P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

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Why didn't Sam Adams and the gang burn up a British ship of the line and instead destroy a companies private property?

Strong point. A crowd of ~15,000 had gathered early in the day, and then at night ~200 went wilding (most dressed as Mohawk Tribe) on the tea cargos of Dartmouth, Beaver, and Eleanor. A few months later (March or April if memory serves) a warehouse in Boston was discovered with tea and they went and partied like Andrew Gillum with a twink, burning it to the ground.

Fun Fact: there were no British SoLs (kudos you know the term) in Boston Harbor at that time
Here's something else to ponder before I personally drive to CIS Headquarters to demand the banishment of the race baiting huckster OP that started this thread:

Unless you believe in massive chronological coincidence and think that Chauvin was going to be charged all along today then how effing inept are the state and us attorneys we saw yesterday? How the eff did they not just essentially justify the destruction last night and prove it to actually be an effective means to at least an initial end? What the eff did they see in the last 12 hrs evidence-wise that allowed for the charges that wasn't already present?
this board and moderators wont like the answer to your question.

Strong point. A crowd of ~15,000 had gathered early in the day, and then at night ~200 went wilding (most dressed as Mohawk Tribe) on the tea cargos of Dartmouth, Beaver, and Eleanor. A few months later (March or April if memory serves) a warehouse in Boston was discovered with tea and they went and partied like Andrew Gillum with a twink, burning it to the ground.

Fun Fact: there were no British SoLs (kudos you know the term) in Boston Harbor at that time
A year earlier the Gaspee was burned in the Narragansett where Warwick is now. Alas, it was not a ship of the line though, it was a revenue cutter.
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Internet rumors now say the cop and the victim worked security together at a club. Seems like internet BS.
Internet rumors now say the cop and the victim worked security together at a club. Seems like internet BS.
Apparently they worked at the same club, but one was inside security, the other was off-duty cop security working outside. They may have crossed paths but it is unlikely that they were acquaintances.
Increase our taxes? Lmao.
On the other part of raising LEO's pay, teachers say hold my beer...
teachers absolutely need to be included in this. But the discussion was specifically about cops so I was staying on point.
No one ever wrote "pay cops to the exclusion of teachers"
Apparently they worked at the same club, but one was inside security, the other was off-duty cop security working outside. They may have crossed paths but it is unlikely that they were acquaintances.
If true it seems like an odd "coincidence"
I don’t care for public figure’s opinion much. Especially issues like this. He’s a public employee, but he doesn’t know **** about ****. I’d rather ask the guy laying asphalt what his opinion is since he’s not a millionaire living a different life than the rest of us.

Hollywood has become especially insufferable. They can take a good cause and morph it into some agenda driven ******* child of what it should be.

Speaking of insufferable, guy who lays asphalt and guy who only takes advice asphalt layers, does asphalt guy have any advice on how I can get a better job so I can earn more money to pay for better advice?
And? What do you think I’m studying dummy...what do you think a criminal justice degree prepares you for? And I wasn’t asking for a waiver.

The fact that Zbroad is a kid and not some grizzled Boomer is blowing my mind.
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I first read this in the 10th Grade, and honestly did not get it. Thought it was about share cropping. America we are reaping in fields we did not sow. I think I understand it better now. It’s like prophecy now. This country has NEVER come to grips with its true history so every uprising seems like lightning out of a clear blue sky. But the sky has been cloudy for generations. No one can claim ignorance anymore, America is on notice. The system is broken.

Poetry on CIS 😳 Nicely done sir.
I can't tell.
Yuk yuk chump.....
I just like calling out absolutist.
The only color i see is green. I'm an outlaw. Don't matter to me in the long run who's in charge and what happens in Minnesota. Im still going to get mine . Keep talking though and pound yourself on the chest majority of the people in the world can care less.
Makes sense buddy, solid logic. Target didn't save them so burn down and rob from a store in your own neighborhood...… :jordan: :jordan: :jordan:

Not the looters fault they didn't put armed security around the store, it's not like they can't afford it. But keep making it about the looters instead of the conditions that lead up to the protesting and looting.
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