Richt will never lead us to #6

This program is in a much better place than it was in 2016 (new IPF, finishing off of hardrock with better home field advantage, more support for assistants by the admin, Nutritionist, Psychologist, ect).

When the ACC network is launched there will be even more money available to hire great coaches. After seeing what occurred during the ND game with a national spotlight, I hope this admin understands the cash cow football could be for the university.

Short answer yes I think he would come if the admin writes the check.
It was a cash cow before and apparently this administration didn't give a ####. What makes you think they've changed.
You are talking to a guy that would consider your entire youth football team a pack of thugs.

No, just the idiots like yourself who are standing on the sideline taking bets in a youth football game. The kids would actually have some hope if they didn't have grown men thinking that breaking rules and getting to da League is the best life plan.
No...simply because of the sanctions...Thank Erickson for 95-98...that's on him....

I wonder if we'll look back some day and come up with some excuses for Richt should he actually turn the program around. Like 15 years of horrible mediocrity, sanctions, and poor facilities that damaged our brand and ability to recruit top talent. No one knows, except you. But we should definitely fly the banners now and make the excuses later.
LMAO at "most of those thugs making tons of money". Right. That's why those projects look better and better every year, and why prisons are filled with black men. They have it all figured out.

Again. You don't know WTF you are talking about. Lets look at facts. There are 25Thousand blacks incarcerated in NY state. About 15 thousand of them(this is a high estimate) are from NYC. There are Hundreds of thousands of people in the NYC projects commiting crime on a daily basis. That shows that the odds of you getting caught are extremely slim.
dont know about that second chip, wish Colt had not gotten hurt. Herman is the best coach Texas has had since DKR, you know how far back that goes ? and it is starting to show. I wanted him here, i knew how good he was, O well they can pay him we cant. He is building a monster, i always knew if they ever got the right guy they would be there with the Bama's real quick. To much talent here in Texas, and not only are they like the richest school in America they will spend the **** out of it to win football games like nobody else, weak conference, it sets up well with a real coach dont it. Little Freddy Akers was there when i came out lol so i spurned em for Kyle field, who btw just dropped 100 million on Jimbo, i guess they want to win too. Those 2 programs have spend a billion dollars trying to win a chip, and little ole Miami with no money wins more in 15 years than both those schools combined in their history (overachieving)
Just cause you throw money around don’t mean you automatically gonna win in sports..and did you have This same energy about Herman last year..I doubt it. He beat a overrated and terrible OU D. We’ll see how he finishes the year. I mean he loss to Maryland so the jury is still out
Again. You don't know WTF you are talking about. Lets look at facts. There are 25Thousand blacks incarcerated in NY state. About 15 thousand of them(this is a high estimate) are from NYC. There are Hundreds of thousands of people in the NYC projects commiting crime on a daily basis. That shows that the odds of you getting caught are extremely slim.

And they're still living in the projects, stealing cheese puffs and orange drank. God forbid that we would hope for a kid to attend college, get a degree, and get away from that life.
Bro..what? You know thousands of ppl who are thought to be thugs but make ton of money😂😂😂

Yes. I am not friends with all of them, but my building, my cousins buildings, my friends buildings, I grew up in is filled with hustlers. Most of them are still out of prison and alive. Like I said a lot of guys end up hustling for a couple years and then using the money to buy a franchise, start up a small food spot, start up moving companies, etc.
It's not defending Richt, it's defending common sense against some trashy bandwagon fan who is literally trying to sell the thug life as if it's the best path to success.

Bandwagon fan? I graduated from Miami and the year I was accepted to Miami was the year we were ranked 39th under Shalala. You graduated from Miami when it was suntan U.
Yes. I am not friends with all of them, but my building, my cousins buildings, my friends buildings, I grew up in is filled with hustlers. Most of them are still out of prison and alive. Like I said a lot of guys end up hustling for a couple years and then using the money to buy a franchise, start up a small food spot, start up moving companies, etc.

I've heard it all. This guy is selling the idea that thugs are making money for a while, then building up successful, legitimate businesses.

I guess fathering 15 children and taking responsibility for 0 of them is part of the plan.
No, just the idiots like yourself who are standing on the sideline taking bets in a youth football game. The kids would actually have some hope if they didn't have grown men thinking that breaking rules and getting to da League is the best life plan.

Most of the most succesful people in the world broke the rules to get to where they currently are. Do you think Trump made it to where he is today by being a goody goody who never broke the rules?
Bandwagon fan? I graduated from Miami and the year I was accepted to Miami was the year we were ranked 39th under Shalala. You graduated from Miami when it was suntan U.

A Miami grad can't write coherent sentences and claims that the best life plan is to hustle until you can start a local moving company?

Yeah, very believable.
I've heard it all. This guy is selling the idea that thugs are making money for a while, then building up successful, legitimate businesses.

I guess fathering 15 children and taking responsibility for 0 of them is part of the plan.

YOu don't know what you are talking about. It happens all of the time. Go to any corner store or family owned business in Uptown NYC. The vast majority made their money through illegal means.
Most of the most succesful people in the world broke the rules to get to where they currently are. Do you think Trump made it to where he is today by being a goody goody who never broke the rules?

Reciting the same stupid point over and over isn't going to make it any better.
A Miami grad can't write coherent sentences and claims that the best life plan is to hustle until you can start a local moving company?

Yeah, very believable.

Everything I write is coherent. I never said that is the best plan in life, but it is the best plan when you grow up broke in a large city.
YOu don't know what you are talking about. It happens all of the time. Go to any corner store or family owned business in Uptown NYC. The vast majority made their money through illegal means.

And they're still in the hood. Now tell us about the hundreds of thousands who end up dead or in prison because a mentor like yourself told them to just keep breaking rules until you decide to open a legitimate business.
Winston still ended up making many millions. Had Richt been Jameis coach he would have ended up broke and kicked out of school many years ago. That is bull**** about 3 willies for every Winston. There are tons of players that break the rules and get covered up that you never here of that end up making tons of money in the NFL. There is a coorelation. Breaking the rules is how you get ahead. Like I said before most of my boys who have made it out of the hood have done it by breaking the rules.
imma jump in here, not to agree or disagree, but just because i have been there. A college athlete gets away with so much **** it aint funny, not talking about killin people, but pretty much anything less they get away with, its always been that way. The poster on Winston saying Richt would have prolly kicked him off the team is prolly right, then he would have been done, but since he played at FSU they overlooked it and he's made millions, thats all true imo. Is it right, of coarse not, but its reality. I like the old Bobby Bowden explanation, " why punish the whole team and cause them to lose over one guy's mistake, nah i'll take care of him after the game" best excuse ever without saying the truth lol
Yes. I am not friends with all of them, but my building, my cousins buildings, my friends buildings, I grew up in is filled with hustlers. Most of them are still out of prison and alive. Like I said a lot of guys end up hustling for a couple years and then using the money to buy a franchise, start up a small food spot, start up moving companies, etc.
Lmao you live in a alternate reality. Ain’t no street hustler making real money bruh. Especially if you black or a minority. They not making money that can change they lives, they children’s lives, their children’s children’s lives. If they were they wouldn’t be living and hustling in the same hood . That fast money you talking about don’t last. You get big enough you best believe the Govet coming for you