Poor Georgia...

Congrats, you've done it. The dumbest thread in the history of CIS. I did get a good chuckle so I thank you for that.
Congrats, you've done it. The dumbest thread in the history of CIS. I did get a good chuckle so I thank you for that.

idk. The dude who said we would regret not hiring lane kiffin might’ve taken the cake already for that award
being next to the guy doesnt make you the guy, look at countless bill bellichieck assistants that failed as head coaches, i read this board a lot and havent seen anyone typing those statements in threads, seems like you are trolling for an argument on a non issue, if kirby succeeds at georgia fine, if he doesnt that's fine too, most canes fans i know just want richt to do well at miami and not really concerned with them, you sound like an insecure dawg fan.

58straight would like me to show you the threads?

I knew when writing this post that some would think this was in some way anti-UM...

Did I mention the canes once? Did I write anything about CMR? I mentioned him but did I write about him?

I agree being next to the guy doesn't make u the guy... But Saban is hardly the guy to say that about... Anybody who has a coaching tree littered with guys who are VERY successful AND whom have been handsomely paid because of Nick Saban's success.

Agreed, Kirby Smart hasn't done anything yet but get paid of his success under Nick Saban.

But for you to bring up Bill Belichick as an example!? You are proving my point!

Nick Saban is Bill Belichick's most successful pupil.

I am not a "insecure dawg fan", "trolling for an arguement on a non issue"

I can careless what Kirby smart does at Georgia, and ALL i want is for CMR to succeed because ALL I want is UM back at the top.

But that doesn't mean I ignore what's true...

Go Canes!

You ARE trolling or you make no sense. Long wall of two posts that contradict eachother. You dont care about georgia, didnt talk about miami or richt? Whole thing was about that. Thread is called poor georgia.

Troll or shoulda kept lurking. Good job bye.
I'm just shocked the OP could even write the thread with Saban's ******* covering his face.......
there is very little chance that Smart is an upgrade over Richt.

on the other hand, there is a pretty good chance that Richt has more success at Miami in the ACC than he did at UGA in the $EC.
This is truly a community...


I know this board wouldn't be fun without some of you, but sometimes I swear I wish I could filter some of you fools...

I keep going through threads reading comments like:

"GEORGIA is gonna be begging Richt to come back in 3 years"
"HAHA Those idiots up at GEORGIA don't know what they lost"
"Wait till CMR starts winning trophies, GEORGIA is gonna wish they hadn't fired Richt"

The general sentiment being, Georgia is done for without Richt...

Warning: the following is not intended for those with any sense in their college football mentality, but for those people who just retype what they read in 5 other threads.

What team won last nights championship game... Nick Saban's Alabama Crimson Tide
Who is the highest paid coach in college football at 7+ million a year... Nick Saban
What coach has recruited the #1 class in the nation for the last 5 years, maybe 6 this year... Nick Saban
Who is the "Best" coach in college football... Nick Saban

If Nick Saban is the best, then the guy who probably knows him best is his LONGEST TENURED ASSISTANT.

The University of Georgia just hired that guy to coach their football team.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I think GEORGIA is gonna be just fine...

**** it wouldn't be inconceivable to say that Georgia wins a title before we do.

For those fools that wanna neg me because of that last sentence, neg me if anything I said before that last sentence was wrong.

Go Canes!
And he had enough pull to bring Ala's defensive secondary coach as his defensive coord...
This is truly a community...


I know this board wouldn't be fun without some of you, but sometimes I swear I wish I could filter some of you fools...

I keep going through threads reading comments like:

"GEORGIA is gonna be begging Richt to come back in 3 years"
"HAHA Those idiots up at GEORGIA don't know what they lost"
"Wait till CMR starts winning trophies, GEORGIA is gonna wish they hadn't fired Richt"

The general sentiment being, Georgia is done for without Richt...

Warning: the following is not intended for those with any sense in their college football mentality, but for those people who just retype what they read in 5 other threads.

What team won last nights championship game... Nick Saban's Alabama Crimson Tide
Who is the highest paid coach in college football at 7+ million a year... Nick Saban
What coach has recruited the #1 class in the nation for the last 5 years, maybe 6 this year... Nick Saban
Who is the "Best" coach in college football... Nick Saban

If Nick Saban is the best, then the guy who probably knows him best is his LONGEST TENURED ASSISTANT.

The University of Georgia just hired that guy to coach their football team.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I think GEORGIA is gonna be just fine...

