OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

He burned himself in the First season saving the commander of the nights watch from the whitewalker that was lit on fire.
"Imma let you finish. I'm happy for TD and Westworld and The Sopranos, and though I think GOT is better than all three, The Wire is the best HBO series of all time" (channeling Kanye)

Separately, I hope Arya, wearing the face of Jaime, chokes the life out of Cersei, fulfilling the prophecy.
HBO really stepped it up over the last few years with True Detective, Westworld, Young Pope & Thrones.

I thought they would never top The Wire & Sopranos, I still think those are the 2 best, but they've come close with a few of these newer series.

Although I fully admit, I liked Westworld & TD more than Thrones.

Thrones is #1 bar none. Boardwalk Empire was classic, and check out The Leftovers when you starving for new content. You've never seen anything like it.

1) GOThrones
2) Breaking Bad
3) The Wire
HBO really stepped it up over the last few years with True Detective, Westworld, Young Pope & Thrones.

I thought they would never top The Wire & Sopranos, I still think those are the 2 best, but they've come close with a few of these newer series.

Although I fully admit, I liked Westworld & TD more than Thrones.

Thrones is #1 bar none. Boardwalk Empire was classic, and check out The Leftovers when you starving for new content. You've never seen anything like it.

1) GOThrones
2) Breaking Bad
3) The Wire

4. Power

I love my Sundays.
If u start the u is the white walkers we asleep for awhile n we recruit the best from our turf

Think you picked the wrong group. We probably want to be on the same side as the dragon lady. I don't see the white walkers winning in the end.

I don't see either winning in the end. I'm so sick of Daenerys, her storyline has been dragging on and on, on some feminist ish by the writers. She was cool the first few seasons and the last tho.

Bran is gonna tame those dragons and the White Walkers with his mind (worg) powers.

Arya is gonna put in major work and somebody (probably Sansa) better kill Littlefinger because he is the biggest threat on the show next to Cersei.

Starz writing is still not close to HBO's. I continuously **** my family off by guessing what is currently going on, on Power despite only watching 3 episodes ever. Very predictable plot and writing. We've all seen Power before just different names. If you watch HBO shows, you know the difference.

HBO needs to renew The Night of!!!
HBO really stepped it up over the last few years with True Detective, Westworld, Young Pope & Thrones.

I thought they would never top The Wire & Sopranos, I still think those are the 2 best, but they've come close with a few of these newer series.

Although I fully admit, I liked Westworld & TD more than Thrones.

Thrones is #1 bar none. Boardwalk Empire was classic, and check out The Leftovers when you starving for new content. You've never seen anything like it.

1) GOThrones
2) Breaking Bad
3) The Wire

4. Power

I love my Sundays.

Sopranos & Boardwalk Empire are light years ahead of Power as well. Watch those shows and see the difference in quality story telling and acting.
HBO really stepped it up over the last few years with True Detective, Westworld, Young Pope & Thrones.

I thought they would never top The Wire & Sopranos, I still think those are the 2 best, but they've come close with a few of these newer series.

Although I fully admit, I liked Westworld & TD more than Thrones.

Thrones is [URL=https://www.canesinsight.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=1]#1 [/URL] bar none. Boardwalk Empire was classic, and check out The Leftovers when you starving for new content. You've never seen anything like it.

1) GOThrones
2) Breaking Bad
3) The Wire

4. Power

I love my Sundays.

Sopranos & Boardwalk Empire are light years ahead of Power as well. Watch those shows and see the difference in quality story telling and acting.
Actually, The Sopranos should be #1 on any list. Rewatched it last year and was stunned by how incredible it still is. Still has shocking moments. Literally changed not just television, but entertainment in general.
Power has been awesome! Starz has upped their shows. Game of Thrones may be HBOs best show of all time. Last True Detective with Vince Vaughn was garbage, but Westworld was insane!

You speak the truth. The first season of True Dectective was a master peice . The 2nd season wasn't as bad as people say but they made it far to complicated just for the sake of being complicated which was stupid . Breaking bad is the greatest show of all time but Game of thrones is right there. Legion on FX is fantastic as well.
Get the **** outta here with threads like these man wtf

Don't read it if you don't want to. Free forum and clearly people are interested in it. Clearly states"OT" in the title. I don't bust on you for your stupid "hot takes" or the fact that you lied and didn't delete your account after you lost that bet last year.
Get the **** outta here with threads like these man wtf

Don't read it if you don't want to. Free forum and clearly people are interested in it. Clearly states"OT" in the title. I don't bust on you for your stupid "hot takes" or the fact that you lied and didn't delete your account after you lost that bet last year.

don't you tell me my business again
Good first episode, opening was epic. I figured this would be a set-up type of episode. I enjoyed most of it outside of that ridiculous Ed Sheeren scene.

