Ruiz addresses Shalala

The same people that said Miami “couldn‘t afford” a quality coaching staff are the same people trying to undermine the stadium. Hard Rock isn’t a college stadium anyone who has been to Doak or The Horseshoe understands exactly what I’m saying.

If Ruiz can get it done I say support him and let’s fill the last remaining piece of the puzzle.
The Gables idea is laughable at best but I gotta at least give this dude credit for wanting to do something.

One way to guarantee an empty stadium is to build it somewhere that requires Floridians to take trains, busses or other public transportation. If you can’t fit 50,000 cars there, don’t waste time.
Yal be hating for no reason . This dude is saying he’s willing to do whatever to help the team and your response is “oh he’s an idiot because I said so” . Whether his SPAC goes through or not , he already has money, actually wants to help the team and , is being vocal about it . Yea let’s shout out the Soffers for being “quiet” what exactly has that gotten us ? Media speculation that we’re broke and don’t care about football ? Ruiz is trying to change that
. Even if the stadium is a long shot , it certainly has a better chance of happening with all this attention drawn to the idea , vs. “doing it silently” and the powers that be are more easily able to squash it in silence.

You actually have no idea what studies he and his group have or haven’t done . This could be a distraction while they go after the real site, you actually have no idea so stop speaking like you do .
Only in miami can you do something ridiculously stupid, and clearly a publicity stunt, and be lauded for it. This is exactly what the goofy *** mayor does and he’s laid the ground work for this **** to fly.

Anyways, there are no sites, and this will be a tremendous waste of time for all of you blow hards. That I can be certain of.

There is no respect allotted to being stupid, in my book.
I don’t understand the people who get ****ed about this stadium thing. If the dude has a pile of cash that he’s willing to spend, what’s the problem?

My hope (if it comes to fruition) is something along the lines of Stanford Stadium…that place is great and something similar would be perfect for us.
Only in miami can you do something ridiculously stupid, and clearly a publicity stunt, and be lauded for it. This is exactly what the goofy *** mayor does and he’s laid the ground work for this **** to fly.

Anyways, there are no sites, and this will be a tremendous waste of time for all of you blow hards. That I can be certain of.

There is no respect allotted to being stupid, in my book.
Ok , enlighten me , what does Ruiz actually have to gain from this “publicity stunt” other than being lauded on social media , half of which he won’t see .

Again, you have no idea what research he and his team has or hasn’t done . You think he just started considering this when the interview link was tweeted ? Both his sons went to and played for UM, he could’ve been looking at options for months, years, you have no way of knowing. You’re hating for no reason . Even going so far to compare him to Nevin lol you mfs are sad
I don’t understand the people who get ****ed about this stadium thing. If the dude has a pile of cash that he’s willing to spend, what’s the problem?

My hope (if it comes to fruition) is something along the lines of Stanford Stadium…that place is great and something similar would be perfect for us.
They need something new to be mad about . It’s been almost 48 hours since they’ve actually had something solid to btch about
There was a study done years back as to where season ticket holders resided in relation to Hard Rock. If I recall, it was about 60/40 south of Hard Rock. Personally, Hard Rock is just fine. The money Ross put into his stadium has worked as it has everything you would want.

A stadium further south? Do you gain that many more or is it a wash? No idea, but I think a new polling should be done with the season ticket base.
He keeps that up, he’ll be Governor Ruiz in Fla in no time.

She did what university presidents have always done at Miami...viewed the team as free money, not as something that needed to be invested in. I'm not saying she didn't hurt the situation, I just think it's a mistake to think everything was fine and she f**ked it up. We had a history of not spending, and that was going to catch up no matter who was in charge. We were already losing the race, we just didn't realize it yet.
That is fine and well but she was in charge when salaries, facilities, and infrastructure skyrocketed. And she sat around and did nothing but collect checks. She failed to hire the right athletic director, failed to spend and choose the right coaches, and failed to financially support either of the above. That is on her. If she wants to talk about the school’s current academic malaise, that’s fair game, but sports or the stadium, she needs to zip it.
The same people that said Miami “couldn‘t afford” a quality coaching staff are the same people trying to undermine the stadium. Hard Rock isn’t a college stadium anyone who has been to Doak or The Horseshoe understands exactly what I’m saying.

If Ruiz can get it done I say support him and let’s fill the last remaining piece of the puzzle.

Doak is a ****hole
Only in miami can you do something ridiculously stupid, and clearly a publicity stunt, and be lauded for it. This is exactly what the goofy *** mayor does and he’s laid the ground work for this **** to fly.

Anyways, there are no sites, and this will be a tremendous waste of time for all of you blow hards. That I can be certain of.

There is no respect allotted to being stupid, in my book.
What time am I wasting on this? I’m not sitting at Tropical Park with a shovel or drawing plans for the stadium. If it gets built, great. If it doesn’t, it’s clear we are thinking big and have people ready to spend big.
Only in miami can you do something ridiculously stupid, and clearly a publicity stunt, and be lauded for it. This is exactly what the goofy *** mayor does and he’s laid the ground work for this **** to fly.

Anyways, there are no sites, and this will be a tremendous waste of time for all of you blow hards. That I can be certain of.

There is no respect allotted to being stupid, in my book.
I bet you are a hoot at parties with your holier than thou outlook on everything. Guys and girls alike probably flock to you and seek you out to be mesmerized by your wit and charm and aim to maybe, if they are lucky, one day be even 1/3 the person that you are. I myself am in awe and I have no doubt your parents are super proud of the assbag you have become!