Practise #6

Not the point. After last year‘s drop-a-thons by the wide receivers, our guys should be catching the ball when nobody’s covering them. I don’t care if it was a slant or an out. That ball was maybe 6 inches too high. Totally catchable, went right through his hands. That’s the point....Especially Wiggins
Travis Benjamin had a similar problem for a while that led to a few interceptions. He ended up promising that if he didn't catch it, he'd make sure it hit the ground.

That said, Wiggins is no Benjamin.
Travis Benjamin had a similar problem for a while that led to a few interceptions. He ended up promising that if he didn't catch it, he'd make sure it hit the ground.

That said, Wiggins is no Benjamin.

There’s hope for anybody that’s willing to work hard.

Ending up like Benji is not a bad outcome. He's still in the league making big money
There’s hope for anybody that’s willing to work hard.

Ending up like Benji is not a bad outcome. He's still in the league making big money

Work goes a long way ,early on Hankerson could’nt catch crabs from a two dollar *****. I legit acted surprised when he held on to a pass, but he worked his *** of with duper. Ended up pretty sure handed.
And reality sets in...

These QBs have a lot of work to do. To transition from Richt's offense to Enos' is not going to be easy. And that goes for the offense as a whole. Not counting on any overnight success

from going from basic math to trigonometry
Watching a video on nutrition as I scarf down left over pizza, I’m still on the Al Golden nutrition plan.

I’ll be caught up by 2023 or have a massive coronary.

Pizza decreases you stress; stress is the great killer. Now, to really improve your feel good level, you need to have box of Popeyes fried chicken as a side or desert to that pizza. Remember, you only live once, but once is enough if you eat good.
Ask any WR if he wants to extend his arms upward while running a quick-slant. Shoot, ask the OC or WR coach how they feel about it.

I'm not saying that he couldn't have caught it, I'm saying that the ball placement is no bueno.
You're firing a pass to a WR who's like 8 yards away, running full speed, and it's high. (and likely in traffic)
Your WR might get killed...or worse...the ball ricochets off his hands and straight to the Safety.

Give your WR a better ball.

Michael Irvin flat out says he wouldnt run certain routes unless Troy Aikman was playing. He only trusted his ball placement and accuracy/velocity. .It absolutely matters
...and again saying any specific quarterback is THE guy, or saying any specific quarterback is for sure out of the race, is a fool’s prognostication.

Just gather in the differences of opinion from people that have actually seen at least some of the practices.
I hear ya....I spent almost an hour earlier this morning perusing the Pop Tart Aisle at Target....

Edit...I beat you to that massive coronary by a couple of decades if you are looking at 2023....

Watch that nutrition video, stop eating cold pizza for breakfast...because having Your breastbone sawed in half and then held together with an 11 inch titanium rod for the rest of your life sounds a lot more fun than it actually is....

This PSA brought to you by your friendly Left Anterior Descending, Circumflex, and Right Coronary Arteries....

View attachment 82758

So you know how a lobster feels. I got lucky with just a stent in the window maker, 12 years ago.
that vid where nestea said "look at this sorry *** niqqa bla bla bla"

I kinda wonder if nestea wasn't fcking around with him now, tate is struggling
Hightower didn't drop multiple tds and njoku skinny *** aint no tweener.

Have you seen Njoku lately? Freak.
