Our non-conference schedules for 2022 and beyond

Hold My Beer

CANE up in heah
Mar 10, 2021
This is how it looks for the rest of the decade per FBschedules.com


Sept. 3: Bethune-Cookman
Sept. 10: Southern Mississippi
Sept. 17: @Texas A&M
Sept. 24: Middle Tennessee

Sept. 2: Miami of Ohio
Sept. 9: Texas A&M
Sept. 23: @Temple
TBA: opponent TBD

Aug. 31: @ Florida
Sept. 7: FAMU
Sept. 14: Ball State
TBD: @Notre Dame

Sept. 13: USF
Sept. 20: Florida
TBD: Notre Dame
TBA: opponent TBD

Sept. 12: FAMU
Sept. 19: BYU
Sept. 26: Central Michigan
TBD: South Carolina

Sept. 4: @USF
Sept. 11: South Carolina
TBA: opponent TBD
TBA: opponent TBD

Sept. 2: @BYU
Sept. 9: USF
TBD: Notre Dame
TBA: opponent TBD

Sept. 1: Auburn
Sept. 15: Temple
TBA: opponent TBD
TBA: opponent TBD

1. In 2024 and again in '25, we'll play UF and FSU and Notre Dame. THAT is how you schedule at The University of Miami. On top of everything, that's just about the time CMC should have the Canes runnin' hotter than fish grease (y)(y)(y)

2. ND in 24, 25, 28 (and '31, '32 and '34). Some (not me) would say that ND is one of our "big three" rivals. Regardless, great to have them on the schedule on a semi-regular basis

3. Texas A&M (2022 and '23), South Carolina (2026 and '27) and Auburn ('2029 and '30). We're located in this part of the country. We recruit against the SEC all the time. We need to play at least one SEC school every single season.

4. A two-for-one series with USF (home in '25 and '28 sandwiched around a trip to Tampa in '27) 😐. Not real big on playing USF or UCF, but something like this every 15 or 20 years isn't the end of the world. But no home-and-homes or lower-level meaningless bowl games with those schools like the idiot Gators got suckered into with UCF.

5. We still got openings in '23, '25, '27, '28 and '29 that almost certainly are gonna be filled by a I-AA opponent. Hope DanRad and CMC do the right thing and schedule either Bethune-Cookman or FAMU. No reason whatsoever to give that $500,000 check to an out-of-state FCS school

6. We host Miami of Ohio in 2023. That's gonna be confusing as **** for some of us lower end CIS posters :LOL:
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This is how it looks for the rest of the decade per FBschedules.com


Sept. 3: Bethune-Cookman
Sept. 10: Southern Mississippi
Sept. 17: @Texas A&M
Sept. 24: Middle Tennessee

Sept. 2: Miami of Ohio
Sept. 9: Texas A&M
Sept. 23: @Temple
TBA: opponent TBD

Aug. 31: @Florida
Sept. 7: FAMU
Sept. 14: Ball State
TBD: Notre Dame

Sept. 13: USF
Sept. 20: Florida
TBD: Notre Dame
TBA: opponent TBD

Sept. 12: FAMU
Sept. 19: BYU
Sept. 26: Central Michigan
TBD: South Carolina

Sept. 4: @USF
Sept. 11: South Carolina
TBA: opponent TBD
TBA: opponent TBD

Sept. 2: @BYU
Sept. 9: USF
TBD: Notre Dame
TBA: opponent TBD

Sept. 1: Auburn
Sept. 15: Temple
TBA: opponent TBD
TBA: opponent TBD

1. In 2024 and again in '25, we'll play UF and FSU and Notre Dame. THAT is how you schedule at The University of Miami. On top of everything, that's just about the time CMC should have the Canes runnin' hotter than fish grease (y)(y)(y)

2. ND in 24, 25, 28 (and '31, '32 and '34). Some (not me) would say that ND is one of our "big three" rivals. Regardless, great to have them on the schedule on a semi-regular basis

3. Texas A&M (2022 and '23), South Carolina (2026 and '27) and Auburn ('2029 and '30). We're located in this part of the country. We recruit against the SEC all the time. We need to play at least one SEC school every single season.

4. A two-for-one series with USF (home in '25 and '28 sandwiched around a trip to Tampa in '27) 😐. Not real big on playing USF or UCF, but something like this every 15 or 20 years isn't the end of the world. But no home-and-homes or lower-lever meaningless bowl games with those schools like the idiot Gators got suckered into with UCF.

5. We still got openings in '23, '25, '27, '28 and '29 that almost certainly are gonna be filled by a I-AA opponent. Hope DanRad and CMC do the right thing and schedule either Bethune-Cookman or FAMU. No reason whatsoever to give that $500,000 check to an out-of-state FCS school

6. We host Miami of Ohio in 2023. That's gonna be confusing as **** for some of our lower end CIS posters :LOL:
I can't wait for 2026...to not have to travel to see my Canes AND rub in a victory here in Soda City! (Columbia sc)
This is how it looks for the rest of the decade per FBschedules.com


Sept. 3: Bethune-Cookman
Sept. 10: Southern Mississippi
Sept. 17: @Texas A&M
Sept. 24: Middle Tennessee

