lb/de covering a wr is not a mismatch? Wtf is McCord going to do lined up all the way out there. He's not going to be able to get to the qb and most likely will be beat by the receiver. What possible rational do the coaches have for this. They constantly line up our lbs against other teams wr's wtf do you think is going to happen.
Everyone understands that Mccord is a LB, but I just don't understand why we can't simply matchup. I understand not wanting to take Armbrister off the field, but why not substitute Kirby for Elder or Crawford? We can still play zone.
People please stop saying "Its a 3-2-6"

This is our base 3-4 defense, except the 2 OLB are covering WRs

The two outside LBs are usually playing zone. They're not being asked to run step for step down the field with WRs.

STFU. The fact your trying to defend this clearly shows you dont know **** about football.

You're right. Never has an outside LB in college(oregon's LB do it all time) lined up out wide against a WR and played zone. Former big high school safeties like Owens don't ever transition to that role in college because it allows a defense to be more flexible when teams do try to speed you up. Completely foreign concept.

also the defensive linemen are in a weird squatting stance whole thing just looks bizarre
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Who gives a **** if the guy is called "LB" or "DE"?

Whether it's McCord, Harris, or anyone else who should be coming off the edge trying to decapitate the quarterback, it's a matchup nightmare and ****** coaching.
Who gives a **** if the guy is called "LB" or "DE"?

Whether it's McCord, Harris, or anyone else who should be coming off the edge trying to decapitate the quarterback, it's a matchup nightmare and ****** coaching.
Its the MO of the slurpers. Smoke and mirrors, clouding questions...etc but at the end of the day you got a ******* 240lb mismatch, for absolutely no reason
I think McCord blitzed that play hunter picked up the CB. Why we did that? No clue. I need to see the flash forward but I would assume but we only rushed 3 and if so the McCord corner blitz doesn't even matter.
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McCord lined up there is very odd considering Gunter is right there and they only have one WR on that side of the field

I got nothing

If Gunter was blitzing it's ever crazier to have McCord essentially give it away by covering the WR.

It's so **** exotic nobody else has ever seen it.
I think McCord blitzed that play hunter picked up the CB. Why we did that? No clue. I need to see the flash forward but I would but we only rushed 3 and if so the McCord corner blitz doesn't even matter.
Yup, that's what I remember too. Baffling.
People miss the big picture. "3.5 per play"

What'd you think it would be if we weren't lining up like our defensive coordinator was an autistic kid that won a contest to call plays for the week?

We are showing 5 in the box and instantly giving an advantage to any zone read play. They have numbers, even more so when you count their QB as a running threat. That **** is IG'NANT. Straight IG'NANT.

I made a thread a while back that had multiple screen shots from our game at KSU. The general theme was that even before the snap, our defense was at a disadvantage because we were out-manned in the box due to alignment. I have no clue what goes through Doritos mind with some of our alignments, but we kill ourselves before the snap.

Here's a screenshot from the KSU game. KSU has 9 in the box when you take into consideration their QB was a running threat. We counter with 6 in the box and soft cover-2 look behind it. **** is baffling.


I have several these screen shots from the KSU game where our defense looks out-manned before the snap. ****'s frustrating as ****.

Are you sure this is a shot from Al's defense? There are two LBs ONLY 2 yards behind the LOS. I am fairly sure that violates the cardinal rule of no defender within 7 yards of LOS before the snap. Must be before his defense was fully implemented.
This is why we can't get off the field on 3rd downs in critical spots. People can gloss it over however they want. It's a formation that will net the other team 6-7 yards at will, and more if the tackling is poor. It's like playing off the ball with three guys deep in a goal line offense set. Yeah the play won't go for big yards, but the other team is **** near guaranteed to get the first down they covet. But I wouldn't expect everyone here to understand where the bend but don't break defense becomes completely illogical.