Ruiz family attempting to build a stadium in Coral Gables...

No, just saying that if BC can build a stadium in a neighborhood of multimillion dollar homes, Miami could do it, and in a Miami style way. No metal benches, lol. I think an on campus or near campus stadium of around 50k would be awesome for UM. Nothing will replace the OB, Hard Rock was cool for ND, but that was one sellout in how many years? I admire this Ruiz guy for having the vision, willpower, political clout, and $ to attempt to get it done. MY son was in the band frosh & soph years, senior now and goes to games at Hard Rock, night games he doesn’t get back to campus until after midnight, smdh.
BC had a stadium and just kept expanding it. There are metal bleachers in the end zones. There are few million dollar homes very close to the stadium as it is near two trolley lines and typical city college food and drink. There is very little parking, as their satellite lot is miles away.
Starting what conversation? It's literally some rich dude gassing up dumbasses. Ruiz knows full well that the odds of this getting anywhere off the ground is 1 in a million at best. Keep in mind, he isn't liquid, not at this point. We are talking about a multibillion dollar project, when you include everything. Good luck with that, especially knowing that you aren't getting any governmental assistance. The donor that pays for this is going to pay full retail for EVERYTHING, from land acquisition to the actual building, to the infrastructure.

He’s not liquid and his deal hasn’t even been finalized. But, a couple things - supposedly he owns the land he would build on and he’s got major political players on the CG commission that are supposedly full on backers of him (and huge canes fans). At the end of the day, it is still a very unlikely thing but we have someone who is willing to throw his money around and introduce some new/good ideas instead of the same tired “lEtS bUiLd in TrOpIcAl PaRK”.
That was my first thought when I read this article. The land is there, it's less than 10 minutes from campus, and access to the Palmetto Xway. Most important I would think you would have a lot less political wrangling than moving Coral Gables HS. Can't see the city of Gables going along with that.
I think Baylor’s stadium was under $300 million. If this guy is waving around $500 million then the university and the city of Miami would be crazy not to try to coax him over to Ttopical Park. Everyone wins…and it’s semi-realistic,
I'll leave you with one last nugget.

I'm working on the largest construction job going on in Coral Gables right now. (Plaza Coral Gables / Loews Hotel) 500 room hotel and residences. I can tell you the designers, architects and owners group biggest worry with this project is the traffic when they host big events. Now imagine 50-60,000 people coming for an event. OMG
During the original Turnover Chain season, the VaTech and Notre Dame games were fvkcing ROCKING at Hard Rock.

If you build a good team, you don't necessarily have to build a stadium. Its a nice thought, but one is more easily obtainable than the other. Put that money toward building an infrastructure of that of a winning program in the modern era.
During the original Turnover Chain season, the VaTech and Notre Dame games were fvkcing ROCKING at Hard Rock.

If you build a good team, you don't necessarily have to build a stadium. Its a nice thought, but one is more easily obtainable than the other. Put that money toward building an infrastructure of that of a winning program in the modern era.
ABC and ESPN College Football analyst Kirk Herbstreit said after working the Virginia Tech and Notre Dame games last season that Hard Rock Stadium was the loudest venue he’s ever been in. The same was said by Notre Dame tight end Durham Smytheafter Miami’s blowout win over the Irish last fall.

“We kind of expected a loud atmosphere but nothing close to what it was…That was one of the loudest stadiums I’ve played in my five years (in college).”
Despite the compliments by both opponents and a neutral observer, the Hurricanes still have their detractors. The majority of that seems to be coming from Tallahassee. Skip Foster the Publisher of the Tallahassee Democrat went out of his way to troll the Hurricanes on Twitter.
Is this guy in real estate? If so would be quite a smart investment on his end if he could get it done.
Also wonder if this has something to with Mario, especially coming out now.
Tropical is ideal. Parking and lane are there. Highway access from two sides. Take over the high school stadium there and let those games take place there if that’s a deal breaker. Gables would be awesome but the hurdles look high
He should focus on downtown and recreate an OB vibe in partnership with Mas. Downtown CG would be a mess and you're ultimately not going to sway the community to accept that. People didn't/don't move to CG for Miami fans & people on this site to park and tailgate on their lawns like little Havana. Love the ambition he'll get more love & have more success in Overtown.
Tropical is ideal. Parking and lane are there. Highway access from two sides. Take over the high school stadium there and let those games take place there if that’s a deal breaker. Gables would be awesome but the hurdles look high
This could definitely work. But that highway you're talking about is considered the most congested highway in the entire state. So they would need to get that HW widened and fix the exits which is completely doable. Turnpike extension could help the Broward and WPB crowd.
Just for shyts and giggles, is this a good schematic of Tropical Park? Haven’t been by there in years.

I'll leave you with one last nugget.

I'm working on the largest construction job going on in Coral Gables right now. (Plaza Coral Gables / Loews Hotel) 500 room hotel and residences. I can tell you the designers, architects and owners group biggest worry with this project is the traffic when they host big events. Now imagine 50-60,000 people coming for an event. OMG
Project is looking awesome, drive by it every day. Feel sorry for the adjacent homeowners because that beast casts a huge shadow! (Btw, is there a theater opening up inside there?)
Project is looking awesome, drive by it every day. Feel sorry for the adjacent homeowners because that beast casts a huge shadow! (Btw, is there a theater opening up inside there?)
So my guys were working near the parking garage about 6 months ago and the entire outside wall collapsed onto the street. Luckily no one was walking on the sidewalk at the time oe else it could have been deadly.
So my guys were working near the parking garage about 6 months ago and the entire outside wall collapsed onto the street. Luckily no one was walking on the sidewalk at the time oe else it could have been deadly.
Unbelievable - design flaw or construction defect? Never heard of this. How about the lone holdout homeowner stuck in the middle of the site with their middle fingers in the air, amazing.
The foot print of Baylor's stadium is way bigger than OB and any available track of land in Coral Gables. They have boat parking , that's just crazy.


Go Canes
It’s Texas though… some of those people would knock down there own house for a stadium. Best part about all this is that the money is a real thing.