People I DON'T Want Representing Us On The Gameday Set

This is Miami and this game is an EVENT. They should end up with some A list people. If the Rock is serious about running for President he better show up.
Lumping Papi in with those other sacks of **** is just wrong! He is a Miami homer through and through that represents all the abuelos down here

It'd be pure opportunistic shtick on behalf of his son- a guy that hasn't been to a game since 1986, is still spreading a narrative that Hard Rock is the worst gameday atmosphere in college football AND has been saying USF and UCF are better than us all year. Yeah, no thanks.

His son is a come pinga! But Papi is good with me and he loves everything Miami
Should be trick daddy.

The Rock would be great too if he came out to his old entrance music and rock bottomed some SEC nerd,





Lumping Papi in with those other sacks of **** is just wrong! He is a Miami homer through and through that represents all the abuelos down here

It'd be pure opportunistic shtick on behalf of his son- a guy that hasn't been to a game since 1986, is still spreading a narrative that Hard Rock is the worst gameday atmosphere in college football AND has been saying USF and UCF are better than us all year. Yeah, no thanks.

That pos was doing it today! also made sure he brought up plenty of dirt like big hit bounty's.
I just HATE that he shows up as some sort of UM authoritie when documentaries are made when in reality he so anti UM.
Literally know next to nothing about UM.
I can guarantee that if this resurgence continues he will once again attach himself to UM.
I'd like Nevin Shapiro to be driven in by armored car, orange jumpsuit, shackles, and all. He'd then waddle up to the Gameday stage and wave to everyone as he prepares to sit down.

The Rock runs out of nowhere wearing his old football uniform and gives Nevin the Rock Bottom. Puts his foot on Nevin's crumpled body and slowly raises his hands forming the U.
The worst is Cobbler Fridge Laz. Fake *** fan became a fan during the Al Golden years..**** out of here fat body
Lumping Papi in with those other sacks of **** is just wrong! He is a Miami homer through and through that represents all the abuelos down here

It'd be pure opportunistic shtick on behalf of his son- a guy that hasn't been to a game since 1986, is still spreading a narrative that Hard Rock is the worst gameday atmosphere in college football AND has been saying USF and UCF are better than us all year. Yeah, no thanks.

That pos was doing it today! also made sure he brought up plenty of dirt like big hit bounty's.
I just HATE that he shows up as some sort of UM authoritie when documentaries are made when in reality he so anti UM.
Literally know next to nothing about UM.
I can guarantee that if this resurgence continues he will once again attach himself to UM.

Not surprising at all. As far as him in the documentaries, that's because Billy Cohen is as big a parasitic fraud too.

And if Mike Ryan Ruiz on that show wants to claim some mantle as defender of UM/real fan then he needs to do a little better job of countering Lebatard's nonsense/outright lies.
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Could be Jimmy Johnson. Easy trip up from the Keys and could fly out after to prep for NFL FOX Sunday show.