Richards career as a player is over..

This is really sad, God bless him and I hope he goes on to great things for the rest of his life.. he will always be a Cane for life..
Guys, can we just forget about fighting and blaming each other in this thread? This really isn't the place for it and is honestly is a bit disrespectful to the kid himself. Let's leave this thread for honoring this great kid and wishing him the best going forward..
Guys, can we just forget about fighting and blaming each other in this thread? This really isn't the place for it and is honestly is a bit disrespectful to the kid himself. Let's leave this thread for honoring this great kid and wishing him the best going forward..

Nah what’s disrespectful is people on here lying and slandering Ahmmon because of their weird coaching agendas.
It’s true. Heard this a few weeks ago. My guess is the second opinions came back bad.

Your heart breaks for Ahmmon. I know a bit about draft insurance from my real job. He likely (hopefully) has a 5-10 million insurance policy from Lloyd’s of London.

Doesn’t solve everything but it helps.

**** was his knee injury that serious or was it something else??
Keep your head up 82! You’ll succeed in whatever you do! Take advantage of the 🙌🏽 education! ✌🏽
I wasn't allowed to talk about the injury. He had been cleared by one Dr and everyone including him thought he was still going to be able to pursue a career somewhere else. He was never playing here again my friend. it somehow hurts many people to hear that. I don't know why.

Dmoney just basically confirmed exactly what I just posted.
I don’t know what your definition of exactly is but pretty sure this ain’t it......
Prayers up to the Richards family 🙏🏾

Ahmmon was nothing short of a Superstar, his Freshman year will go down as one of the best TF WR seasons in school history.

I really hope & wish nothing but the best for this kid, he layed it all out on the line for this U.

Idk what the **** is going on with all these neck injuries but this sh*t is just terrible for these kids man.
Reposting screenshots of posts is fckn up the view... It’s hard to tell what part of the page isnt a screenshot.