OT:World Cup

Athleticism isn’t the most important trait in soccer. Technical skills, knowing where to be and when to be there, and instincts are all much more important. Athleticism helps, but it is worthless without the other thingsz

USA teams are known for being quite athletic, but not very good technically.

I’m well aware. I’ve played all my life. If you think that Michael Bradley and Landon Donovan are at the top of of the athletic food chain in the US then I don’t know what to tell you.
Please explain why the most played youth sport in American isn’t getting world class results. We have great facilities coaching nutritional and training standards.
Another problem is that kids in other countries are playing barefoot on concrete and dreaming of becoming the next superstar to take their family out of a favela or garbage dump ghetto.
But we have a bunch of middle class kids crying cause they don’t have 200$ cleats. Travel soccer ain’t for broke kids. Soccer doesn’t have bag men or 7 on 7/AAU coaches getting broke off to take a poor kid across the country for a tournament. But they should cause its 100% legal. Problem is mls ain’t paying nba or nfl money and European teams are only just starting to have academies in the US and even those cost a lot of money.
I always get a laugh out of people who think soccer is for pussies or that it's anything but difficult. It's a lot easier to throw a ball, catch one, and so it at a fairly competent level than it is soccer.
I always get a laugh out of people who think soccer is for pussies or that it's anything but difficult. It's a lot easier to throw a ball, catch one, and so it at a fairly competent level than it is soccer.

To do anything at an elite level is difficult. It doesn't make the people that perform it any less of a *****.
The US has the best athletes in the world. Unfortunately none of them are playing soccer. If our best athletes played we would be a problem.
Over half the team out there would be running 4.3 forty’s down the field and jumping 37” verts on corner kick headers. I know that skill and touch have great deal to do with the game. But no excuse for a dude like Messi to be outrunning everybody.

One thing the US always has is golkeepers. If you need dude that’s 6’4 230 can jump and is going to charge a defender, we got a bunch of those dudes.
If all the kids that played football or ran track would play soccer they’re would be a lot of millionaires in sofla.

Our best players play club football overseas...the Julien Greens, Christian Pulisic, Fabian Johnson, Yedlin, etc. Europe has the academies and the infrastructure to build and polish great young talent. ****, even Bradley, Dempsey, and Donovan went overseas when they were in their primes.
Soccer players are some of the most if not the most well conditioned group of athletes across all sports. Believe it or not, Tennis players are possibly a close second.
Doesnt brazil always have all the five star croots?
Naw, thats France.....When i was a kid, a Frenchman was a white guy, their national squad is littered with African all stars. But all teams do it now.

Pic below is from 2006 i believe.....none of those dudes look like Napoleon. lol

They aren't good technically because we have some of our worst pro athletes playing the sports. I wasn't being sarcastic when I said the kids that play soccer are the ones that couldn't play a skill position in football. My coach used to point to the soccer team all the time and say to the kids acting like pussies. If you want to be a ***** go join those foot **** over there. If Kyrie Irving, Isiah Thomas, Lebron, D Rose, Marshawn Lynch, Saquan Barkley, Giuce, Chris Harris, Marcus peters, etc. all played soccer growing up and America funded soccer teams instead of AAU and 7 on 7 teams we would absolutely obliterate every other country just like every sport we actually play. Just look at the UFC when America didn't care about it the Brazilians dominated then when America got involved(and we still don't have our elite athletes playing) we began to dominate. We have all but 2 of the championship belts and Brazil has 0.
I disagree with that. Think of the way IMG has a sports academy for football: kids go to school and eat, live and breath sports. It's pretty much the only one of its kind in America, where as Europe have these type of academies all over, and grabbing these kids from the age of 7. If America decided to do that for soccer, go grab these kids from these urban area, give their parents a quick 80k a year with the best education, yea, I guarantee the talent pool would drastically change. But with like most sports, you have to get them when they're young. ****, I can say the same thing about US being great at Rugby if we decided to put the best athletes in that sport. It's not about American arrogance, it's just about the pool of talent to draw from, and I'm glad that punk *** generation of players that lost world cup qualifier are done. Sorry *** dudes!
They aren't good technically because we have some of our worst pro athletes playing the sports. I wasn't being sarcastic when I said the kids that play soccer are the ones that couldn't play a skill position in football. My coach used to point to the soccer team all the time and say to the kids acting like pussies. If you want to be a ***** go join those foot **** over there. If Kyrie Irving, Isiah Thomas, Lebron, D Rose, Marshawn Lynch, Saquan Barkley, Giuce, Chris Harris, Marcus peters, etc. all played soccer growing up and America funded soccer teams instead of AAU and 7 on 7 teams we would absolutely obliterate every other country just like every sport we actually play. Just look at the UFC when America didn't care about it the Brazilians dominated then when America got involved(and we still don't have our elite athletes playing) we began to dominate. We have all but 2 of the championship belts and Brazil has 0.

