SEC Slurping

If you think LSU and Auburn don’t belong where they’re currently ranked, you didn’t watch Auburn and LSU play each other on Saturday.

I’m a cane junkie and an SEC hater (I went to UF and had to endure the Tebow years) but my eyes saw NFL defensive players all over the field on Saturday. And real NFL players. Not Kendrick Norton and RJ.

If knowles, dean, bethel, Mahoney, and Jahir went into Auburn right now, they’d look like absolute bafoons. And those guys get meaningful full snaps for us (whether they should is a different story)

We’re all chasing the talent level of the LSU’s and Auburn’s right now, and if you think otherwise, you’re lying to yourself.
Lmao bruh you basing this off what? As far as “talent” we not lacking that at all. You gotta understand the diff between those teams and us is depth. But do I think we are 30-3 behind a team like LSU, no. Absolutely not. Especially at the skill spots
It drives me crazy the way SEC teams are ranked. How is it we lose to LSU and drop from 8 to 22 and Auburn loses to LSU and drops from 7 to 9.
It’s the SEC way. They’ve long rigged the voting system. The first team with one loss in the rankings is almost always an SEC team. The first ranked two loss is will also be an SEC team. It’s so they can justify putting two teams in the playoff with regularity. They get to say “look at all these ranked teams we play blah blah blah”. Then they have the ESecPn hype machine turning all the South Florida kids into sheep and they feel like they have to play inthat conference to go pro. It’s so obvious it’s pathetic. Which is why I generally love bowl season because that conference usually gets exposed when they go sub.500 against what technically should be “lesser” competition.
So do you think LSU deserves to be 6? If that’s the case does Texas am deserve to jump into the top ten after almost beating Clemson in a competitive game? Maybe my thinking is off but IMO losses should hurt your chances more then dropping two spots as if you didn’t even lose a game. I mean Clemson won and dropped one spot less then a team that lost.

After losing to LSU, Miami had lost 4 consecutive games at that point. They very much came across as overrated to start the season.
It’s the SEC way. They’ve long rigged the voting system. The first team with one loss in the rankings is almost always an SEC team. The first ranked two loss is will also be an SEC team. It’s so they can justify putting two teams in the playoff with regularity. They get to say “look at all these ranked teams we play blah blah blah”. Then they have the ESecPn hype machine turning all the South Florida kids into sheep and they feel like they have to play inthat conference to go pro. It’s so obvious it’s pathetic. Which is why I generally love bowl season because that conference usually gets exposed when they go sub.500 against what technically should be “lesser” competition.

How often has the SEC gone sub.500 in the bowl seasons? My guess is that you can go back over the last 20 years and see a pretty impressive record during the bowl season. I am not a big believer in bowl seasons determining who has the best conference though. There are way too many variables that go into bowl games to think that those games matter much outside of the ones that play a part in determining the national champion.

Go back over the last 20 years and see which conference has the best record amongst the power five that plays each other in meaningful matchups. The SEC is probably the most dominate in that category.

I would love to see Miami in the SEC. They possess the type of college environment that I would love to experience most weeks. Say what you want about the academics, but if you are a college purest, the SEC is where you want your team playing. That conference protects it's brand better than any other conference.
Lmao bruh you basing this off what? As far as “talent” we not lacking that at all. You gotta understand the diff between those teams and us is depth. But do I think we are 30-3 behind a team like LSU, no. Absolutely not. Especially at the skill spots
I’m basing this off the eye test. And the fact that Miami has played two elite talent teams in the past year (Clemson and LSU) and has gotten smoked by both of them.
I’m basing this off the eye test. And the fact that Miami has played two elite talent teams in the past year (Clemson and LSU) and has gotten smoked by both of them.

Guys on the board don't believe in that. They are **** bent on shouting that even though Miami was trounced by LSU, that LSU is overrated (whatever that means) and that their conference is crap.

Look at what Miami plays in the Coastal and then go look at what LSU plays in the West, to include UGA as their cross over. LSU will probably end up with a couple of L's on their record because of that schedule and you will hear all the Miami fans yell about how right they were about LSU. All the while pointing to Miami's great record in the ACC while they forget about the competition.
It’s the SEC way. They’ve long rigged the voting system. The first team with one loss in the rankings is almost always an SEC team. The first ranked two loss is will also be an SEC team. It’s so they can justify putting two teams in the playoff with regularity. They get to say “look at all these ranked teams we play blah blah blah”. Then they have the ESecPn hype machine turning all the South Florida kids into sheep and they feel like they have to play inthat conference to go pro. It’s so obvious it’s pathetic. Which is why I generally love bowl season because that conference usually gets exposed when they go sub.500 against what technically should be “lesser” competition.