On another note, first season of TD is all time classic
Gendry for king. You heard it here first, folks.

he's definitely coming back this season.
Only living Baratheon. He's gunna wreck some fools with his fathers war hammer.
But he doesn't have a good claim or any supporters. Jon and/or Dany 99% chance, with like a 0.00001% chance little finger sneaks his *** on the throne.

Not the first time hearing or thinking about Gendry's possible claim.

Dany's head is gonna fly, it has to.

Don't sleep on LittleFinger. He is definitely the Joker card and I'm justifiably worried about him lol
Gendry for king. You heard it here first, folks.

he's definitely coming back this season.
Only living Baratheon. He's gunna wreck some fools with his fathers war hammer.
But he doesn't have a good claim or any supporters. Jon and/or Dany 99% chance, with like a 0.00001% chance little finger sneaks his *** on the throne.
Yeah I'm hoping Gendry and Arya meet back up. That would be awesome.

Cant believe that scene with the Giants. Wun Wun bummed me out.

Wun wun wasn't in that scene with the WWs. Those were just 3 other Giants.
It sucks but at least they don't have giant ice spiders or an ice dragon....at least not yet...Dany is 100% losing a dragon this season. Idk if someone will steal it (Euron?), It will just choose to follow someone else (Jon, Tyrion, Bran?), Or if it will die (perhaps joining army of dead?)
Somehow it will get out that Jon Snow isn't just a Stark, he's a Targaryan. Wonder if he'll be resistant to fire too?

Not really a somehow. Its simple. Right now there are 2ppl who know of his identity - Bran, and Howland Reed (Meera and Jojens dad). I guess there's also an outside chance LittleFinger knows as well (rewatch the scene where he and Sansa are in the crypt, he doesn't seem convinced Lyanna was raped). Bran will definitely tell Jon and the rest of the northern Lord's, who will likely send for Howland Reed to confirm. My guess though is after bran tells Jon, Jon will go to the crypt and find something in his mother's tomb that Ned Stark hid away proving his true identity; possibly a signed letter from Ned confirming he's Jahaerys Targaryan.

Also Jon definitely isn't fire proof. He's been burned. In fact Targaryan aren't supposed to be fire proof. That's something the show just did with Dany.
If u start the u is the white walkers we asleep for awhile n we recruit the best from our turf

Think you picked the wrong group. We probably want to be on the same side as the dragon lady. I don't see the white walkers winning in the end.

I don't see either winning in the end. I'm so sick of Daenerys, her storyline has been dragging on and on, on some feminist ish by the writers. She was cool the first few seasons and the last tho.

Bran is gonna tame those dragons and the White Walkers with his mind (worg) powers.

Arya is gonna put in major work and somebody (probably Sansa) better kill Littlefinger because he is the biggest threat on the show next to Cersei.

Starz writing is still not close to HBO's. I continuously **** my family off by guessing what is currently going on, on Power despite only watching 3 episodes ever. Very predictable plot and writing. We've all seen Power before just different names. If you watch HBO shows, you know the difference.

HBO needs to renew The Night of!!!

Danys story is boringish because they had to have her wait so long to come to Westeros. And now that she's coming, she seems invincible that she has 3 Dragons, a Dothraki army, and Unsullied army, A fleet of around 1k ships including some of the best Greyjoy ships, and commands like the 2nd best sellsword army.
This season she's Gunna lose some pieces.

Bran won't be able to skinchange/Warg into the WWs. Into a Dragon I can see happening, after all he will fly....it really is to bad they didn't stick to the books when it comes to warging, because Jon and Arya both have strong warging abilities. Actually all the Stark children have the ability at some level, (remember Rickon was in the crypts because he also saw Ned die just like Bran). In the books Arya knows when the faceless man is coming when shes blind because she sees from the eyes of a cat. And Jon definitely is able to Warg with Ghost. In the book when he's betrayed, the last thing he says is "Ghost". It's why most ppl believe he wargs into Ghost B4 lady Melisandre saves him...but that's just the book I guess.