I don’t think you understood my comment. We haven’t been good at soccer not because our players are not athletic - they’re plenty athletic. Theyre bad technically. Being a good athlete (running fast, jumping high, being strong) does not mean you will be good technically.

I agree that academies that attract kids early so that could learn the technical skills they need would result in having a better nations team. No question. But that has nothing to do with athleticism.

The US is the sleeping giant in soccer.

I believe Pulisic, Weah, Sargent and a few other youngsters will make us a threat in 2026.
Naw, thats France.....When i was a kid, a Frenchman was a white guy, their national squad is littered with African all stars. But all teams do it now.

Pic below is from 2006 i believe.....none of those dudes look like Napoleon. lol

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That pic is recent. More like 2016.

Agree with your comments.

Brazil has the best starting 11, and it is not even close.

France is second.
I read once that basketball was the most cardio-intense sport. I don't remember where I read it except that it was in America, so soccer probably wasn't considered.

I’ve played both basketball and soccer. I’d say they’re similar in terms of cardio intensity, but basketball has the edge there.
Our best players play club football overseas...the Julien Greens, Christian Pulisic, Fabian Johnson, Yedlin, etc. Europe has the academies and the infrastructure to build and polish great young talent. ****, even Bradley, Dempsey, and Donovan went overseas when they were in their primes.
yes but you need even more talented players than them. Their not playing at Barcelona and Juventus. pulisic is a young star and the best player imo we’ve ever had and he’s still a youngster. But we need a lot more players at elite levels. Brazil and Argentina have tons of 12 and 13 year olds at academies all over Europe and in their own leagues. All the pro teams have academies that are basically 8-12 grade soccer schools and they’re all competing for a spot on one team.
When mls starts paying close to nfl money we will see a lot of us superstars.
I think basketball is higher aswell. Basketball players are much better athletes too.

The top basketball players under 6’5” would be great soccer players.

I disagree on the athleticism. The top soccer players in the world are very athletic - jumping and running, specifically.

On speed, Bale and Messi probably run sub 4.30 40s, though pure speed is less essential in soccer because you never ever run in a straight line. Change of direction and agility combined with ball control are more important.

Take a look at Ronaldo and Bale’s bycicle kicks in the Champions League and tell me that’s not athleticism.
yes but you need even more talented players than them. Their not playing at Barcelona and Juventus. pulisic is a young star and the best player imo we’ve ever had and he’s still a youngster. But we need a lot more players at elite levels. Brazil and Argentina have tons of 12 and 13 year olds at academies all over Europe and in their own leagues. All the pro teams have academies that are basically 8-12 grade soccer schools and they’re all competing for a spot on one team.
When mls starts paying close to nfl money we will see a lot of us superstars.

Exactly right. The money is the key here.
I’ve played both basketball and soccer. I’d say they’re similar in terms of cardio intensity, but basketball has the edge there.

I would disagee due to the breaks and you don't have anywhere near the same distance travelled.

Don't get me wrong, basketball is no slouch, but there's a reason why you don't see players with that height running track and field. Your body isn't meant to do that at that size.

Water Polo, cross country skiing, wrestling, and a few others take mare cardio than most anything. ****, rowing, rugby, Australian rules, and toss in iron men or ultra runners.

Lots of sports require high endurance. They aren't all interchangeable either. Anywhere there's greater muscle mass and size though, endurance will be an issue. I was a collegiate soccer player and any sport was easy endurance wise. One that actually gave me shin splints was sand volleyball. I never got into baseball, but any other sport I could hang with varsity level athletes with ease. I just preferred soccer.