OT: Tampa Bay Times says Jameis Winston is guilty of sexual assault & Bucs should cut him


All-ACC (#1 most reproted porster on CIS)
Feb 7, 2013
OT: Tampa Bay Times says Jameis guilty of sexual assault & Bucs should cut him

Tom Jones, Tampa Bay Times Sports columnist says:

“The NFL specifically said that it found his victim to be "credible." It said Winston touched her in a "sexual manner without her consent."

That's the exact definition of sexual assault.

So I'll repeat what I wrote last week: the Bucs should cut ties with Winston immediately.

No conversations. No meetings. Just do it.”

To be honest, I’m surprised they’ve gone out on this limb. That’s the hometown newspaper and the newspaper of record for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Hey, Bucs, there’s no more benefit of the doubt with Jameis Winston
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NFL teams keep talking about not wanting to be associated with this type of sht but they also keep drafting guys like this. This story is completely unsurprising if you've paid any attention to his college career. If only teams had the budget to look into a guy's past before drafting him.
Unfortunate situation but this guy clearly has a problem that he keep putting himself in these situations. He’s embarrassing his family and has had several cases of him allegedly doing sexual acts to females without their consent. I wanted to root for Jameis when he got to the bucs but I can’t root for a guy like that period
Unfortunate situation but this guy clearly has a problem that he keep putting himself in these situations. He’s embarrassing his family and has had several cases of him allegedly doing sexual acts to females without their consent. I wanted to root for Jameis when he got to the bucs but I can’t root for a guy like that period

Sorry, the problem is that he's embarrassing his family? So it's totally not that he's a rapist? All good to grope women as long as it doesn't come out and embarrass his family.

And I won't even touch the part where you wanted to be able to root for him.
Fück the Bucs & Dolphins...there is only 1 true football team in Florida...and that's Da U (Sarcasm, yet serious?!)
Wow, a “news writer” taking a hard stance!!!?? Hot takes??? Not in 2018!!!!
Sorry, the problem is that he's embarrassing his family? So it's totally not that he's a rapist? All good to grope women as long as it doesn't come out and embarrass his family.

And I won't even touch the part where you wanted to be able to root for him.
I just Said hes committing sexual acts to women without their consent which is sickening and In the process yes he is embarrassing his family with all of these antics he has caused since he’s been at FSU. I cant Respect people who commit any type of misconduct against women period. It’s a sad situation

And quit making it more than what is, Ben rothleisburger actually committed rape against a woman and got off yet people root for him. Yet you try to make me look like a bad guy because I said he’s embarrassing his family and that he committed misconducted against women and that I cant root for a guy like that(hes still on the team as of now) . FoH with that nonsense man
I know we havent picked up his option yet so it’s a good chance that once his contract is up, he’s outta here
I just Said hes committing sexual acts to women without their consent which is sickening and In the process yes he is embarrassing his family with all of these antics he has caused since he’s been at FSU. I cant Respect people who commit any type of misconduct against women period. It’s a sad situation

And quit making it more than what is, Ben rothleisburger actually committed rape against a woman and got off yet people root for him. Yet you try to make me look like a bad guy because I said he’s embarrassing his family and that he committed misconducted against women and that I cant root for a guy like that(hes still on the team as of now) . FoH with that nonsense man

Thanks Captain Hero! Without you, how would we know what’s ok and what isn’t?
Tom Jones is a troll. He was clamoring for Winston to be cut even before the NFL released their statement. He doesn't care about the evidence he just wants a sensationalized story to get national pub.
I just Said hes committing sexual acts to women without their consent which is sickening and In the process yes he is embarrassing his family with all of these antics he has caused since he’s been at FSU. I cant Respect people who commit any type of misconduct against women period. It’s a sad situation

And quit making it more than what is, Ben rothleisburger actually committed rape against a woman and got off yet people root for him. Yet you try to make me look like a bad guy because I said he’s embarrassing his family and that he committed misconducted against women and that I cant root for a guy like that(hes still on the team as of now) . FoH with that nonsense man

I don't root for Rothlesburger because he's a Steeler, but if he weren't I still wouldn't because he's a rapist. Don't tell me that because other people ignore one guy's raping I can't condemn another guy's raping. Rapists are bad. All of them.

As for rooting for him or not, I very clearly said I wasn't going to comment on that. What I implied was that he went to fsu so you shouldn't have even considered rooting for him even if he weren't a rapist. Which he is.
I don't root for Rothlesburger because he's a Steeler, but if he weren't I still wouldn't because he's a rapist. Don't tell me that because other people ignore one guy's raping I can't condemn another guy's raping. Rapists are bad. All of them.

As for rooting for him or not, I very clearly said I wasn't going to comment on that. What I implied was that he went to fsu so you shouldn't have even considered rooting for him even if he weren't a rapist. Which he is.

Because he went to FSU? So did Derrick brooks and Warrick Dunn(Hes a great person in the community) , and I’ve rooted for them too once they played for the bucs