OT: "unsurvivable" storm surge projected to hit Lake Charles, La.

I think they get their wind speeds at high levels in the storm. Once you get down to ground level the winds are never as strong. Here in Panama City during Michael we had gusts in the 150’s, but steady winds were 110-120 in most places, and Michael was listed as a CAT 5.
I kinda thought that the way they were talking. With that said look at the devastation on Mexico Beach/East PC/Marianna even freaking Georgia then look at those pictures. Cameron is a small oilfield port with a few buildings, cows and a pink dolphin on the lowest land in the country and shyts still standing. NOTHING was standing north of Hwy 20 in Michael. It’s just not the same game. It’s sad but they really exaggerated
Leave me alone....i'm busy talking to a Burning Bush....I'll be down from the Mountain soon enough....
Let me know when you find that section in Genesis where it talks about putting a giant aquarium in the ark for all those fish that can’t survive in the water outside the ark.
I kinda thought that the way they were talking. With that said look at the devastation on Mexico Beach/East PC/Marianna even freaking Georgia then look at those pictures. Cameron is a small oilfield port with a few buildings, cows and a pink dolphin on the lowest land in the country and shyts still standing. NOTHING was standing north of Hwy 20 in Michael. It’s just not the same game. It’s sad but they really exaggerated
Like I said before, Mike Mike was another beast, Mike Mike was a Cat 6 or better.
The only thing inaccurate about this description is the 'redneck' part. Lake Charles is full of cajuns and coonasses. Other than that, spot on post.
My favorite accent in the country. Impossible to imitate.
Let me know when you find that section in Genesis where it talks about putting a giant aquarium in the ark for all those fish that can’t survive in the water outside the ark.

lol fish cant survive in additional water ? scrubs thinking they're intellectuals ITT
I did, but your still talking...
I see. I don’t play the “I’m rubber, you’re glue...” back and forth game like you seem to want to do.

If you want to have a real conversation about how you’re mad at God and the Bible because you don’t want to have to answer to anyone in the end for how you’ve chosen to live your life, then let me know and we’ll talk.
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I see. I don’t play the “I’m rubber, your glue...” back and forth game like you seem to want to do.

If you want to have a real conversation about how you’re mad at God and the Bible because you don’t want to have to answer to anyone in the end for how you’ve chosen to live your life, then let me know and we’ll talk.
I need absolutely no lessons on how to live my life....I've done pretty **** good on my own......
@Silver King .....BOOM...I done did good....
Same F-ing Feeder Creek off the Withlacoochee....Didnt have my Phone on me for a In-Situ shot.....Found yesterday...Buddy of mine owns a House within walking distance...Crazy thing is...Same material as the one I found weeks ago that I posted...Black River Stained patina...11,000yr old Simpson Point....My buddy could not believe it...He was like.."Not inviting you no more"...Lol...although...he found a pretty nice one as well...This is a Grade 10 Museum Quality Paleo Artifact....Made my entire week...