per UM: Official Uniforms for Saturday Night

Love the smoke jerseys, don't mind the helmet, but together....not bad but not my favorite. Loved the classic helmet with the smoke but really wanted to see the black.
Bunch of girls in this thread. You've got to be new to college football if you don't know the players, usually senior captains, pick out the garb.

These kids nowadays love the diff combos. Get used to it. I am a traditionalist myself but if they are amped to wear these an put on for their city, then let's get the **** behind it.
"This game is big enough" PLEASE! Stop it with uniforms having any baring what so ever on the performance of our players. Completely and utterless meaningless in regards to how they play. Like them or don't like them. That's all good, however stop acting like its actually going to effect how we perform on saturday.

Hate the Orange helmets. I'm just such a fan of the classic colors. With these uniforms they might as well throw on the black helmets and escort Free Shoes to their funeral.

Well said. I know the board is 50/50 on this, so we're never going to get agreement but put me down for 'this looks like ****'. Some people don't care what they wear, some of us do. I think when you decide what to wear for your wedding or an important job interview you go with your best. You don't go with some alternate look that no one has seen before. This game is big enough that we should be wearing the iconic helmet and the orange/white combo. But clearly Nike thinks differently so we cave to their wishes. Sad.

You mean it doesn't matter if I don't wear my lucky U shirt on Saturday?! Next thing I will hear is there is no tooth fairy...
LOL what a joke man. Christmas ornament helmets almost guarantee we will be destroyed.
Good to know half of the porsters on this board will be arriving to the game via electric wheelchairs and walkers. It's 2014 fellas. Adapt to the times. You boys are acting like if we don't wear the classics Ken Dorsey and Jeremy Shockey won't telepathically make a mid game appearance. The croots love this kind of stuff. Plus these uni's are downright spiffy.
Ahhh I see we are ******* with karma again.......guaranteed blowout loss, ever **** time we wear some *** "flashy" uniform.
People keep bringing up the 2013 V-Tech game like we didn't beat up on Duke with those same smoke uniforms. The "classic white" helmets didn't stop FSU from putting up 40+ on us last year, neither did it stop Duke from hanging 40+ on us last year.
This fan base seems like a bunch of grumpy old men that hate change and only remember the "glory days". Players win games, not uniforms and helmets.
Remember when the Miami fan base complained about Al going away from the green and just using orange and white because of tradition? "We're not Penn State!", they said. Good times.

Now it's all "Alabama doesn't change their uni's!"