OT: Sumlin will be exposed as a corch this year


Dec 21, 2012
not that it is a secret but expect things in College Station to go back to normal for them. Sumlin struggled last year in the SEC with 3 first rounders on the roster along with a defense that made ours look good at times. Certainly, he has recruited well in the last couple of years but he is a guy that has created his path with Case Keenum and Johnny Football with not much else to back it up.
I agree...the SEC will take a step back this year.....but it will be hard to tell when they just play each other
gotta agree, though he wont be going anywhere at least after this year because he has the first year QB excuse for him, to be honest i dont think he is that good of a recruiter, hes in texas and in the SEC plus texas taking a dump the last couple of years, hes been riding the momentum of johnny football, though he does have a lot of talent on the offensive side of the ball, that defense was god awful
Whaaaaa? This dude can actually coach a little bit? He has a system that is QB friendly....it's plug and play.
I doubt we will see him fail. The man was killing it at university of Houston. Honestly Texas A&M was a joke. Before he came and I thought they wouldn't stand a chance in the SEC but he keeps finding Goldmine QBs.
His defense will stink it up again but you could also say he created the path for keenum and JF. Playing in the sec west doesn't help with all the talent he lost
A&M is going 7-5 this year. Their defense is weak, and they will have to rely on young talent in too many key positions. Also, their best defenders got suspended.
He's a genius because he's at TAMU. If he was here, he'd be a bum. Their defense made ours look like the 85 Bears last year.

And he took over a roster loaded with 1st round picks. Sherman was a **** corch, but that dude stockpiled 1st rounders out of his butt.
I doubt we will see him fail. The man was killing it at university of Houston. Honestly Texas A&M was a joke. Before he came and I thought they wouldn't stand a chance in the SEC but he keeps finding Goldmine QBs.

He didn't find Johnny Fvckball. Sherman did. Pretty sure he inherited Keenum from Art Briles at Houston too.
Some of you might need to go check his resume. , he's been HC , oc and qb coach of an impressive list of qb's . He's a great offensive mind. , with a really qb friendly offense.
I don't think they'll have much of a drop off. He can coach and most definitely recruit.[/QUOTE

His recruitment got better because they joined the SEC? D side of the ball reminds me of ours and makes me want to puke too. We will see if he can coach now that his golden boy is gone. IMO they will lose 5 games or more
gtfoh with that ****. I don't care what the **** you guys want to say. He went to Tuscaloosa and beat Bama, and almost beat them 2 years in a row. Sorry, their defense was atrocious but they don't get embarrassed by every school that doesnt play option and who is not 1AA. No D is the real Corch. Give me Sumlin and send Golden and No D to TAMU. They play against teams with endless budgets and hold their own. 7-5 in that division is like 10-3 in ours. They have recruited really well the past few years, I strongly believe their D will be much better. And their D was terrible under Sherman as well.