**** it wouldn't be inconceivable to say that Georgia wins a title before we do.

For those fools that wanna neg me because of that last sentence, neg me if anything I said before that last sentence was wrong.

Go Canes!

The lesson from Nick Saban's championship reign is to stop trying to copy Nick Saban - SBNation.com
The only thing I really dont get about this thread is how much conviction you guys have the Smart will fail at Georgia. Is the SEC hate that strong on this forum?
They'll be fine with Smart and he very well may outdo Richt there or against us from now until who knows when nationally. One thing is certain though, we have the easier road to ride on in the ACC than UGA does in the SEC. That may tilt things in our favor or who knows, maybe the pupil has learned a lot from the master.
The only thing I really dont get about this thread is how much conviction you guys have the Smart will fail at Georgia. Is the SEC hate that strong on this forum?

Yes to your last sentence. At every turn people try and blame ESPN for the SEC hype as they call it and all the SEC does is typically end up ahead when they face other conferences. Hype doesn't play teams in the field, real players do.
Ole Miss, Auburn, Ohio State beat Alabama. Clemson should have, minus busted coverage and ST's. Look at what worked for them and use that. LSU and Georgia got destroyed trying to run into the strength of Alabama's defense, instead of trying to spread them out to open up some running lanes and the passing game.
This is truly a community...


I know this board wouldn't be fun without some of you, but sometimes I swear I wish I could filter some of you fools...

I keep going through threads reading comments like:

"GEORGIA is gonna be begging Richt to come back in 3 years"
"HAHA Those idiots up at GEORGIA don't know what they lost"
"Wait till CMR starts winning trophies, GEORGIA is gonna wish they hadn't fired Richt"

The general sentiment being, Georgia is done for without Richt...

Warning: the following is not intended for those with any sense in their college football mentality, but for those people who just retype what they read in 5 other threads.

What team won last nights championship game... Nick Saban's Alabama Crimson Tide
Who is the highest paid coach in college football at 7+ million a year... Nick Saban
What coach has recruited the #1 class in the nation for the last 5 years, maybe 6 this year... Nick Saban
Who is the "Best" coach in college football... Nick Saban

If Nick Saban is the best, then the guy who probably knows him best is his LONGEST TENURED ASSISTANT.

The University of Georgia just hired that guy to coach their football team.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I think GEORGIA is gonna be just fine...

**** it wouldn't be inconceivable to say that Georgia wins a title before we do.

For those fools that wanna neg me because of that last sentence, neg me if anything I said before that last sentence was wrong.

Go Canes!

Georgia will be fine because it's a good program in the 4th best state for recruits.
A very good coach will do some good things there.

No one knows what kind of coach Smart will be.
There are no guarantees.
The secret to beating Saban is not to copy Saban, but copy the teams that BEAT Saban.

Which nobody does consistently or with much success at all, so I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Ground and pound vs Bama= No shot
Passing/Spread offense vs Bama= Gotta shot. Last 4 years Bama is 50-6. Losses were to Ole Miss, OSU, Ole Miss, OU, Auburn and TA&M.
Really good read in the linked article.

This is truly a community...


I know this board wouldn't be fun without some of you, but sometimes I swear I wish I could filter some of you fools...

I keep going through threads reading comments like:

"GEORGIA is gonna be begging Richt to come back in 3 years"
"HAHA Those idiots up at GEORGIA don't know what they lost"
"Wait till CMR starts winning trophies, GEORGIA is gonna wish they hadn't fired Richt"

The general sentiment being, Georgia is done for without Richt...

Warning: the following is not intended for those with any sense in their college football mentality, but for those people who just retype what they read in 5 other threads.

What team won last nights championship game... Nick Saban's Alabama Crimson Tide
Who is the highest paid coach in college football at 7+ million a year... Nick Saban
What coach has recruited the #1 class in the nation for the last 5 years, maybe 6 this year... Nick Saban
Who is the "Best" coach in college football... Nick Saban

If Nick Saban is the best, then the guy who probably knows him best is his LONGEST TENURED ASSISTANT.

The University of Georgia just hired that guy to coach their football team.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I think GEORGIA is gonna be just fine...

**** it wouldn't be inconceivable to say that Georgia wins a title before we do.

For those fools that wanna neg me because of that last sentence, neg me if anything I said before that last sentence was wrong.

Go Canes!

The lesson from Nick Saban's championship reign is to stop trying to copy Nick Saban - SBNation.com