Kind of like a TWO LOSS LSwho team playing in the NC game.
How often has the SEC gone sub.500 in the bowl seasons? My guess is that you can go back over the last 20 years and see a pretty impressive record during the bowl season. I am not a big believer in bowl seasons determining who has the best conference though. There are way too many variables that go into bowl games to think that those games matter much outside of the ones that play a part in determining the national champion.

Go back over the last 20 years and see which conference has the best record amongst the power five that plays each other in meaningful matchups. The SEC is probably the most dominate in that category.

I would love to see Miami in the SEC. They possess the type of college environment that I would love to experience most weeks. Say what you want about the academics, but if you are a college purest, the SEC is where you want your team playing. That conference protects it's brand better than any other conference.
So they rig the polls and that is a great thing? Listen man it was just a few years a go they got MAULED during a bowl season. and the only other meaningful game is the NC, so what Bama makes it a great conference? Well, then why isn't the big ten a great conference they have OSU? Home boy is a closet SEC slurper right here folks!
Because Auburn beat a very good Washington team. Miami has beaten nobody yet.
Please explain to me exactly how UGA gained a spot on Clemson, who by the way has 3 FIRST place votes, was it the amazing victory over Middle Tennessee State? Please explain it to me? I can go on for DAYS on just how crazy crooked the voting is. Its not even conspiracy theory, its just that ESPN will never call out their bell cow. No one like to say no to that good ole southern $$$$$$$ **** not even recruits!
They loss to Louisville and Ole Miss last year. And we are currently clowning Mullen in Gator tears...whoa there buddy stop riding d*ck
Exactly, I first thought this thread was gonna be about all the "subtle" SEC slurping that goes down on this board. I hate it when one of their trolls shows up to the board to spread his "wisdom," I get it. I for the life of me cannot understand it when a self proclaimed "cane fan" wants to swing off of their nuts. Makes me sick.
Oh oh oh, here's another. How exactly is Texas a&m ranked right behind "grossly" over rated Miami, even though they weren't ranked just last week when they LOST to the only team they have played with a pulse? Do you think maybe just maybe they got a bit of a boost because its Alabama week? Now Alabama has another win over a ranked team, will you look at that?

Dang look at me go, and this is only this year. Last was down right pathetic.
why do you people do this to yourselves?

college football is as corrupt as it has ever been and it's only gonna get worse

the sec is gonna get much MUCH worse
That’s desperate! You’re reaching back to last year to comment about things going on this year? That’s just stupid and you’ve lost all credibility to rock Prop Joe as your avatar after that “comment” (assuming that’s you, and that your account hasn’t been hacked).

Gogeta, you’re better than that; or at least I thought you were. But continuing to **** ride a weak conference in light of all the evidence showing just how weak the ACC is this year is ... well, let me put it another way: “you want it to be one way, but it’s the other way”.

What you are missing is this. Just because we say the SEC is a cheating conference in the polls does not mean that the ACC is some great conference. However the ACC does tend to hold its own in conference mixers. At least it has in the past. Maybe this year is a down year. But the fact is in general the SEC has not always turned out to be as amazing as people think when they play legit out of conference games.
They are the superior conference. Their recruiting conference wide has been better, they have had more people drafted over the last decade, they have a better record against other power 5 teams over the last decade. Could you argue the bias may be a little to heavy? Sure I suppose you could. Can you argue that there shouldn't be a bias? Sure if "fairness" is what you want to defend, but not really if you actually want the best teams to be ranked the highest.

Don't expect anything to change until the SEC isn't holding 10 of the last 15 Championships. It is a snowball rolling down hill. They get more air time as a result, which means they recruit better, their alum are more excited and contribute etc. College football desperately needs a few teams to make steps to stop it. Texas, Miami, USC, Michigan need to get their acts together and return some balance to the landscape. Adding a truly competitive team back to each of the other conferences is essential to stopping the juggernaught.
If knowles, dean, bethel, Mahoney, and Jahir went into Auburn right now, they’d look like absolute bafoons. And those guys get meaningful full snaps for us (whether they should is a different story)

Knowles looks like a complete buffoon against Toledo
why do you people do this to yourselves?

college football is as corrupt as it has ever been and it's only gonna get worse

the sec is gonna get much MUCH worse

“At the end of the day, you are solely responsible for your success and your failure. And the sooner you realize that, you accept that, and integrate that into your work ethic, you will start being successful. As long as you blame others for the reason you aren't where you want to be, you will always be a failure.”