Player you can't believe didn't do something special in the NFL?

Opened thread to answer Phil Buchanon, but OP said it. Still slightly unclear to me what happened. Electric feet, ball skills, aggressive. Don’t remember if he had wingspan issues, but don’t think so. Something intangible must’ve just not lined up with his situations and opportunities.

Daryl Williams had a nice career, and he even made an All-Pro team, but I thought he’d be a multiple time All-Pro and superstar. One of my favorite, understated Canes.

Darrin Smith also had a long and productive 10+ season pro career, but would likely actually be a more valuable player/LB against today’s offenses than he was back then. Don’t think he ever made a Pro Bowl. Talented dude, perhaps ahead of his time at LB.
Tommy streeter and brandon Harris. Deon bush still has time but running out
Brandon harris. Wow, havent thougjt of that name in ages. Looked like a lock down corner his final year. Surprised he didnt do anything in the league. Guess size caught up to him.
Former 15th overall pick Jerome McDougle.
Good call. Damione Lewis had a solid career but I thought he was going to be a superstar.

Only thing I remember about Jerome was when I thought he broke Eli Manning’s entire body in that preseason game
Lol VT wasn’t even good in College, why would he have been good in the NFL?
Agree. I was thinking of them more in terms of their career at Miami. I remember when we landed those two and thought we had an absolute beast safety combination for years to come. Nope, that wasn't the case at all. My mind drifted off down that road when I heard T-Maq's name mentioned. I didn't think either would be a good pro.
I always thought Lamar Thomas and Horace Copeland BOTH would do better than they actually did. I didn't expect hall of fame, but maybe a lot more productivity.
Good call. Part of the problem assuredly was that both Thomas and Copeland spent a few years with the Bucs in the mid-90s, which was akin to an NFL black hole at the time with atrocious QB play.