Per a porster on CS..Robert Burns status


Dec 6, 2012
Poster on CS saying to keep an eye on Burns and our staff. May not have been fully honest about his injury and if so could be dropped.

Very interesting...
We not in the position to drop anybody. They like burns I highly doubt that. Miami could possibly be going to spring with only 2 running a backs in Travis homer and walton. So That's definitely not happening
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Certainly one of the most puzzling backgrounds of any recruit that I can remember, and I have friends whose kids played with him at Gulliver.

Very odd.
Kid didn't play the whole year and still was allowed to sign his aid agreement. He misses a meaningless all-star game and now rumors start floating that he wasn't honest. What could he be lying about? The injury was bad enough to keep him out for the year.

edit: As was pointed out he signed that agreement. They can't back out even if they wanted to.

Not surprising that this crap came from rivals.
I am just passing along what an actual legit poster has said. He has brought some information to light on several past occurrences (suspensions etc)

I trust he is not making this up.

Is the grant in aid the same thing Cook did awhile back? Cant they sign that with many schools? All it does is give the school access to them during the dead period?

Lets also note he said to monitor it and that it could happen.
[MENTION=4648]Pete[/MENTION], have you heard anything?
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Didn't he sign the GA? Doesn't that mean Miami has to honer his scholarship?


They do as far as I know. Also, I would be stunned if Burns was able to hide the severity of an injury from Baez. I could understand if it was some out of state recruit.
Good point. With Baez's extensive medical background, Burns would never be able to hide an injury from him.
Poster on CS saying to keep an eye on Burns and our staff. May not have been fully honest about his injury and if so could be dropped.

Very interesting...

This would make sense. I'm not saying it's valid or not. But how did this kid not really see any snaps his senior year. High ankle sprains are bad, but come on. They shouldn't take you out a whole season.
I am just passing along what an actual legit poster has said. He has brought some information to light on several past occurrences (suspensions etc)

I trust he is not making this up.

Is the grant in aid the same thing Cook did awhile back? Cant they sign that with many schools? All it does is give the school access to them during the dead period?
No it ties the school to the recruit and have to honor the scholarship regardless
I am just passing along what an actual legit poster has said. He has brought some information to light on several past occurrences (suspensions etc)

I trust he is not making this up.

Is the grant in aid the same thing Cook did awhile back? Cant they sign that with many schools? All it does is give the school access to them during the dead period?

They can sign the grant in aid with multiple schools. The ball's in the recruits court who sign these papers as the aforementioned school has to then honor his scholarship offer should said recruit decide to enroll at the university.
I am just passing along what an actual legit poster has said. He has brought some information to light on several past occurrences (suspensions etc)

I trust he is not making this up.

Is the grant in aid the same thing Cook did awhile back? Cant they sign that with many schools? All it does is give the school access to them during the dead period?
No it ties the school to the recruit and have to honor the scholarship regardless

I would have to imagine if the school was lied to that they could get out of it? No?****.gif
I am just passing along what an actual legit poster has said. He has brought some information to light on several past occurrences (suspensions etc)

I trust he is not making this up.

Is the grant in aid the same thing Cook did awhile back? Cant they sign that with many schools? All it does is give the school access to them during the dead period?
No it ties the school to the recruit and have to honor the scholarship regardless

I would have to imagine if the school was lied to that they could get out of it? No?

Dude is making crap up.
I am just passing along what an actual legit poster has said. He has brought some information to light on several past occurrences (suspensions etc)

I trust he is not making this up.

Is the grant in aid the same thing Cook did awhile back? Cant they sign that with many schools? All it does is give the school access to them during the dead period?
No it ties the school to the recruit and have to honor the scholarship regardless

I would have to imagine if the school was lied to that they could get out of it? No?

Dude is making crap up.

Thats a possibility I guess but I dont think so. He doesnt post outrageous claims and alot of stuff he has brought over has turned out to be true. He knows someone inside.