Questionable Characters of SFL HS Football Resume Check

Tad Footeball

1996 Interim Big East Conference Commissioner
Feb 6, 2014
Can we take a moment away from the scumbaggery to answer some purely factual questions? I'd like some info on the actual football related experience of our favorite cast of characters. Internet searches turn up little on some of these guys and I figure the breadth of knowledge here might be able to shed some light. Let me start:

Grandpa Luke: I'm aware of his involvement in creating youth/optimist type leagues and coaching in those organizations. Did the guy even play high school football? Was he given his first hs coaching position based on his "charitable" actions in the community or did he just impress someone playing Madden one day?

Genron: Where is he even originally from? Where did he coach prior to 7 on 7 and now that diploma mill posing as a high school? Did he play college ball? I've seen some photos of him wearing Colorado gear but can find no mention of him in websites offering the storied history of Buff football.

Feel free to add anyone else. I was going to put Gatewood on here but looking at him just made me thing of lunch.
Can we take a moment away from the scumbaggery to answer some purely factual questions? I'd like some info on the actual football related experience of our favorite cast of characters. Internet searches turn up little on some of these guys and I figure the breadth of knowledge here might be able to shed some light. Let me start:

Grandpa Luke: I'm aware of his involvement in creating youth/optimist type leagues and coaching in those organizations. Did the guy even play high school football? Was he given his first hs coaching position based on his "charitable" actions in the community or did he just impress someone playing Madden one day?

Genron: Where is he even originally from? Where did he coach prior to 7 on 7 and now that diploma mill posing as a high school? Did he play college ball? I've seen some photos of him wearing Colorado gear but can find no mention of him in websites offering the storied history of Buff football.

Feel free to add anyone else. I was going to put Gatewood on here but looking at him just made me thing of lunch.

Drummond played at Beach High and then played LB at Western Kentucky in the early 2000s
I respect Ice Harris a lot more this year than last year. Last year it seemed like he wasn't a Cane fan and now I'm starting to wonder whether that was a fair accusation or not considering us landing chad and Demetrius this year, and Ice wanting Treon to come to Miami apparently. Thoughts on Ice this time around?
I have no problem with Icee this year. Truth be told, I'm acutally kind of relieved that Treon went elsewhere and it wasn't another ACC school. I think him being a Cane and wanting to play QB had potential for disaster written all over it. Let's see what happens in relation to BTW next year but at least this year it seems as though Icee learned from the mistake of airing dirty laundry publicly first. I suppose he could have been way more vocal about his kid's recruitment like some others are...cough...cough.
Wow! Finally asking the questions I've been occasionally asking or to which I've made's this guy Luke whom I understand is the same guy who made some controversial ***-oriented album or performed in such an act; next he turns up as some kind of omnipresent figure in Hurricane and local HS football, wandering our sidelines, being a local parasite generally, ending up with a coaching position at a well-known respected (more or less) HS program, and then ends up at a second public school. What are his credentials? (Please don't list a discography). Does he have a degree? Is there any screening by the school system? What are his qualifications, besides from his credentials about which I ask above?

Then you have this guy Genron. Why "Genron"? What does that name mean? Sounds like it comes from some sci-fi movie or videogame. Why is he permitted to serve as a HS coach while he apparently runs this business on the side, trying to profit on the recruitment of various HS studs. Does he profit? If he doesn't, why does he do it? Does he claim to be some kind of mentor-counselor-minister? Is he making money on the side? Why isn't that a conflict-of-interest?

Sounds like these guys have adapted Sharpton/Jackson style hustling into the football recruiting arena.

As far as Ice Harris. Seems to be a different issue. I don't know that he's abusing his position as a public employee. I don't know if he favors certain colleges based on his own personal interest, which I think would be a conflict of interest for a public employee. The other guys seem to be parasites but this guy doesn't seem to be abusing his position of trust as a public employee.

