Richt Showing Emotion


Sep 3, 2016
I believe it was the 4th quarter during a timeout. It was nice to see him finally flip **** and show some **** emotion. That's the Richt we need!
I think it was the play we had to call a time out because the O line wasn't ready to snap the ball!
I LOVED THAT. Been way too long since I have seen a Miami coach snap and lose it like that on the sidelines. And it's good that he did, these boys need to know when they are f*** up.
Richt needs to be more like Dana Holgerson. He was flipping out on the sidelined the whole game. Meanwhile his team is getting their **** pushed in. I'll never understand the fascination with players and coaches needing to "show emotion". I want my coach cool and in control. He can get emotional after the game.
Richt needs to be more like Dana Holgerson. He was flipping out on the sidelined the whole game. Meanwhile his team is getting their **** pushed in. I'll never understand the fascination with players and coaches needing to "show emotion". I want my coach cool and in control. He can get emotional after the game.

It's an easy thing for fans to look for (especially when you're not winning consistently) to show (in their minds) that the coach "cares" and is emotionally invested. I like to see it occasionally just for entertainment purposes or if it seemingly gets the players fired up but you're right in that it's generally a very overrated trait- especially when clowns like Muscorch every week and Holgerson last night are losing their **** and melting down every other play.
Richt needs to be more like Dana Holgerson. He was flipping out on the sidelined the whole game. Meanwhile his team is getting their **** pushed in. I'll never understand the fascination with players and coaches needing to "show emotion". I want my coach cool and in control. He can get emotional after the game.


Especially when he's also the playcaller. Diaz, Banda, Dugans, and Gus are the fiery lieutenants. That's more than enough.

Hologram was flipping out and missing important game action.
Richt needs to be more like Dana Holgerson. He was flipping out on the sidelined the whole game. Meanwhile his team is getting their **** pushed in. I'll never understand the fascination with players and coaches needing to "show emotion". I want my coach cool and in control. He can get emotional after the game.

Hoping this is a joke. That guy acted like a complete douche the entire game. Not surprising given the team he coaches.
Richt needs to be more like Dana Holgerson. He was flipping out on the sidelined the whole game. Meanwhile his team is getting their **** pushed in. I'll never understand the fascination with players and coaches needing to "show emotion". I want my coach cool and in control. He can get emotional after the game.

It's an easy thing for fans to look for (especially when you're not winning consistently) to show (in their minds) that the coach "cares" and is emotionally invested. I like to see it occasionally just for entertainment purposes or if it seemingly gets the players fired up but you're right in that it's generally a very overrated trait- especially when clowns like Muscorch every week and Holgerson last night are losing their **** and melting down every other play.

Like most things, it's a balance that you look for. No, I don't want a Holgerson who flips out all of the time and won't let it go for several plays, but on the flip side it would be nice show some emotion every now and then instead of looking like you are just waiting until you can take a nap.

Win and it doesn't matter if you are raving lunatic or a comatose slug, but when you aren't winning every game it would be nice to see a bit of passion.
Richt needs to be more like Dana Holgerson. He was flipping out on the sidelined the whole game. Meanwhile his team is getting their **** pushed in. I'll never understand the fascination with players and coaches needing to "show emotion". I want my coach cool and in control. He can get emotional after the game.

An unusual F bomb from someone as cool as Richt means a whole lot more than one from a nutjob like holgerson who seems to just cuss like a drunk hillbilly 24-7
Richt dropping the f bomb had to show the players how ****ed he was. He doesn't seem like the guy who uses it even when mad most of the time.
Richt needs to be more like Dana Holgerson. He was flipping out on the sidelined the whole game. Meanwhile his team is getting their **** pushed in. I'll never understand the fascination with players and coaches needing to "show emotion". I want my coach cool and in control. He can get emotional after the game.

dude I wouldn't let my kid play for that nut job. your out of you mind.
Rick was just on with the big dog and was asked about this. He said people don't see him in the locker room post game, or at practice. He said if he flips out on the sideline he loses focus and cant call the game the way he needs to. He's found that when he's calling plays he needs to stay relaxed to have a clear mind. I'm good with it.