Richards career as a player is over..

I don’t believe this at all. He was jumping around doing chest bumps with Perry during the game. Seems odd for someone with a career ending neck injury. I hope it’s not true he will be missed .

I saw him in the middle jumping and down after a TD in the second half as well and he was all smiles. Hoping this isn't true.
I don’t believe this at all. He was jumping around doing chest bumps with Perry during the game. Seems odd for someone with a career ending neck injury. I hope it’s not true he will be missed .
Seeing as he has retweeted multiple posts on this on Twitter I don't think it is fake. Second I believe when you have some of these type of neck injuries you don't experience any real hindrances moving foward, but if you were to hurt it again (possibly playing this sport) it could easily leave you paralyzed, not worth the risk.
Prayers for him. Very grateful he chose the U, thank you AR! I have a feeling he’s going to do great things in life beyond football. He has my well wishes.
I had to watch the game on delay, came here to say **** yes, saw this thread first, and what a kick in the ****. That's my Wellington dude, not just a Cane, but same high school, and man this hurts. Nowhere near what I'm sure it hurts him, but I'm just floored on this one. Sad, will remember this game not for the win, but the loss for him and what he could've done healthy. He'll come out on top, great young man from a solid family, but I'll miss seeing him on the field.
Man, I truly thought whatever it was that had him out was more serious than let on and he'd probably sit the season out but ultimately he'd still get picked at some point this draft and go to the league. "Amen Ahmmon" was one of my favorites in a bit, some of the YAC he had as a freshmen was insane. Bet you all still remember where you were when he had the game breaker vs WVU and Virginia in 16. Or hurdling the kid from Notre Dame. He certainly was fun to watch play while it lasted.

people who bashed him as soft for not playing look especially dumb now.

At least he didn't suffer disablement or paralysis, awful news for him though
Yeah. Wasn't Malek in a pretty big neck brace for a while after his diagnosis? Seems odd, but Ahmmon has been retweeting news alluding to this so it does seem legit

Just stop.

I don’t know what’s what, but you can’t really think there’s no way a guy could do normal sht yet be unable to play football right? I’m pretty healthy, but D2 football players would wreck me...doesn’t mean I can’t jump around and sht?
What a **** shame

I remember someone tweeting him saying he was soft a few weeks back. God people are idiots
Wish him the best and I hope he makes a complete recovery. My son plays football in high school. I tell him all the time to make the most of it, because this game is brutally unforgiving.
Man, I truly thought whatever it was that had him out was more serious than let on and he'd probably sit the season out but ultimately he'd still get picked at some point this draft and go to the league. "Amen Ahmmon" was one of my favorites in a bit, some of the YAC he had as a freshmen was insane. Bet you all still remember where you were when he had the game breaker vs WVU and Virginia in 16. Or hurdling the kid from Notre Dame. He certainly was fun to watch play while it lasted.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Those three plays are AR82 to me!

So sad!!!!!
I’m like legit in tears about this. Richards had so much heart on the field. He’ll always have my respect as a true Cane!