Poor Georgia...


Dec 3, 2015
This is truly a community...


I know this board wouldn't be fun without some of you, but sometimes I swear I wish I could filter some of you fools...

I keep going through threads reading comments like:

"GEORGIA is gonna be begging Richt to come back in 3 years"
"HAHA Those idiots up at GEORGIA don't know what they lost"
"Wait till CMR starts winning trophies, GEORGIA is gonna wish they hadn't fired Richt"

The general sentiment being, Georgia is done for without Richt...

Warning: the following is not intended for those with any sense in their college football mentality, but for those people who just retype what they read in 5 other threads.

What team won last nights championship game... Nick Saban's Alabama Crimson Tide
Who is the highest paid coach in college football at 7+ million a year... Nick Saban
What coach has recruited the #1 class in the nation for the last 5 years, maybe 6 this year... Nick Saban
Who is the "Best" coach in college football... Nick Saban

If Nick Saban is the best, then the guy who probably knows him best is his LONGEST TENURED ASSISTANT.

The University of Georgia just hired that guy to coach their football team.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I think GEORGIA is gonna be just fine...

**** it wouldn't be inconceivable to say that Georgia wins a title before we do.

For those fools that wanna neg me because of that last sentence, neg me if anything I said before that last sentence was wrong.

Go Canes!
being next to the guy doesnt make you the guy, look at countless bill bellichieck assistants that failed as head coaches, i read this board a lot and havent seen anyone typing those statements in threads, seems like you are trolling for an argument on a non issue, if kirby succeeds at georgia fine, if he doesnt that's fine too, most canes fans i know just want richt to do well at miami and not really concerned with them, you sound like an insecure dawg fan.
It is likely that Smart will only be able to match Richt's above average sustained performance rather than exceed. Its even more likely he won't live up to it (i.e. Kiffin, Muschamp, McDaniels, the list is LONG of failed "can't miss" up and comers).

Georgia is taken an outsized risk in going with Smart, less so than if they had hired Saban or Miles (Bear Bryant, Jimmy Johnson, etc)...and even then no guarantee they could replicate their success at any new programs to match their old ones.

In UM's case, Richt is a proven higher performance asset than Golden turned out to be, but their is still no guarantee he will be able to bring UGA's success to Coral Gables.

Miami isn't paying him based on past performance, but rather the expected future achievements.
Randy Shannon spent a couple years working under Butch Davis and Will Muschamp spent many years under both Mack Brown and Urban Meyer. Just because you work under a genius doesn't turn you into one.
being next to the guy doesnt make you the guy, look at countless bill bellichieck assistants that failed as head coaches, i read this board a lot and havent seen anyone typing those statements in threads, seems like you are trolling for an argument on a non issue, if kirby succeeds at georgia fine, if he doesnt that's fine too, most canes fans i know just want richt to do well at miami and not really concerned with them, you sound like an insecure dawg fan.

58straight would like me to show you the threads?

I knew when writing this post that some would think this was in some way anti-UM...

Did I mention the canes once? Did I write anything about CMR? I mentioned him but did I write about him?

I agree being next to the guy doesn't make u the guy... But Saban is hardly the guy to say that about... Anybody who has a coaching tree littered with guys who are VERY successful AND whom have been handsomely paid because of Nick Saban's success.

Agreed, Kirby Smart hasn't done anything yet but get paid of his success under Nick Saban.

But for you to bring up Bill Belichick as an example!? You are proving my point!

Nick Saban is Bill Belichick's most successful pupil.

I am not a "insecure dawg fan", "trolling for an arguement on a non issue"

I can careless what Kirby smart does at Georgia, and ALL i want is for CMR to succeed because ALL I want is UM back at the top.

But that doesn't mean I ignore what's true...

Go Canes!
UGA will be better in 2016 than they were in any of Richts years.

No way they continue to toss UFs salad in the awful SEC Easy
UGA will be better in 2016 than they were in any of Richts years.

No way they continue to toss UFs salad in the awful SEC Easy

But doesn't this statement contradict itself? Jim McElwain was also a Saban assistant. So you got two Saban assistants one that recruits predominantly Florida and one that recruits predominantly Georgia. Umm... back to the drawing board.

Oh dont forget Derick Dooley.
This is truly a community...


I know this board wouldn't be fun without some of you, but sometimes I swear I wish I could filter some of you fools...

I keep going through threads reading comments like:

"GEORGIA is gonna be begging Richt to come back in 3 years"
"HAHA Those idiots up at GEORGIA don't know what they lost"
"Wait till CMR starts winning trophies, GEORGIA is gonna wish they hadn't fired Richt"

The general sentiment being, Georgia is done for without Richt...

Warning: the following is not intended for those with any sense in their college football mentality, but for those people who just retype what they read in 5 other threads.

What team won last nights championship game... Nick Saban's Alabama Crimson Tide
Who is the highest paid coach in college football at 7+ million a year... Nick Saban
What coach has recruited the #1 class in the nation for the last 5 years, maybe 6 this year... Nick Saban
Who is the "Best" coach in college football... Nick Saban

If Nick Saban is the best, then the guy who probably knows him best is his LONGEST TENURED ASSISTANT.

The University of Georgia just hired that guy to coach their football team.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I think GEORGIA is gonna be just fine...

**** it wouldn't be inconceivable to say that Georgia wins a title before we do.

For those fools that wanna neg me because of that last sentence, neg me if anything I said before that last sentence was wrong.

Go Canes!

17 posts later and the troll exposes himself.

Will Muschamp says "what happened to me?"

So now you have 3 Saban assistants all coaching against each other in the same division and to do anything more than Richt they all have to become greater than Saban. I am thinking its time to delete your post just for the shear stupidity of its assertions. With only 17 posts you can still change your name and start again.
Miami has won 5 rings and played for 8 since Georgia won their last one.
UGA will be better in 2016 than they were in any of Richts years.

No way they continue to toss UFs salad in the awful SEC Easy

Richt had them at 13-1 and SEC champs when he was calling plays. Surely you don't think Smart will have them beating Bama next year and in the CFP? Because that's what you essentially just said.
Miami has won 5 rings and played for 8 since Georgia won their last one.

Dmoney, I say this with all due respect man, i was talking about the future when I said they could very well win a 'ship before we do...

Their program is very much ahead of where ours is right now...