Schefter: CFB is going to happen this season

I think it’s closer to a zero percent chance of a CFB season this year.

Not only is liability enormous, the question asked will be: if it’s not safe for the fans to attend, why will it be safe got the players to practice and play?

And the optics will be terrible, expecially since football is played largely by the historically disenfranchised in America. You’ll be putting them at risk for everyone’s entertainment while fans en mass watch from the safety of their homes

No matter how many ppl r trying to force things to happen, this virus ain’t leaving. China just had another spike, so until a vaccination or treatment plan can be developed, I’m automatically dismissing sports. The silver lining is that I’m not allowed to live in nostalgia for my sports teams as I pick & choose which games to watch. Lol

I agree with the ADs. College football is happening. ****, it's only April, and redneck Georgia is tattooing and doing nails and hair and massages.
I think the season will be pushed back a few months, but I absolutely believe some teams will play this year. There's just too much money at stake for them to cancel the season.

I don't think any schools in NY or NJ will play at all, they're both done for the year.

California's Governor wants to take extra precaution so they might not have any large gatherings or games until next year. The director of Santa Clara county's health department who was the first Doctor to order the Shelter in place lockdown has recently said there won't be any sports in her county until after Thanksgiving, the Niners, Warriors, SF Giants & Stanford all play in that region.

Idk if Washington wil play any games either, they early on had a high infection rate, but got ahold of the contagion after locking down the state, I would assume they'll probably be skeptical to reopen the state to large gathering events. Probably will be no fans if they play any games.

Where it will get tricky is what Louisiana, Massachusetts, Illinois, Michigan & Pennsylvania do, they were all hit pretty hard with spikes in positive tests & have had the most deaths, outside of NY & NJ.

Texas has a high recovery rate & low death rate, all there teams will definitely play this year. Florida is gonna play too, wouldn't matter how many people died, no way a dude like DeSantis would shut down football lol.

Most of the South, Southwest, the Mountain states & most of the Midwest except for Michigan/Illinois have pretty low death numbers & will probably play fan-less football this season.

It'll all be up to the Governors.
99% of ADs apparently have very wishful thinking. The ones who think there will be an abbreviated schedule or conference only schedule make less sense. August won't happen but October/November will? Right when C19 Part Deux comes out? 👌

Nothing will magically happen in the next year to allow for large stadium events to take place without the SJWs pulling out their pitchforks and torches.

Like it or not, the green light for life no longer comes from evidence that C19 is not over running hospitals. It's about keeping everyone safe from C19. Big big difference. No stadium/arena sports will happen until society comes to terms with the reality that keeping everyone safe from C19 is impossible.

Good luck to us all.
I think no vaccine is very possible...or at least no vaccine for years.
If it takes years for a vaccine then we're f*****! This virus is really contagious and according to John Hopkins corona map its killing at nearly 7% world wide. This is gonna hurt if it lasts for years.
If it takes years for a vaccine then we're f*****! This virus is really contagious and according to John Hopkins corona map its killing at nearly 7% world wide. This is gonna hurt if it lasts for years.

7% at minimum. Probably more like 70%. Hide your kids hide your wife.
I don’t see how you can realistically have a season unless all of the major P5 conferences/schools participate. For example, how do you get to a playoff without much of the PAC12 conducting a season? The bigger issue isn’t getting the teams on campus or even whether to play in empty stadiums or not - the biggest challenge is that ALL kids have to be on campus for classes to allow the players to return. As someone posted above, not sure that places like CA or even PA will allow that. Hope I am wrong...we need this season more than almost any other!
I don’t see how you can realistically have a season unless all of the major P5 conferences/schools participate. For example, how do you get to a playoff without much of the PAC12 conducting a season? The bigger issue isn’t getting the teams on campus or even whether to play in empty stadiums or not - the biggest challenge is that ALL kids have to be on campus for classes to allow the players to return. As someone posted above, not sure that places like CA or even PA will allow that. Hope I am wrong...we need this season more than almost any other!

My advice is to find another hobby this fall. Consider pornography.