OT: "unsurvivable" storm surge projected to hit Lake Charles, La.

I work here in the oilfield. We were working a rig near Mexican waters. We along with the rest of the fleet had to move or come to port. The estimated surge was 4’-7’ we got 2 in Fourchon. I have the night watch so I was up watching the weather sensors and the weather channel and never saw the wind get over 110 but did see that HUGE wave height at that rig offshore. All the sensors are reading 110 but they’re steadily saying 150. Long story short being from Miami and being pretty close to this situation I think there was a lot of exaggerating. The area it hit is almost uninhabited and is pretty much at sea level all the way to lake Charles. It should’ve been worse if it was a 150mph. There were trailers standing untouched in Lake Charles! Man I’m from the Redlands and lived in Lauderdale I’ve seen what a 1-2 does to a trailer park and it’s a **** of a lot worse than what I’m seeing. You also have to remember half the **** scattered around the roads and yards were there before the storm. This is Louisiana... it just looks like that.
I work here in the oilfield. We were working a rig near Mexican waters. We along with the rest of the fleet had to move or come to port. The estimated surge was 4’-7’ we got 2 in Fourchon. I have the night watch so I was up watching the weather sensors and the weather channel and never saw the wind get over 110 but did see that HUGE wave height at that rig offshore. All the sensors are reading 110 but they’re steadily saying 150. Long story short being from Miami and being pretty close to this situation I think there was a lot of exaggerating. The area it hit is almost uninhabited and is pretty much at sea level all the way to lake Charles. It should’ve been worse if it was a 150mph. There were trailers standing untouched in Lake Charles! Man I’m from the Redlands and lived in Lauderdale I’ve seen what a 1-2 does to a trailer park and it’s a **** of a lot worse than what I’m seeing. You also have to remember half the **** scattered around the roads and yards were there before the storm. This is Louisiana... it just looks like that.
They overestimate the winds on nearly every hurricane these days. Satellite imaging (Windy) and ground speed data never matches up with what the Weather Channel claims.
One of every “core” species. Like...two horses that eventually become zebras, deer, elks, etc.. Or say a lion that spawns cheetah, puma, leopards, etc.. Not too far fetched at all. Species change based on climate, what it’s trying to eat and what’s trying to eat IT. Bible is accurate...
Man imagine the mystical powers it would take for you to stop a "source" lion from eating a "source" zebra!
Imagine finding where to house ALL the Oceans animals...Lol....What did they have on the Ark....Seaworld??....smfh that people believe in this nonsense....
imagine a guy with God on his side.
Imagine 2 of every type of animal not meaning two of every single type of animal on Earth.I seriously doubt Noah went to Australia, grabbed a pair of kangaroos, dealt with the flood, then went and put them back.
I work here in the oilfield. We were working a rig near Mexican waters. We along with the rest of the fleet had to move or come to port. The estimated surge was 4’-7’ we got 2 in Fourchon. I have the night watch so I was up watching the weather sensors and the weather channel and never saw the wind get over 110 but did see that HUGE wave height at that rig offshore. All the sensors are reading 110 but they’re steadily saying 150. Long story short being from Miami and being pretty close to this situation I think there was a lot of exaggerating. The area it hit is almost uninhabited and is pretty much at sea level all the way to lake Charles. It should’ve been worse if it was a 150mph. There were trailers standing untouched in Lake Charles! Man I’m from the Redlands and lived in Lauderdale I’ve seen what a 1-2 does to a trailer park and it’s a **** of a lot worse than what I’m seeing. You also have to remember half the **** scattered around the roads and yards were there before the storm. This is Louisiana... it just looks like that.
It turned East at the last second so that it did not send the surge up river towards Lake Charles. Cameron/Lake Charles got saved about 2M of storm surge by maybe 10 miles east of landfall. Max surge in the populated areas was only 11', but a few miles east (where it's just swamp) got the 15'+ surge.
Imagine 2 of every type of animal not meaning two of every single type of animal on Earth.I seriously doubt Noah went to Australia, grabbed a pair of kangaroos, dealt with the flood, then went and put them back.
All those Animals got along as well...even though most were Predators against each other....Lol
Imagine 2 of every type of animal not meaning two of every single type of animal on Earth.I seriously doubt Noah went to Australia, grabbed a pair of kangaroos, dealt with the flood, then went and put them back.
Where was Moses when you needed him to part the Ocean, so Noah could maneuver his Dune buggy to Australia and back??....Friggin Moses always late to the party....
Where was Moses when you needed him to part the Ocean, so Noah could maneuver his Dune buggy to Australia and back??....Friggin Moses always late to the party....
I just don't get taking things literally. Assuming these events happened, they were relayed orally between generations. Facts shift, things get forgotten or embellished., then when it's put into writing hundreds or thousands of years after the fact, it's a great story, but precision is not quite there.
I just don't get taking things literally. Assuming these events happened, they were relayed orally between generations. Facts shift, things get forgotten or embellished., then when it's put into writing hundreds or thousands of years after the fact, it's a great story, but precision is not quite there.
Put "Millions" of Animals on an Ark that was supposedly 500' long, is so ridiculous, I honestly don't know where to start...But hey....to each his own...
One of every “core” species. Like...two horses that eventually become zebras, deer, elks, etc.. Or say a lion that spawns cheetah, puma, leopards, etc.. Not too far fetched at all. Species change based on climate, what it’s trying to eat and what’s trying to eat IT. Bible is accurate...
So that would be evolution right?
Imagine finding where to house ALL the Oceans animals...Lol....What did they have on the Ark....Seaworld??....smfh that people believe in this nonsense....
Your arrrow heads are like dinosaur bones CIO.
They were out there by the devil.
Dinosaur bones are one big conspiracy theory put out by atheist to discredit god.
The Bible is literal when religious people like something in it and it’s to be interpreted when you can’t figure it out or disagree with it.
In other words it’s like a buffet.
Put "Millions" of Animals on an Ark that was supposedly 500' long, is so ridiculous, I honestly don't know where to start...But hey....to each his own...
Two of every animal was actually bring all your livestock and make sure there's a breeding pair of each.
They overestimate the winds on nearly every hurricane these days. Satellite imaging (Windy) and ground speed data never matches up with what the Weather Channel claims.
I think they get their wind speeds at high levels in the storm. Once you get down to ground level the winds are never as strong. Here in Panama City during Michael we had gusts in the 150’s, but steady winds were 110-120 in most places, and Michael was listed as a CAT 5.