Richt, man to beat, per Barry Jackson....

There is a reason butch has not been announced. I believe if richt decides he isn't interested or he decides no to coach butch will be the guy.

Barry said butch was the back-up plan and that seems to be the case.
I like how all the parakeets in here keep repeating the party line about that nerd Jacksoff. Somehow, an old nerd living in his mom's basement and quoting a 19 year old kid who tweets like a 14 year old girl is now a guy who is dialed in according to the CIS parakeets.
I like Mark as a coach and a human being but I'm not sold he is the right man for Miami at this time. I worry about him having the energy and the burning desire to start working now, in a new completely different environment immediately after (unexpectedly) being fired from the job he held for 15 years. Any man would be somewhat dejected and probably needs little more time to digest things. That's why I prefer Butch. He is rested, prepared and ready to go. Armed with all the information he needs and with a well thought out planned in hand.
Richt would be a decent hire, not great. A lot would depend on who he brings in as DC
Who else is left after MR to interview... Did anyone fill out the app? Get one lined up?
I think the list of interviews of
Butch, GS, Mullen, Richt is a pretty dam good list. Hopefully we don't wait to talk with Hue Jackson after the playoffs
I was a big fan of Mark Richt at UGA...

...but not so much at UM.

The dirty little secret about elite level coaches is that they're all massive ego maniacs. They're ALL as arrogant as arrogant gets. ALL OF THEM! Richt just isn't that guy. He will never win a national title at UM or anywhere else.

Richt would be our Bo Pellini. We'd be a perennial 9-4 team that beats the nobodies, wins the Coastal every year and loses in the ACC title game 7 out of every 8 years.

That's better than anything else we've seen here since we joined the ACC
I like how all the parakeets in here keep repeating the party line about that nerd Jacksoff. Somehow, an old nerd living in his mom's basement and quoting a 19 year old kid who tweets like a 14 year old girl is now a guy who is dialed in according to the CIS parakeets.

legit lol'ed
I'd be happy with him but I don't know what to believe anymore.

Barry Jacksoff quoted Ariz. That tells me all I need to know about Jacksoff's credibility.

But people on here said Jackson is the only credible one out there.

People on here also believe the Catholic Church's version of what happened in the Defenestration of Prague.
I've always been concerned about that. Hardly a day goes by that I don't ponder the Defenestration of Prague.