Some Stuff

If Dixon doesn't come for an OV, he won't be here. That's usually the way it works.

He was just at the UM/GT game and you know he was hitting up the coaches that day so with the number of visits he's taken already and that game I can see why he doesn't see the need but he will get convinced to take it. He may not think there will be any huge difference because he's seen everything on campus

That's what everyone said about Matthew Thomas...even if a school is an hour away from where you live, if its your top school you take an OV there, that's just the way it works
Do not trust this man.

If Dixon doesn't come for an OV, he won't be here. That's usually the way it works.

He was just at the UM/GT game and you know he was hitting up the coaches that day so with the number of visits he's taken already and that game I can see why he doesn't see the need but he will get convinced to take it. He may not think there will be any huge difference because he's seen everything on campus

That's what everyone said about Matthew Thomas...even if a school is an hour away from where you live, if its your top school you take an OV there, that's just the way it works

I agree and that's why im sure he will take the ov here. My thing is I can understand why he would think that and not be like Matthew Thomas who I still believed never wanted to be here
Seems like FSU has a ton of DT's in the last couple of recruiting classes. Better not be a real possibility for Moten.
I haven't felt good about Dixon in a while. Just a gut feeling though.

I'm expecting him to be a Cane.

If he doesn't want to be a Cane, I'm sure the staff will have no problem finding another WR that does.

I hope you're right. Kid has definitely grown on me though I think he is still a bit overrated. I would love to have him in this class regardless.

Just doesn't feel right to me.
Info is from Ryan Bartow on 247

As always, TIFWIW

Johnnie Dixon
  • Says Dixon no longer has a leader at this point
  • Ohio St., Alabama, and Miami are all even
  • Dixon has taken OVs to NC St., Ohio St., and Arkansas
  • Dixon has upcoming OVs to Alabama and possibly Tennessee
  • Alabama will be his last OV
  • Hopes to make a decision my mid-November since he's an EE
  • Bartow says Ohio St. has made a strong impression and are Miami's main competition
  • Bartow says don't count out Alabama and he'll be there for the LSU game


Kendrell McFadden
  • Tried to commit to an unnamed school but his family told him to hold off
  • Alabama, Ohio St., LSU, FSU, and Miami are his 5 favorites
  • Bartow says look for McFadden to announce next spring


Calvin Brewton
  • FSU offered first so they lead
  • Likes Clemson too


Da'Vante Phillips
  • Committed to UF but LSU and Miami both want him
  • Miami has the best chance at flipping him


Joseph Yearby
  • Evaluating his situation to make sure he made the right decision
  • Taking an OV to USF
  • Taking an OV to USC with Cook
  • Is an EE and has been studying like crazy along with Cook, Darling, and Nichols who are also EEs
  • If nothing changes, Yearby will be at Miami in January


Dalvin Cook
  • Taking an OV to Arkanasas and USC
  • Will be at the Miami/FSU game
  • Loves Florida, likes USC, has some interest in Alabama
  • Word on the streets is if anyone could steal him, it's Miami


Jordan Scarlett
  • Top 3: FSU, Miami, Florida


Sam Bruce
  • Top 3: Miami, FSU, Clemson


Daniel Parr
  • Miami and FSU are evaluating the 6-3 180 2015 QB from PB Dwyer


Anthony Moten
  • 3 favorites: FSU, Miami, South Carolina
  • Will be taking all 5 OVs and announcing on NSD



And this is why you root against UF and FSU, each week, every week. People are a little too obsessed with opponents SOS. **** trying to "spin" our season. We are what we are. Want Miami to win championships? Root for Miami to get the best players possible, and that means that watching your main recruiting rivals suffer on the field is a good thing that helps land kids who see your success.

And some kids just want to get away... You can't have every recruit.. So save this for day time television... Kids nowadays are different they care about different things like playing time. I just think we sprinkle in enough high level guys with coal shovelers and we have our foundation.
no one concerned about Yearby evaluating if he made the right choice?

I'd be concerned if I believed for a minute that the nerd who wrote that sht has any clue what he's talking about or has any real legit information. I don't listen to any of these website nerds when it comes to their dumb guesses about what a kid is thinking or where he's going. They're just throwing their poo at the wall.
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no dice for me.

You guys can spin it how u want..yall tried the sh*t last year with Matt official visit = no dice. Especially with a coach that is a gator lover, and URB being close with Abe Elam,Matt Elam and crew who Dixon is close with.

You usually can't go wrong with that theory.