
Yeah, tell me about all the times when BoDs are replaced for "****ty products". And I'm not talking about an acquisition (which may or may not be related to said "****ty products").

"Is this a joke?" is the question that everyone asks when you rant about hiring first-time ADs and HCs.

All the times? That's impossible since literally thousands of board members across America have been fired just the last two years.

We can just focus on CEO's, who are fired for bad performance all the time. One example that comes immediately to mind is Dennis Muilenburg at Boeing, who was fired for a "****** product" ....the 737 Max.

Since Miami's football program reminds me a lot of a plane crash, I thought that example was appropriate.
Howard Schnellenberger was second in command under Bear Bryant and Don Shula. Butch Davis was the DC under Jimmy Johnson.

Comparing these hires to Manny Diaz is just ignorant. Both of these men won super bowls AND college national titles before taking over at Miami.

And just because a BOT member told you they care about football doesn't mean they actually do, because their actions say otherwise. At any company, you hire someone with no experience when their job isn't that important and you're looking to save money.

Keep yapping, puppy.

Now you're going to move the goalposts. Now it's OK to hire a "first-timer" if those first-timers were assistants under someone else. You didn't say one word about our ADs or our university presidents, though, because you know nothing about those positions.

As for the BOT members that I know, sure, whatever you say. You think they "told me" how they feel. Regardless of all the times that I spent at the Orange Bowl with some of those individuals, rooting for our Hurricanes. Yeah, just keep telling yourself whatever you need to tell yourself.
We will become Pitt, Syracuse, and all them 1950 black & white TV schools that ain’t chit today.

I don't know what this means, but Syracuse won a national title in 1959
That doesn't mean they're not responsible for the performance of their companies. You're responsible for the people you delegate to.

Define "responsible". Normally, responsibility involves ultimate accountability, which is something that BoDs rarely have to deal with. And BoDs never "delegate" anything.

I truly believe you are confused as to the differences between Boards of Directors and actual C-level executives. NOT the same things.
Yeah, tell me about all the times when BoDs are replaced for "****ty products". And I'm not talking about an acquisition (which may or may not be related to said "****ty products").

"Is this a joke?" is the question that everyone asks when you rant about hiring first-time ADs and HCs.

At least with your contributions there is some intelligence discourse possible.

People just blindly pointing the finger at “the BOT” are just simplistically creating a bogeyman/scapegoat when it’s a multilayered situation.

The way I see it, aside from all the superficial finger pointing, the football program is at inflection point in 2021 no matter how this year ends. Manny is a head-coach-in-training, we can I think all agree on that, but his probationary period is over in 2021, in my opinion.

Not everyone may agree with that. The reason we have him as HC is because Blake panicked in December of 2019 and for reasons known only to him felt compelled to **** the torpedoes and hammer his hire through the resistance he met.

I can only hope that Manny has learned some hard lessons the last couple of years, including the last game, because who wants to go on another coaching carousel? It’s not like anyone like Urban Meyers wants to coach here.
All the times? That's impossible since literally thousands of board members across America have been fired just the last two years.

We can just focus on CEO's, who are fired for bad performance all the time. One example that comes immediately to mind is Dennis Muilenburg at Boeing, who was fired for a "****** product" ....the 737 Max.

Since Miami's football program reminds me a lot of a plane crash, I thought that example was appropriate.

Thank you for proving that you don't know the difference between BoDs and CEOs.
We will become Pitt, Syracuse, and all them 1950 black & white TV schools that ain’t chit today.

I don't know what this means, but Syracuse won a national title in 1959
It means we’re Fordham in the 60’s when they were last relevant in the 40’s.
At least with your contributions there is some intelligence discourse possible.

People just blindly pointing the finger at “the BOT” are just simplistically creating a bogeyman/scapegoat when it’s a multilayered situation.

The way I see it, aside from all the superficial finger pointing, the football program is at inflection point in 2021 no matter how this year ends. Manny is a head-coach-in-training, we can I think all agree on that, but his probationary period is over in 2021, in my opinion.

