Ruiz family attempting to build a stadium in Coral Gables...

Get around coral gables blocking buildings over 4 stories high by taking a page from so-fi stadium and dig to have half to 3/4 of the stadium underground. Not sure if that’s possible with south Florida terrain but would be sick. Also play all games there none at hard rock. If an additional 15 k only come when FSU, Clemson, Nd and aTm come to town then let them watch on tv. Watch how many season tickets are sold when it becomes hard to get tickets for games.

Supply n demand. Demand for tickets must be near or at an all time low. Lower the supply n make that 50k Stadium built to have acoustics to feel like there’s 200k people there and make sure it’s the best game day experience in college football which is what it sounds like they’re trying to outside the noise part(hope so)

Also we back
I love this man’s passion, and I didn’t read the entire thread, but that will never happen.
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but a great number of Miami fans come from north of Broward, I would venture to guess 50%, you’re not getting those people to travel into traffic ****, for what…Hard Rock is not the issue.
Real iffy with the Coral Gables locals but I'll be damned if the desire and mojo aint INVIGORATING! I'd say make it 60k seats though.
You really think Miami fans, much less the people writing the checks want to sit in a POS stadium, built on the cheap, that is a glorified bandbox? Our fans whine now about having world class crap at Hard Rock. Yep, metal bleachers. Sounds like fun. Lack of club seating. Sigh me up. You can't build a stadium attractive to fans and donors without premium crap, and you need space for that. A bandbox stadium won't provide those options.
No, just saying that if BC can build a stadium in a neighborhood of multimillion dollar homes, Miami could do it, and in a Miami style way. No metal benches, lol. I think an on campus or near campus stadium of around 50k would be awesome for UM. Nothing will replace the OB, Hard Rock was cool for ND, but that was one sellout in how many years? I admire this Ruiz guy for having the vision, willpower, political clout, and $ to attempt to get it done. MY son was in the band frosh & soph years, senior now and goes to games at Hard Rock, night games he doesn’t get back to campus until after midnight, smdh.
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I honestly believe this news came out now for the same reason ML tweeted out about the $3M yesterday, positive PR. The other side of the BOT has been slinging mud trying to cause chaos and the media picked it up and ran with it, creating the circus narrative. Ruiz and ML are trying to change the narrative.

That said, it figures they would build a stadium after I moved away.
That neighborhood is half way there with CGHS football games, bright lights and the cheering noise for as long as the school has been there. Can’t see why they would have an issue, especially when proper planning is done with widened roads and landscaped green belt used as substantial noise buffer and aesthetic feature.

This could be giddy with happiness
Yooo no need for the animosity my guy. That’s Home.
Not my home..

Only ones killing this idea are people outside of Miami, with most of them Broward and Palm Beach. Whining about traffic and distance is funny to me. This is the University of Miami, located in Coral Gables, not the University of South Florida. I doubt we get a stadium but if we do, it’ll be much closer to campus.
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Lol you guys with your typical defeatist attitude.

A stadium will happen. Been saying it for months and it’s obvious.

And I’ll give you another nugget….a stadium is the price of admission for UM to join a bigger conference like the SEC. They will never take us while we’re playing on a rent-a-field in Miami Gardens, that’s just a hard fact.

Something to chew on. What’s happening here might just be bigger than your precious club seats or short commute from Broward.
So now you're a construction worker?
New location for gables high school? He wants a to Move a school?
Happens all the time. Tear down the old one. Build a new one -- sometimes on same site, sometimes not.

When I went to UM in the 60s, there was a school (Ponce Jr High?) with a lot of land directly across Dixie Hwy from the U. Whatever happened to that school/land? Could be wrong but I think that school might've even been the original CGHS, before the one on LeJeune.
Always thought Mcclane Stadium (Baylor) is a good starting point for what a UM stadium could look like. Reminds me of a modern take on the OB with a reasonable capacity and just looks like a great venue for college football

The foot print of Baylor's stadium is way bigger than OB and any available track of land in Coral Gables. They have boat parking , that's just crazy.


Go Canes

This is a good article that is relevant to this topic. Seems Baylor had some “insurmountable” hurdles to overcome as well. Reading this article it actually sounds very familiar. We can make this happen.
Not my home..

Only ones killing this idea are people outside of Miami, with most of them Broward and Palm Beach. Whining about traffic and distance is funny to me. This is the University of Miami, located in Coral Gables, not the University of South Florida. I doubt we get a stadium but if we do, it’ll be much closer to campus.
Because we want to support the team to and moving down to gables puts us at more of a disadvantage. But either way I’m still making the drive. Just don’t come for my county lol.