Radakovich informs staff he’s coming to Miami

I think it's time to circle back to Jurich. @Brooklyndee said it was a done deal, not sure what happened after that. I guess search firm threatened to withdraw, but now we can say "We respected our arrangement and went with one of your guys, but we can't sit and wait any longer for him to make a decision. We are going back to Jurich. Thank you for your time."
Hey what about me I’m 50/50….
I’d ravage Lena Dunham...

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I'm convinced the former players care more about staying relevant than the actual betterment of the program.

Step the fvck off, Gino.
And Manny came in thinking he could turn the program around. He just wasn't qualified to do it. Gino has never worked in an athletic department. What does he know about running an athletic department? He's going to give up what's probably a lucrative job working for an asset management company?