Not everyone may agree with that. The reason we have him as HC is because Blake panicked in December of 2019 and for reasons known only to him felt compelled to **** the torpedoes and hammer his hire through the resistance he met.

I can only hope that Manny has learned some hard lessons the last couple of years, including the last game, because who wants to go on another coaching carousel? It’s not like anyone like Urban Meyers wants to coach here.

Yes. Sadly, some people can't differentiate on BoT criticism.

In my opinion (and experience), the issue with UM's BoT is not "each individual member" (and make no mistake, there are certainly some members who are just not that into football). The real issue is the massive size of UM's BoT, the relative disinterest/lack of specific knowledge on the part of some members, and the unwieldiness of the BoT when it comes to overseeing something like Athletics/Football, which tends to require faster action and more creativity than a large BoT can usually handle.

We have BoT issues, but not because many of them don't care about football. They're just not that expert at it.
Yes. Sadly, some people can't differentiate on BoT criticism.

In my opinion (and experience), the issue with UM's BoT is not "each individual member" (and make no mistake, there are certainly some members who are just not that into football). The real issue is the massive size of UM's BoT, the relative disinterest/lack of specific knowledge on the part of some members, and the unwieldiness of the BoT when it comes to overseeing something like Athletics/Football, which tends to require faster action and more creativity than a large BoT can usually handle.

We have BoT issues, but not because many of them don't care about football. They're just not that expert at it.

I don’t think most BOT are even interested in having a say about football. They are there for other reasons. And before the peanut brains freak out, that’s the way it’s supposed to be. I don’t want the nuclear medicine guy having a say.

Not to overdo the “swinging dlck” analogy, but I think we just don’t have that person. For example, a T. Boone Pickens. It could be a woman. In fact, I think the one that wields for us is a woman, tbh.

At the end of the day everything needs to be compartmentalized in time. Right now the key factors are HC, AD, and available funds. The holy trinity of college football success today. Everything else springs from that.
Thank you for proving that you don't know the difference between BoDs and CEOs.

I got my MBA at Yale, bud. I've forgotten more about corporate structure than you'll learn in your entire life as a middle manager at Carnival Cruise or whatever the **** you do. The CEO typically sits on the board, in fact most boards have several inside directors in addition to the CEO.

In any case, the board is elected by the shareholders, and so their job is to increase the share price. That's not going to happen if a company has ****** products. If you had one ounce of business sense, you would make that connection. So yeah, the board is responsible for "****** products."
At least with your contributions there is some intelligence discourse possible.

People just blindly pointing the finger at “the BOT” are just simplistically creating a bogeyman/scapegoat when it’s a multilayered situation.

The way I see it, aside from all the superficial finger pointing, the football program is at inflection point in 2021 no matter how this year ends. Manny is a head-coach-in-training, we can I think all agree on that, but his probationary period is over in 2021, in my opinion.

Not everyone may agree with that. The reason we have him as HC is because Blake panicked in December of 2019 and for reasons known only to him felt compelled to **** the torpedoes and hammer his hire through the resistance he met.

I can only hope that Manny has learned some hard lessons the last couple of years, including the last game, because who wants to go on another coaching carousel? It’s not like anyone like Urban Meyers wants to coach here.

"It's a multi-layered situation" is an excuse that wouldn't fly at any real company.

I understand that there are some trustees at Miami who see the job as a cushy gig where they don't have to do anything. Just donate some money, get a prestigious title, put out a tweet here and there about how the "E" comes before the "W" and sit back. But that's not a good way to run any organization.

And when something goes wrong, just blame management.

The fans are absolutely justified holding these lazy ******** to account and expecting more. The buck stops with the BOT.
Did you skip the corporate governance classes?

Is that the one where they teach you that board members don't do anything except eat danishes and drink coffee? The one where they teach you that board members have no responsibility for the performance of their company?

No, I think Yale skipped that one.