Police raid FSU’s Francois’ apartment

FSU bagman slipping hard. Why does the starting QB have to trap out the dorm?

SMH at the retardation of a young man with million dollar potential trying to hustle about $120 bucks moving reggie. But I love nole f ups so all good.
Police spent 2 months outside his apartment.. searched his garbage 4 times... I hate fsu as much as anyone but holy **** what a waste of tax payer money. Go after the guys selling crack and heroin , you know, the **** that will actually kill you.


Hate FSU and I think Francois is a f*ckboy, but really.

Throw a ticket under his door and tell him to come to court. It was a small amount.

I’m not excusing him or his pregnant gf, neither one of them should be smoking, but that’s a lot of resources to waste by the TPD.
GuYs gUYs, it weed they talking about. It legal in a number of states and after da next NFL collective bargaining agreement, no one gonna get suspended in da NFL for using kush. If a Miami player get popped for kush I would hope reason would prevail there too.
Well yeah. Weed is less harmful than alcohol. But I sure as sht hope our starting QB is able to make better decisions than trappin out the dorm. And then blaming his woman. Gotdam
Sounds like he was dealing but they didn’t catch it.
You don’t collect his garbage and conduct a raid if you didn’t find something. Also found drug test kits, fishy for sure. Lol at Taggert doing it the FSU way, “I had a talk with him” LMFAO
Kill your local heroine dealer. Weed, I'm not so concerned about it.
Agreed. But yo. The QB is the LEADER. If they found me or someone I love with an eighth I'd take the slap on the wrist. I wouldn't blame my pregnant girl foh. Also I know the LEGAL benefits the players get.

There is no reason to move weed on a college campus as a scholarship athlete. Lots of competition and small profit margin. I'd hope my QB is mature enough to avoid that. And if for some reason Malik, Nkosi, Jarren or let's be real, it'd be Cade, decided to move weight I'd hope he'd be bigger than Frank Lucas, moving more keys than Khun Sa in the Golden Triangle. That would show impressive leadership and organizational abilities.
Sounds like he was dealing but they didn’t catch it.
You don’t collect his garbage and conduct a raid if you didn’t find something. Also found drug test kits, fishy for sure. Lol at Taggert doing it the FSU way, “I had a talk with him” LMFAO

Its not really sketchy considering the fact that he could potentially get tested by the NCAA. What kind of drug dealer keeps drug tests laying around? I highly doubt he was dealing. He had 17 grams. Casual smokers in the legal states purchase more than that just for personal use.
GuYs gUYs, it weed they talking about. It legal in a number of states and after da next NFL collective bargaining agreement, no one gonna get suspended in da NFL for using kush. If a Miami player get popped for kush I would hope reason would prevail there too.
Forget about whether in some states it's legal and the NFL gonna do this and that. It speaks to his character as a person in that position in which he can't follow rules and puts his selfishness above the team.

As a QB trying to get to the NFL, it's one of the dumbest things he could do besides actually dealing.
**** they busting there own players the police, I guess they mad the coach black so I expect this throughout the season. **** they raided his crib for a cigarette and a bazooka joe? theres got to be more to this and we will never know
From what they found in his trash, and what they suspected, and what the judge signed off on searching for, it sounds like he was smoking enough weed by himself to convince the cops he was a neighborhood dealer. That's a lot of green for a supposedly randomly tested athlete. I admit to not knowing much about NCAA mandated drug testing. Who administers, and how much warning are players and programs given?
I have no doubt Frenchie was selling also. You dont show up on trolls radar unless someone tell on you.