OT: Ole Miss v MSU

season 4 ifc GIF by Portlandia
Want to know something absolutely bananas? Both the coaches on the sidelines have pleaded for the UM job. Leach every single time the job came open and Kiffin, right now, would drive straight from Starkville to Miami if offered the job.

Tom Jurich would the AD job if offered and he would bring Rick Pitino, whose team was the first ever in the MAAC to beat a top 10 team. So close to being good in multiple sports yet still so far.
I find it hard to believe that if Mario didn't play here more people would still want him over Lane
Apparently he would change the culture here. What knowledge anybody in Miami has about the culture in the Oregon program I don't know. But anytime they're compared that generally gets thrown out there. You know he yells and is an ex-OL and OL coach so he'd bring this "hard-nosed, tough disciplined(Oregon gets penalized a ton) culture change".

People crush Lane for job hopping but still reference that Mario wanted and would've taken the Miami job when Manny got hired. You know, a year after getting the HC job at Oregon. So the only reason Mario didn't pull a Lane Kiffin is because Blake didn't call him.
Want to know something absolutely bananas? Both the coaches on the sidelines have pleaded for the UM job. Leach every single time the job came open and Kiffin, right now, would drive straight from Starkville to Miami if offered the job.
And neither guy is getting it.
Want to know something absolutely bananas? Both the coaches on the sidelines have pleaded for the UM job. Leach every single time the job came open and Kiffin, right now, would drive straight from Starkville to Miami if offered the job.

this is what is blowing my mind, this guy has basically said he will come here for wal mart type salary. People think this dude just wanna up and leave in 3 years? riddle me this, why would he be willing to come like he is if that were the truth?
I find it hard to believe that if Mario didn't play here more people would still want him over Lane
If his name was Mark Christiensen & wasn’t a former Cane, our BOT wouldn’t even know who he was lol

I think he’s done a very good job at Oregon too, but the Miami biases are glaringly obvious in this situation.

And honestly, I’m not even mad at that, because it’s to be expected. Of course a former player having great success at another program would make our fans have him in high demand, it’s within the same ballpark as Michigan fans fawning for Harbaugh when he was a Stanford & San Fran or UGA fans wanting Kirby Smart after his tutelage under Saban.

Even though I’ve been very vocal about not being as high on Mario as most, I actually think he’d still lift us to a more respectable level, where I have questions is what he would do with the offense because I believe what he wants to do would take longer to translate & we might have some early growing pains.

My issue isn’t even really with fans, Mario is a very good & almost too good to be true no brainer candidate, I just wonder if the new money guys who are commandeering control over the program are willing to give anyone else a chance, or if it’s just a Mario or no one proposition. The familial ties seem too deep to overcome in that situation.

I just hope it works in our favor if Mario is the guy, because if not, we’re gonna be stuck with him for a long time...