OT: NFL Draft

Is Trey Wingo contractually obligated to mention alabama and lick their assss every 200 words he says?

no but he is contractually obligated to spew a bunch of obsolete information and sob stories after every pick. I literally had to hear about how guys were f*cking cub scouts...and his smug face whilepreaching about stuff is toooo anoying. This years draft coverage is baaadd...you know its bad when Kiper just looks like he doesnt want to be up there with them..while they are talking about everything other than how a guy plays football
no but he is contractually obligated to spew a bunch of obsolete information and sob stories after every pick. I literally had to hear about how guys were f*cking cub scouts...and his smug face whilepreaching about stuff is toooo anoying. This years draft coverage is baaadd...you know its bad when Kiper just looks like he doesnt want to be up there with them..while they are talking about everything other than how a guy plays football
I genuinely think they're trying to market to a broader audience thinking guys will be watching with their wives. This is what's happening all over ESPN and it's a HORRENDOUS approach, IMO. The guys who are watching the draft on a Saturday afternoon more likely told their wives to F OFF and don't care to hear these whiney stories. Give your audience what they want and stop freakin' giving us what you think we need. Riddick is the one who looks to me like he wants to flip over the set. Guy just wants to talk about football and fit. That's what most of us want to hear, too.