OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

HBO really stepped it up over the last few years with True Detective, Westworld, Young Pope & Thrones.

I thought they would never top The Wire & Sopranos, I still think those are the 2 best, but they've come close with a few of these newer series.

Although I fully admit, I liked Westworld & TD more than Thrones.

I want what u smoking lib
Lol... Thrones is cool, I just like those other shows a little better.
I have never watch this show, been thinking about it for a while so I think I'm going to start on the first season pretty soon

**** dog u dont know what u missing man

Best show ive ever seen....today like the superbowl for my ***

Igot mad heads over for this **** show......best story writing of all time and throws u so many curve balls not a typical show

Personally think the quality has fallen off a cliff the last two seasons. Coincides with them diverging from the books.

I'll watch it all the same though, I'd like to know how it ends.
This has what to do about Canes Football? The only throne I'm interested in is the one that means you're on the top of College football.
This has what to do about Canes Football? The only throne I'm interested in is the one that means you're on the top of College football.

One would presume you would recognize this is not a "Canes Football" thread by the "OT".

Neighbor let their dog crap in your yard again didn't they?
Show is basura

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GOT is one of the greatest TV series of all time. I didn't read the books or pretend to understand all the nuances of this hyper complicated story.

But, when you watch the opening credits and listen to the music, man, it's the closest thing to "gametime" I can imagine. Game is on.

My kids (grown) razz me:

* when the Canes are about to come on TV, I straighten out the room, clean things up, get my beverage and ask for quiet. Game face is on. No distractions allowed.
* similar prep for Games of Thrones. In my seat and ready. Delicious Napa Cab in hand. My kids prohibit me from texting them until Tuesday after the Sunday evening broadcast. They don't want any spoiler alerts in case they couldn't see the show live. Only The Sopranos had this status.

Fans of GOT, enjoy yourselves tonight! Winter is here.
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If u start the u is the white walkers we asleep for awhile n we recruit the best from our turf

Think you picked the wrong group. We probably want to be on the same side as the dragon lady. I don't see the white walkers winning in the end.

Yea I'll take those 3 playmakers she's running plays with.Dont see anyone's defense stopping those three..

I wouldn't bet on the white walkers losing this war. With the way Martin has ..................
Killed off or devastated pretty much every clan, factions, or circle, I wouldn't put it past him to have the Winter destroy everything.
Pretty good episode but I would expect the others to have a little more action. The dragon lady is about to go off!
Here's what's hated... ******* massive storm clogged out my directv while I was dvr'ing the show. I hope I can catch the encore.
Bruh Arya ****ed the Freys *** raw dawg then bailed.

Other than that though, this episode was a typical boringish premier. The other 6 episodes are going to be awesome as **** though.

Next episode Boutta have a bran reunion and after arya gets nymeria back, she'll head up north too.