Radakovich official

Now a stadium at tropical park, men's soccer team, fire Gino DiMare, work on succession plan for coach L, to offset the addition of a men's soccer team (title IX) add women's gymnastics or softball, and modernize the football locker room and player's lounge. Get to work, Rad.
Men's swimming & diving needs a return - we were ALWAYS at or near the top nationally AND watching men & women at the pool was a tradition.
college football GIF by Miami Hurricanes
The coup against the old guard is complete. I think Frenk and the Ruizes pulled off the improbable in one fell swoop.

Hope they fumigate the Hecht of Shalala leftovers and their disciples..
... including the incessant id1ots who came on CIS to attack the brotherhood of mopes and defend BJ and Manny..
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Now a stadium at tropical park, men's soccer team, fire Gino DiMare, work on succession plan for coach L, to offset the addition of a men's soccer team (title IX) add women's gymnastics or softball, and modernize the football locker room and player's lounge. Get to work, Rad.
Women's lacrosse might be the cheapest add-on sport and I've heard there's even some talent in South Florida to recruit on top of places in the northeast where we already draw regular students from.

I'm not even a soccer guy but the fact that we don't have a men's team is even more crazy than us not having a golf team.
If Rad is also a VP, then we are going to NEED more guys working in the Hecht!

Hire Alonzo!
Can you explain to us layman's what the added VP title actual means?

I assume a seat at the big boy table and more inclusion into high level university matters (which is great) but besides that and title, what type of added responsibilities does he actually have?
Can you explain to us layman's what the added VP title actual means?

I assume a seat at the big boy table and more inclusion into high level university matters (which is great) but besides that and title, what type of added responsibilities does he actually have?
I highlighted the announcement. He is a VP and part of the leadership team - ie at the table with Echeverria and Fernandez