OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

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Gotdam homie you did griping about it like it’s a chore for you

Fam..I replied to a post that criticized others for having amnesia about atrocities that happened to white folks...I replied with no one forgets as we have remembrances for the Holocaust and 9/11 every single year.
MF talking like he was with Key in battle when he wrote it.

Abusers defend abusers and racists defend racists..
Key was on a British ship negotiating a prisoner swap when the battle began and he watched the entire thing from the deck. He wasn't sitting home on his cotton plantation just randomly making **** up.
The hireling and the slave was an ode to a 1791 Robert Burns poem about the Scottish battles with the English

"For hireling traitor's wages.
The English stell we could disdain,
Secure in valour's station;
But English gold has been our bane-
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!"

It is an almost direct reference to Burns's account of the British practice of hiring traitors and conscripting slaves and rogues and forcing them to fight for the crown against the Scottish rebellion.
Key was on a British ship negotiating a prisoner swap when the battle began and he watched the entire thing from the deck. He wasn't sitting home on his cotton plantation just randomly making **** up.
The hireling and the slave was an ode to a 1791 Robert Burns poem about the Scottish battles with the English

"For hireling traitor's wages.
The English stell we could disdain,
Secure in valour's station;
But English gold has been our bane-
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!"

It is an almost direct reference to Burns's account of the British practice of hiring traitors and conscripting slaves and rogues and forcing them to fight for the crown against the Scottish rebellion.

He sure wished he was home with his slaves bc that's exactly what he was referring to.

FOH with this make believe ****.

That MF was a racist, slave owner who made a song about it...Fck him
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Key was on a British ship negotiating a prisoner swap when the battle began and he watched the entire thing from the deck. He wasn't sitting home on his cotton plantation just randomly making **** up.
The hireling and the slave was an ode to a 1791 Robert Burns poem about the Scottish battles with the English

"For hireling traitor's wages.
The English stell we could disdain,
Secure in valour's station;
But English gold has been our bane-
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!"

It is an almost direct reference to Burns's account of the British practice of hiring traitors and conscripting slaves and rogues and forcing them to fight for the crown against the Scottish rebellion.
Butthurtt^^^ you’ve said you’re done 18 times now 😂
He sure wished he was home with his slaves bc that's exactly what he was referring to.

FOH with this make believe ****.

That MF was a racist, slave owner who made a song about it...Fck him
Whatevs. You go on looking for a boogeyman under every rock because you know the “truth,” that F.S.Key was trapped on an enemy ship during wartime writing poems about being home beating his slaves.

I’ll stick to the “make believe ****” that he was writing a poetic account of the battle he was watching.
Whatevs. You go on looking for a boogeyman under every rock because you know the “truth,” that F.S.Key was trapped on an enemy ship during wartime writing poems about being home beating his slaves.

I’ll stick to the “make believe ****” that he was writing a poetic account of the battle he was watching.

I know the history of his ancestors and his off spring.....you can't fool me at all.
I know the history of his ancestors and his off spring.....you can't fool me at all.
Neither his ancestors nor his offspring have anything at all to do with the meaning of that song, and the fact that slavery was once a legal and accepted practice all over the globe in which nearly every race of men has participated on both side, does not mean all white people or the institutions of America are inherently racist and irreparably so.

I’m not trying to fool you. You beat me to it.
Neither his ancestors nor his offspring have anything at all to do with the meaning of that song, and the fact that slavery was once a legal and accepted practice all over the globe in which nearly every race of men has participated on both side, does not mean all white people or the institutions of America are inherently racist and irreparably so.

I’m not trying to fool you. You beat me to it.

Are you devoid of logic? No one can be this ridiculous.

This MF owned slaves, as a U.S. Attorney he fought to suppress abolitionists, his father and grand father owned slaves, as a US Attorney, he indicted the great Ben Lundy........and you want me to believe that he wasn't referring to "slaves" during that passage of your national anthem?

You want me to ignore his upbringing and his entire history and really believe in that one moment he wasn't referring to slaves although he clearly says the word "slave" and rhymed it with "grave".

Neither his ancestors nor his offspring have anything at all to do with the meaning of that song, and the fact that slavery was once a legal and accepted practice all over the globe in which nearly every race of men has participated on both side, does not mean all white people or the institutions of America are inherently racist and irreparably so.

I’m not trying to fool you. You beat me to it.
Wait what? I thought the United States invented slavery
Are you devoid of logic? No one can be this ridiculous.

This MF owned slaves, as a U.S. Attorney he fought to suppress abolitionists, his father and grand father owned slaves, as a US Attorney, he indicted the great Ben Lundy........and you want me to believe that he wasn't referring to "slaves" during that passage of your national anthem?

You want me to ignore his upbringing and his entire history and really believe in that one moment he wasn't referring to slaves although he clearly says the word "slave" and rhymed it with "grave".

Even if he was, which he wasn’t, referring to chattel African slaves, it doesn’t make the song itself racist. He actually drew an equivalency between the hired man and the slave saying that neither would be spared the grave.

Furthermore, it doesn’t make any **** sense to the rest of the song to all of a sudden switch from describing a battle to insert some gibberish about hired hands vs slavery.

It’s so completely obvious to anyone not predisposed to look for racism in everything that he was referring to both hired and conscripted—meaning forced to fight with no pay and against their will—soldiers, and only used the word slave precisely because it rhymes with grave.
Even if he was, which he wasn’t, referring to chattel African slaves, it doesn’t make the song itself racist. He actually drew an equivalency between the hired man and the slave saying that neither would be spared the grave.

Furthermore, it doesn’t make any **** sense to the rest of the song to all of a sudden switch from describing a battle to insert some gibberish about hired hands vs slavery.

It’s so completely obvious to anyone not predisposed to look for racism in everything that he was referring to both hired and conscripted—meaning forced to fight with no pay and against their will—soldiers, and only used the word slave precisely because it rhymes with grave.

Yes he was...he could not get it off of his mind that's how racist that MF was. He's fighting the British and collecting prisoners of war yet he's making songs of which he's talking about slaves.

This same MF was the leader of the ACS and trying to send Africans back to Africa, represented slave owners in court who wanted their slaves back....all of his racist history and you still want me to believe your BS.

It amazes me that you people can see dead people, UFO's, aliens, big foot, the loch nest monster but not racism.
LMFAO!!!!! Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahah FOH
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