Sept. 2: Miami of Ohio
Sept. 9: Texas A&M
Sept. 23: @Temple
TBA: opponent TBD

Aug. 31: @Florida
Sept. 7: FAMU
Sept. 14: Ball State
TBD: Notre Dame

Sept. 13: USF
Sept. 20: Florida
TBD: Notre Dame
TBA: opponent TBD

Sept. 12: FAMU
Sept. 19: BYU
Sept. 26: Central Michigan
TBD: South Carolina

Sept. 4: @USF
Sept. 11: South Carolina
TBA: opponent TBD
TBA: opponent TBD

Sept. 2: @BYU
Sept. 9: USF
TBD: Notre Dame
TBA: opponent TBD

Sept. 1: Auburn
Sept. 15: Temple
TBA: opponent TBD
TBA: opponent TBD

1. In 2024 and again in '25, we'll play UF and FSU and Notre Dame. THAT is how you schedule at The University of Miami. On top of everything, that's just about the time CMC should have the Canes runnin' hotter than fish grease (y)(y)(y)

2. ND in 24, 25, 28 (and '31, '32 and '34). Some (not me) would say that ND is one of our "big three" rivals. Regardless, great to have them on the schedule on a semi-regular basis

3. Texas A&M (2022 and '23), South Carolina (2026 and '27) and Auburn ('2029 and '30). We're located in this part of the country. We recruit against the SEC all the time. We need to play at least one SEC school every single season.

4. A two-for-one series with USF (home in '25 and '28 sandwiched around a trip to Tampa in '27) 😐. Not real big on playing USF or UCF, but something like this every 15 or 20 years isn't the end of the world. But no home-and-homes or lower-lever meaningless bowl games with those schools like the idiot Gators got suckered into with UCF.

5. We still got openings in '23, '25, '27, '28 and '29 that almost certainly are gonna be filled by a I-AA opponent. Hope DanRad and CMC do the right thing and schedule either Bethune-Cookman or FAMU. No reason whatsoever to give that $500,000 check to an out-of-state FCS school

6. We host Miami of Ohio in 2023. That's gonna be confusing as **** for some of our lower end CIS posters :LOL:
@Temple in 2023?? Are you ******* kidding me? BJ should have been fired simply on that atrocity alone. Rad should call them up and tell them we're not coming and they have two options: 1-come play us here; or 2-**** off and lose our phone number.
This isn't NCAA Football on the PS3 where you have 4 name programs on your OOC slate every year. The perfect Miami OOC Schedule is as follows(4 OOC games per season assumed)

1 Rent A Victim(FCS, preferably a Florida HBCU)
1-2 Solid P5/High end Midmajors
1 Name Opponent(SC, UF, Notre Dame, etc)

That ensures that you have a challenging OOC slate , but it isn't suicide either.

I also have no problem with Miami going up to Appalachian State , Toledo or Temple and playing. If a FBS team is willing to come to Miami, Miami should be down to pay them a visit eventually. Never mind the fact that it's ***** made to always want to stack the deck in your favor, it makes financial sense. Why pay for someone to come down twice, when you know that the fans won't show up, when you can save that money, go up to their house and beat their *** anyway? It also honors our heritage, we were once that program that wanted a chance. I have no problem with Miami repaying the favor. If Miami is competently managed, those games should still be beatdowns.
Depending on how the Big XII shakes out with the playoff renewal, UCF may soon truly be on the same level as Miami, FSU, and Florida as far as being in a "Power 5" conference. It will be interesting to see if college football politics will keep the Big XII as a Power 5 conference or if it will reduce to a Power 4 and the Big XII becomes the AAC part II.
@Temple in 2023?? Are you ******* kidding me? BJ should have been fired simply on that atrocity alone. Rad should call them up and tell them we're not coming and they have two options: 1-come play us here; or 2-**** off and lose our phone number.

all that nicksplat GIF
This isn't NCAA Football on the PS3 where you have 4 name programs on your OOC slate every year. The perfect Miami OOC Schedule is as follows(4 OOC games per season assumed)

1 Rent A Victim(FCS, preferably a Florida HBCU)
1-2 Solid P5/High end Midmajors
1 Name Opponent(SC, UF, Notre Dame, etc)

That ensures that you have a challenging OOC slate , but it isn't suicide either.

I also have no problem with Miami going up to Appalachian State , Toledo or Temple and playing. If a FBS team is willing to come to Miami, Miami should be down to pay them a visit eventually. Never mind the fact that it's ***** made to always want to stack the deck in your favor, it makes financial sense. Why pay for someone to come down twice, when you know that the fans won't show up, when you can save that money, go up to their house and beat their *** anyway? It also honors our heritage, we were once that program that wanted a chance. I have no problem with Miami repaying the favor. If Miami is competently managed, those games should still be beatdowns.
Agreed, but as an old school guy, playing FSU, UF, and ND each year would be the ultimate.
@Temple in 2023?? Are you ******* kidding me? BJ should have been fired simply on that atrocity alone. Rad should call them up and tell them we're not coming and they have two options: 1-come play us here; or 2-**** off and lose our phone number.

3-And for chrissakes, make Temple pay back every last buyout dollar it cost to bring Al Golden and Manny Diaz to Miami.
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“Some (not me) would say that ND is one of our "big three" rivals.”

Notre Dame

Top 3 rivals. No team outside this list exceeds history and hatred for these schools.
A lot of people would agree with you, too

I got:

Rivals: FSU/UF

Way down the list in no particular order are those unlikeable programs such as Notre Dame, Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan, SEC schools, soon-to-be SEC schools (OU, UT), quasi-SEC schools (Clemson) and finally the football wanna-be's like UNC, VT, UCF, USF and so on.