RUMOR: Sources tell me that Lashlee is staying, will receive major pay increase & co-HC title; changes to defensive staff as well

. Just because it is way better than the last 5 years doesn’t mean we need to reward it.

You can have a win win, reward the successful coordinator to try and incentivize him to stay while at the same time the school protects itself and saves money (by including a buyout) in case it doesn't pan out. Both sides are taking calculated risks if you give him a raise with a reasonable buyout. If he stays for 4 years, he gets paid more then he would have with the original contact, if it doesn't work out, it could potentially cost the school less than it was would under the original contract.
I don’t think Enos would have done as well with King as Lashlee.
True but King was significantly the biggest reason for Lashlee’s success. We need to establish a better running game to capitalize having a QB like King here and not depend on him only. Offense needs to find alternatives to be successful when King is off.
It can be yes. You move up the ladder quickly when you're hot. He's hot right now because of the dramatic overall improvement in Miami's offense. And because he's a pace and space guy which is all the rage.
Maybe he and/or his family likes it in Miami. There’s always more than career ambition in play sometimes
If Lashlee gets a raise I hope they put something in there that says he CANNOT run the ball into the *** of the guard or center on 1st down.

We played with a short series alot this year when it seemed like every first down we ran a play right up the center or guards *** for no gain time and time and time again....leaving us 2nd and 10 or 11.

put that in there and I’m good with giving him a small raise.
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Lashlee is the best OC we’ve had since Chud & it’s not up for debate.

Find me an OC that would’ve turned this Makeshift OL & awful WR group that can barely catch or can’t beat Press man into a highly productive offense.

It’s year 1 for Lashlee, didn’t have a Spring & had a truncated Fall Camp, not to mention had to deal with missing multiple players to Covid on a weekly basis, considering the circumstances he actually did a good job. It’s not like he recruited these players, this is what he inherited from Richt/Enox.

We did not lose a single game this season due to the offense, the Clemson & UNC beatdowns were squarely on the shoulders of Diaz, Baker & the Defense. I understand the tendency to be hypercritical of the offense but I think a lot of yall are missing the mark here, THIS OFFENSE SAVED OUR ASSES THIS SEASON, see Lville, NC St & VA Tech etc..

Without Lash & King this is a 4 win ball club, put things back into perspective, Lashlee is the least of our problems.

Lashlee lead SMU to their first 10 win season since 1984 & had them 9th in total offense & 7th in scoring in year 2 of his tenure at SMU with Buechele, Proche & Reggie Roberson. Another year within his system at Miami will only payoff more dividends & continue to make us at the very least a competitive team, you guys wanna shove him out the door so fast but would be the main ones complaining if we went 5-7 next year because our offense couldn’t score at all.

I’m not saying he’s perfect, but he’s a **** of a lot better than what we’ve had in a very very long time & again, take a look at the personnel he has to work with that he inherited & try to convince me he’s supposed to do more than what he did given the Covid season.

Keeping Lashlee around Miami is not a bad thing, he’s a good coach, one of the very few we have on staff, take a look at the Defense fellas, it’s pure amateur hour with a bunch of dudes who couldn’t coach an elementary school flag football team to a Boys & Girls club tournament let alone recruit at an above average FCS level, yall sure Lashlee is the guy that yall wanna aim your scopes at??
Sonny Dykes led SMU to it's 1st 10 win season since 1984 and without the great Lashlee leading the way. SMU was still able to rank 11th in total offense and avg just 3 points less a game than the previous season, minus Xavier Jones and James Proche II.

The rest of this will just disagree and I'll move along.
King would've saved his job.

Do you believe we would've won more than 3 games with Perry, Williams or Martell at QB this season. Without King we may have won UAB, FSU and Duke.
I think if TVD is decent, yes, we would have won more than 3 games with Lashlee, especially with TVD getting reps. But that’s not even my main point. Lashlee is way better than Enos. Give them both King and Lashlee is 8-2 bro and Enos loses 2-3 more games.
Co-HC? That's a title that you give interim coaches when the HC has been fired. Makes no sense. Nor does the pay raise. The offense has been good but not great. Did the offense exceed expectations? NO!!! That would be my answer to a pay raise.

No amount of money is going to keep Lashlee when the right HC job comes calling. Nor would he leave for more money in a lateral move to a lessor program.