I don't know what to make of the parasites. Somebody should do something about them.
In relation to Luke, I don't know the standards to which Miami Dade Public Schools screens their employees (I assume he draws a nominal salary) but I have a real hard time believing it would fly almost anywhere else in the country. The guy obviously has some relationship with several strip clubs in Dade as he's always promoting events of his at Club Vivid on Twitter almost weekly. I'm pretty Libertarian on stuff like this and can't even say I'd have a problem with him coaching my kid (If I knew he was actually a quality coach and not just a figure in the community) but it's definitely hypocritical to hold teachers and other school system employees to one standard and him to another when he actually has more influence in these kids lives.
Actually, the worst parasites in HS recruiting are guys like Max Emfinger, if he's still around. Back in the '80's he used to run a recruiting newsletter that many people read. He then turned up in Louisiana where he seemed to be trying to run a service where he would take money from desperate and gullible kids and their parents and promise to market them to colleges. He would run camps and even tried to sponsor an all-star game of some of these kids. When they showed up, the game was cancelled unless the kids' parents came up with extra money to pay the costs. He sold them a bill of goods that he would make them more visible to potential college suitors so they could get scholarships. I looked at many of the names of the Florida kids and most I could not recognize and I had usually kept up with the names of many of the better prospects in the state. These were the lower level prospects, kids who were desperate, and he was taking their money promising to help them get a scholarship. It was obvious to me just reading his website.

I concluded that he was one of the sleaziest characters in all of HS recruiting and he was a Texas, then Louisiana, guy.
In relation to Luke, I don't know the standards to which Miami Dade Public Schools screens their employees (I assume he draws a nominal salary) but I have a real hard time believing it would fly almost anywhere else in the country. The guy obviously has some relationship with several strip clubs in Dade as he's always promoting events of his at Club Vivid on Twitter almost weekly. I'm pretty Libertarian on stuff like this and can't even say I'd have a problem with him coaching my kid (If I knew he was actually a quality coach and not just a figure in the community) but it's definitely hypocritical to hold teachers and other school system employees to one standard and him to another when he actually has more influence in these kids lives.

I don't care about the content of his act, his songs, his fact, I wish we had more quality strip clubs where I live up north. I just wonder why he is involved so deeply in our program and Dade HS football generally. When I was in HS in Dade--many years ago--there was none of this. Our coaches were qualified teachers-at least qualified P.E. teachers.

The whole situation down there is a mess. I wouldn't want to be in Al's position, having to deal with that.
Who was dee morley's agent? That was a crazy time lol i remember everyone was devastated losing him and the great antone smith who we let get away :rollcanes:
Can we take a moment away from the scumbaggery to answer some purely factual questions? I'd like some info on the actual football related experience of our favorite cast of characters. Internet searches turn up little on some of these guys and I figure the breadth of knowledge here might be able to shed some light. Let me start:

Grandpa Luke: I'm aware of his involvement in creating youth/optimist type leagues and coaching in those organizations. Did the guy even play high school football? Was he given his first hs coaching position based on his "charitable" actions in the community or did he just impress someone playing Madden one day?

Genron: Where is he even originally from? Where did he coach prior to 7 on 7 and now that diploma mill posing as a high school? Did he play college ball? I've seen some photos of him wearing Colorado gear but can find no mention of him in websites offering the storied history of Buff football.

Feel free to add anyone else. I was going to put Gatewood on here but looking at him just made me thing of lunch.

Drummond played at Beach High and then played LB at Western Kentucky in the early 2000s

So, NO real football experience, right. Do they still play football at Beach high? Mot of nice female talent in Kentucky and stud horses, but football?
I respect Ice Harris a lot more this year than last year. Last year it seemed like he wasn't a Cane fan and now I'm starting to wonder whether that was a fair accusation or not considering us landing chad and Demetrius this year, and Ice wanting Treon to come to Miami apparently. Thoughts on Ice this time around?

For me, Ice had nothing to do with us losing players last year. He did take his shot at Al. If Al fired him, then I am ok with it. Fire me and I will get even too. This year everything looked fine. Pound of flesh taken and all looks good. Maybe finally offing Treon as QB was the final peace term, but that is fine. We got the best DE I have seen in years. I even think Chad will out shine the part time DE leaving USCe this year. Personally, I was more mad at Luke and PED Head radio host than Ice. Although, I do have to admit, I stayed nervous until the ink was on the paper.
Luke's defense was a joke at The West. Trust me on this. He ran some Pop Warner 53 garbage. His players were ridiculously talented and they still sucked.

Genron isn't far off. We came across his Jackson defense a few years back. They were better coached than Luke's team, but they really benefited from having Robinson Therieze. That dude was unreal.
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Was looking at some articles about Antron Wright and found this quote from a Herald article in 2005

Coker raised a concern about the emergence of independent third parties in college recruiting at the American Football Coaches Association's meeting in Louisville, Ky., last month.

Sound familiar
Genron played early 2000s? Was he 32 when he played in college? Father time and uncle crack pipe havent been kind to him