Rosier starter

This of course makes sense. The issue is why does a quarterback like Rosier get so many chances when he has maximized what he is? With Perry there are a lot of positives already to allow him the same grace period of development/playing time that Rosier has had.

Thoughtful question on your end.... And it goes to the heart of this discussion and why the fanbase is so upset right now.

In short, it seems clear that CMR simply does not trust Perry right now. Keep in mind that Perry is very young. Rosier has 4 years on him. That can have an effect on the decision.
I don't think it's the playbook. I think it's more he can't recognize what the defense is doing. and UVA threw some stuff at him that had him totally overwhelmed. I don't think it's so bad to work him into the game with some clear cut packages. It's going to be a pressure filled game again and Rosier has been there.
Don't forget, in H.S. at Vangaurd he never was asked to read a defense. It was a foreign concept to him when he got here. If the staff truly thinks the future is Williams, why deal with the inevitable mistakes Perry will make if he is not the guy in the long term. Something to consider.
Your boy Malik is a natural born TURNOVER machine. Yikes. Heck, he could've and should've had two more INT's Saturday past. But the Virginia defender has BUTTER FINGERS and Miami's receiver had to play DEFENSIVE BACK and saved Malik's bacon.

Save the "Your boy" **** for someone who wants to have a smackfest. I have no interest in that nonsense. Im making the argument as to why Rosier is starting and why Im INDIFFERENT about it.

Again, it is what it is. My guess is that Perry plays quite a bit against BC and all other games going forward. Who starts at BC is immaterial to anything significant IMO.
It’s time to build CMR a statue somewhere on campus, and move on.

Maybe a duo statue with him and Greg Louganis. We can put it by the swimming pool.

Since the only thing he's executed since he got here is his *** *** backflip off the high dive.
The *** whooping they took against LSU must have been hilarious to them.

How would the play calling be any different with Perry in the game? Hating on Rosier because we have an inept play caller seems misplaced IMO.

With an elite level defense and no elite QBs on the roster, the correct choice for starting QB could likely be the guy who is less likely to turn the ball over. It is what it is.
**** you quoting me for?

That’s exactly what I said.

If someone has to explain to you that Rosier isn’t the right move then we have nothing to discuss.
Who’s gotten Jeff Thomas the ball the best this year? It’s pretty interesting but whoever is getting him the ball consistently I’m fine with honestly.
or maybe our offensive coordinator should scheme some plays specifically designed for the best player on our offense. Maybe that would ******* help.
I mean ****, it’s obvious both Rosier and Perry wouldn’t start on any top 15 team. ****. This board thinks Perry is ******* Tua or Haskins. He’s not. He actually ******* sucks along with Rosier.
Maybe a duo statue with him and Greg Louganis. We can put it by the swimming pool.

Since the only thing he's executed since he got here is his *** *** backflip off the high dive.
Seriously, how does one go from running a powerhouse SEC team competing with Blabalama to playing salsa musical chairs with his QBs? And that “Limbo rock” play calling? I get it, that he lacks a full depth on the roster and all that, but that 30 years of experience has to raise its head at some point!
Noted. No objection from me on your statistical analysis of Rosier. What you're not noting is that Rosier is still the best option to run our offense. Perry is simply not there yet, despite of the few very pretty balls he's thrown. Its not as complex as we're making it. A great defense will keep us in games. Playing "the lesser of two evils" at QB is not a bad way to do it. ****, the Ravens won a super bowl with sorry *** Trent Dilfer at QB. Ive seen stranger things. lol
Deejay Dallas is a better option to run our offense than Rosier. Rosier sucks.
Thoughtful question on your end.... And it goes to the heart of this discussion and why the fanbase is so upset right now.

In short, it seems clear that CMR simply does not trust Perry right now. Keep in mind that Perry is very young. Rosier has 4 years on him. That can have an effect on the decision.
Just to ride on your point, CMR has 30 years to have instincts better than this.
lol at posters wanting rosier so we can get to the ACC championship game

why????????????????? so we can molly whooped by 30+ and have the dogs called off on us early in the 3rd quarter on national TV????

you call THAT a success? I'd much rather drop 2 more games with perry or williams then get straight TRASHED again like that
Why don't you take that message to the UM players.
Curious to what they would think..
This is the exact reason I didn’t not purchase tickets for the game here in ATL. I don’t want see Rosier bum ***. If something changes and the tickets are available then I will go. If something changes and the tickets are not available, fvck it
I mean ****, it’s obvious both Rosier and Perry wouldn’t start on any top 15 team. ****. This board thinks Perry is ******* Tua or Haskins. He’s not. He actually ******* sucks along with Rosier.
He doesn't suck when compared to Rosier. So then why the **** is Rosier starting over him
This is the exact reason I didn’t not purchase tickets for the game here in ATL. I don’t want see Rosier bum ***. If something changes and the tickets are available then I will go. If something changes and the tickets are not available, fvck it
So don't, no one will miss you..
Don't forget, in H.S. at Vangaurd he never was asked to read a defense. It was a foreign concept to him when he got here. If the staff truly thinks the future is Williams, why deal with the inevitable mistakes Perry will make if he is not the guy in the long term. Something to consider.

Quit lying on that kid. You don't throw for the yards he did if you can't read a defense.

You dudes are disgusting with this ****. I know them coaches at Vanguard too...they would laugh in your face at that BS.
Watch we have rumors being started about the kid....that's the only thing missing...some juicy rumor of how he's on dope, flunking, knuckle head, etc etc as the reason why Richt doesn't trust and see