Remember when Manny was too stubborn?

I'm confused because it's a nonsensical statement. What exactly was Diaz supposed to "anticipate"? That he initially made bad hires? That makes zero sense to "anticipate." Or should he have anticipated that he could have to replace the staff, so he shouldn't hire people he can't fire? Well seeing as there may be almost 100% staff turnover in two years, it looks like he did anticipate that possibility.

The only thing I can figure is that you are unintentionally misusing the word "anticipate" and actually mean something else. It seems like you are trying to say that Diaz should do a better job evaluating personnel when selecting his staff. That's fair but that has nothing to do with anticipation.
I don't know if you're confused about what is required to lead a complex organization, or just trying to sneak out of a failed exchange by picking on semantics. 'Anticipate' isn't misused and its not a foreign concept for planners and leaders.

Our program is littered with things that have obviously been in need of being fixed and improved. It's his job as a head coach to figure it out and get in front of it, so he's not always trying to fix problems in the rear view mirror. Manny acts like a guy who doesn't bother change his tires until they blow out, and only then one by one, when they blow out.

In case you can't see it, this site is riddled with threads and posts about things wrong with the program that posters here have identified. Amateur defensive staff was not a new idea. It's been discussed since he got here. Banda / Rumph tension isn't some new discovery. Linebacker and DB recruiting isn't a new issue. Baker's weak implementation of Manny's scheme isn't some shocker to this board. When opponents destroy us running the same plays over and over, you can recognize that they have 'anticipated.' If you can't anticipate what they're going to do, then you're not doing your job. If your staff can't anticipate it, then they're not doing their jobs. If your staff isn't doing their job and you're tolerating it, then you're not anticipating or not learning, or both. A year ago, there were concerns about Enos before he got hired, and they played out. Similar story to this year's D. We haven't had a decent return game in years. Still working on that one apparently. We're desperately short on CBs because Manny didn't address the issue sooner. Manny talked about culture when he got here, he talked more about it when he got the HC job, and he's still promising to fix it.

Unless you think he's got the program humming, you'd probably realize there's a lot more to fix. Do we have an effective data analytic program? How's our evaluation process improving? Has he implemented a personal improvement plan for each player and coach? Saban does those sorts of things. There's a ton to fix in this program, and it's not going to happen in a way that leads to success if we're only fixing the glaring issues after they poke us in the face.
QP has an obsession with picking disputes with other posters, and lacks originality as well.

If misspelled user names was a sin, this place would be shut down.

Just making an observation. If you think what I said is somehow inflammatory, that’s on you. Nobody is sacrosanct, anything can be questioned, even user names.
I posted to nauseam this isn’t Al. There’s a lot to bash manny on but not making changes or firing people is not one. He sees a problem he tries to fix it.
Well, since his coaching style isn’t going to change as it relates to player accountability, the next best thing is great assistants and coordinators that he can get to demand the best out of the players while he learns the CEO thing....that seems to be in play at last.
Never did I, he always made adjustments every single season he’s been here whether it’s been scheme tweaks or staff changes.

Whether to be seen he actually succeeds at the end of it but unlike Golden and Richt he’s doing every single positive thing he can do to make it here
Conceited GIF by memecandy