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So let me get this straight. They assembled a “QB War Room” to find our QB. Found 2 that they liked, but couldn’t decide who was at the top of their board so they decided to just let the kids make the decision. And they have no back up plan if neither kid commits. That’s a **** of a war room. Either they are incompetent, or this is all a smokescreen.
So let me get this straight. They assembled a “QB War Room” to find our QB. Found 2 that they liked, but couldn’t decide who was at the top of their board so they decided to just let the kids make the decision. And they have no back up plan if neither kid commits. That’s a **** of a war room. Either they are incompetent, or this is all a smokescreen.
This right here
Funny how ward was the guy and it was 1A 1B we were going all in on ward etc and now things aren’t trending that way or slowing down and they’re both the same. They’re both good but @DMoney trying to soften the blow
Of course it's spin. The only news we got about Howard was he ate a tuna sandwich for lunch with Dawson. And he wowed them. Meanwhile Rick Ross, prime 112, pics with players, 2.5m for ward.
So let me get this straight. They assembled a “QB War Room” to find our QB. Found 2 that they liked, but couldn’t decide who was at the top of their board so they decided to just let the kids make the decision. And they have no back up plan if neither kid commits. That’s a **** of a war room. Either they are incompetent, or this is all a smokescreen.
Not only that, Ward is going to fly back out West then immediately fly right back to Florida to visit FSU when another portal QB plans to be there.
Of course it's spin. The only news we got about Howard was he ate a tuna sandwich for lunch with Dawson. And he wowed them. Meanwhile Rick Ross, prime 112, pics with players, 2.5m for ward.
Went all out with the Red carpet for one, Insiders talking about how big donors ready to pay whatever for ward but now they’re both the same it’s a bit laughable.
better find plan c d e f Never let someone hold you hostage. Like 8 QBs that are upgrades. Waiting on 2 kids with 50 options is asking for a problem
I remember during the Golden days how we’d be all in on prospects to only swing and miss and then take kids who were in way over their heads. Wasn’t a good look
So let me get this straight. They assembled a “QB War Room” to find our QB. Found 2 that they liked, but couldn’t decide who was at the top of their board so they decided to just let the kids make the decision. And they have no back up plan if neither kid commits. That’s a **** of a war room. Either they are incompetent, or this is all a smokescreen.
Likely 100% EXACTLY how it went down. You get a gold star for today.
Not only that, Ward is going to fly back out West then immediately fly right back to Florida to visit FSU when another portal QB plans to be there.
So is Gaby standing by that?

unless can ward is only visiting FSU for less than a day and DJ is going there Saturday / Sunday
I put myself in their shoes. I would visit and weight out everyone of my options then go home, make my decision after all of my visits and discussing things with my family and team. If you take your fan glasses off and you were in this situation how would you handle it? I doubt you make a decision this important prematurely when the option process is incomplete. Let's make sure we get the right guy here.
So is Gaby standing by that?

unless can ward is only visiting FSU for less than a day and DJ is going there Saturday / Sunday
According to FSU writers, Cam arrives Thursday-Saturday; DJ arrives Friday-Sunday. Awkward
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