Per the Herald, Manny's Response to Kids Looking to Leave SoFlo


Jan 12, 2014
“People recruit against us all the time, ‘Don’t you want to experience something different?’ I tell kids, ‘coming to Coral Gables is as different as whatever Podunk college town a school is trying to sell you on. Don’t think this is 13th grade.’”

Translation: You grew up in South or North Dade not Coral Gables - so you're going to go away to school for the KKKland experience???
This has always made plain sense to me. The Gables campus is a ******* wonderland and you still have access to a giant city. Shoot in and out as you please. It's not like you'll be living or experiencing Miami-Dade as you did as a HS student.
...."Podunk college town" belongs in the Trash Talk Pantheon....Diaz is a scorched earth kind of dude....He's most definitely not bowing and groveling in servile submissiveness to the Alabamas and Georgias of the college football world....Much appreciated and quite enjoyable departure from the Coral Gables status quo....
The more important comments in that piece were his recruiting intentions, not his pitch.

Diaz ... said “whoever wins Dade, Broward and Palm Beach wins the state.... You’ve got to get on the right guys. Down here that’s paramount because there are a lot of good players. There’s guys in the district they’re playing, if they were playing in some other district in the country, they would be a freakin’ seven star recruit. If we cut the crap, there might be four of the top teams in the country playing within five miles of each other.

“We say in our office all the time, imagine this guy playing in this league. If he was playing in the Dallas Metroplex area or wherever, he would have 78 offers. We have to sign the best recruiting class for Miami. I told my coaches we have to be the recruiters of the year for Miami, not for Rivals and 247 [web sites], nothing against those people. It’s just different down here. The way players are evaluated down here is different.”

Hello EVALUATIONS. I have been pointing at this for ages. Access to local talent makes evals more important, not easier. More kids, more choices, same number of spots.

Hello LOCAL FOCUS. I’m sure all the fans who are desperate for us to flip off local kids and increase our focus on Canada and Iran will be devastated by Diaz’s comments. He seems clear that winning local recruiting battles is priority 1.
This has always made plain sense to me. The Gables campus is a ******* wonderland and you still have access to a giant city. Shoot in and out as you please. It's not like you'll be living or experiencing Miami-Dade as you did as a HS student.
It has to be sold, and he’s selling.

He’s right, too. Why go to the panhandle for 4 years if you dnt hve to?
Diaz nails it here. Lived in Miami for a few years after graduating. Miami is all pockets. Gables is different than the Grove is different than Brickell, etc etc etc. You can drive ten miles and be a world away, and that doesn't even touch on Broward or Palm Beach.

Gables is also, to this day, the most beautiful city I've been to in the US. These guys can leave home without really going all that far.
“People recruit against us all the time, ‘Don’t you want to experience something different?’ I tell kids, ‘coming to Coral Gables is as different as whatever Podunk college town a school is trying to sell you on. Don’t think this is 13th grade.’”

Translation: You grew up in South or North Dade not Coral Gables - so you're going to go away to school for the KKKland experience???

"Here was another hurtful factor that Larranaga didn’t mention: UM believed it was on the verge of landing at least three quality recruits before reports surfaced that incorrectly linked Miami to the Adidas scandal. One of those players, four-star Jalen Carey, is a freshman point guard at Syracuse".

WOW :toad:
The head sht talker in charge!!!!
It is what it fcking is. Man ain’t telling no lies.
Best quote from a head coach in forever.
It’s friday too!! Ohh man!! What y’all sippin and smokin on??!!

Welp. Now that I see Manny is talking that ish I'm about to pour 3 fingers of Wild Turkey Rare Breed and start talking ish to everyone in my apartment complex from my balcony
Ho Lee ***!

My balls are swelling with pride.

I’m definitely strutting into Camping World stadium like this:


I'm SURE in the past our approach was to not disparage the college towns or highlight their drawbacks/overratedness but to just sell the positives of Miami.

Alfredo was all about that "Miami is a world class city" shtick but Mister State College surely didn't rip the Podunk towns.

Rick was always going to be associated with being a lover of Athens so he was always going to lack credibility if he went this route- which I'm sure he didn't.

Manny is finally taking the cot**** gloves off.
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